St Francis will provide a child safe environment where all children have the right to be treated

with respect and will be protected from harm.

Educating the Whole Child for Today and Tomorrow.

A school community that recognises learning is natural, creative and ongoing.

Dear Parents and Carers,

The sun was shining for our annual Cross Country event yesterday. The day begun with the announcement of the Sports House Captains who are:

  • Lanigan (Green): Adam Brooks & Sophie Halden
  • Walsh (Blue): Brodie Armstrong & Logan Daniel
  • Banyard (Yellow): Charlie Dietrich & Sophie Creer-Pope
  • Keily (Red): Ryan Dealy & Will Trower

Congratulations students, I am sure you will be great leaders.

The Cross Country event involved all students from Foundation to Grade 6. They showed a tremendous amount of resilience and stamina as they conquered the course, with everyone participating to the best of their ability and supporting each other during the day. It was great to have parents volunteer to help out with timing and marshaling of the students, andthank you to those who attended to cheer on the children.Well done to Rosemary Johnson, Veronica Williams and the staff for organising day and preparing the course.

At the conclusion of the Cross Country, Keily (Red) was the house that ended up on top, winning the day, followed by Banyard (Yellow), Lanigan (Green) and Walsh (Blue). Congratualations to all students for your efforts. Presentations for the winners of the Cross Country and induction of the House Captains will occur at the first assembly in Term 2.

Stations of the Cross: St Francis and St Mary of the Angels students came together to celebrate the Easter Liturgy today, led by Fr. Michael. The students were active participants in readings and watched the St Mary of the Angels students act out the readings from Holy Week. Thanks to Chris Dalton and Veronica Williams for organising the event.

Volunteers Induction: A volunteers induction session was conducted at St Francis this week. All volunteers need to watch the presentation and fill in an induction pack, available from our website / Our School / Volunteers in Catholic Schools or the front office. .

School Board Meeting: The next school board meeting is on Tuesday 17th April @ 6:30pm

Survey Monkey Thanks to families for filling in the surveys sent out last week. We received a large response from both surveys with your thoughts and ideas noted. Members of the School Board and parents will work together to further investigate possibilities moving forward in Term 2.

I would like to wish all families a safe, restful and relaxing Easter break and hope you enjoy your time together. Good luck to your footy and netball teams as the local competitions begin.

Have a great holiday break.

Matt Knight


School Sign In: Our new electronic system (iPad) is up and running in the front office to sign

students in when late, or signing out when leaving school early. This system allows us to track/record all absences and movements of students. This will replace the manual sign in books.

School Fees and Direct Debit: School fee notices were sent out a few weeks ago. I would be grateful if these could be attended to in a timely manner. If payment presents a problem, then please contact me. For those who elect to make payments via our bank account, here are our bank account details:

BSB - 083 543

Account No: 479763404

Reference: Student Name

First Aid: Staff at St Francis are trained in Level 2 First Aid. Any time a student has needed first aid, we will send a first aid slip home to inform parents. All injuries are taken seriously by staff, particularly any injury to the head. When a child sustains an injury anywhere in the head region, parents are notified immediately and expected to have their child checked by a doctor. Our training tells us that a child can obtain delayed concussion or worse if not detected. Better to be proactive than sorry!

Medication: We can only dispense labelled Prescription medication or medicines supplied to students with a letter signed by the parent, along with a signature from your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any over the counter medication such as Panadol, Cough Medicine, Hayfever medication, creams etc… School Medication forms are available from the admin area at school.

Child Safe Standards: The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect. The school website lists the St Francis Child Safe Standards and Policies at