Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on natural Resource Tourism and Service Management, 14 – 16 April 2015
Template Guidelines for Preparing the Extended Abstract for The International Conference on Natural Resource Tourism and Service Management
NurulHikmah Z.1, Siow May Ling¹,and Ahmad S.²
1Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra Malaysia
²Institute of Agriculture and Food Policy Studies (IKDPM), Universiti Putra Malaysia
This guideline is prepared as a guide for author(s) in preparing the extended abstract for the International Conference on Natural Resource Tourism and Service Management, to be held on 14 – 16 April 2015 at the Le Méridien, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Author(s) are advised to strictly follow this guideline. Failure to do so may result in the paper being rejected for publication in the conference proceeding. The abstract should not be more than 250words. (Times new roman; Font, 12; single spacing). Title in the abstract will be in Times new roman; Font, 14; followed by the author/s name and affiliation will be Times new roman; Font, 11.
Keywords: Natural resource, Tourism, Service, Paper, Research(5 maximum)
1.0General requirements
Papers should be prepared using Microsoft Word, formatted on an A4 size paper. The font type to be used is Times New Roman. The font sizes are as follows: (a) 14 for Title, (b) 12 for the text of the abstract, the keywords, and text for table(s), and (c) 11 for thetext of the author(s) affiliation and remainder of the text.
Please also provide 5 (maximum) keywords immediately after the abstract. Each of the keywords is to be italicised.
2.1 General Format
Please note the following requirement:
- that there is an 6 pages upper limit on the length of each paper,
- Times New Roman
- do not insert page number,
- paragraphs should be prepared in single spacing
- no indention for new paragraph
- two spacing gaps between paragraphs
- sections heading should be numbered numerically and bold
- sections sub-heading should be numbered numerically but not bold (as per sample).
2.2Page Set-Up
The margins for the documents is 2.54 cm on the top, bottom, left and right, while the header is to be set at 1.67 cm and the footer set at 1.27 cm.
2.3 Header
Sample header is given in this template and should read:
Proceedings of the International Conference on natural Resource Tourism and Service Management, 14 – 16 April 2015.
In order to adjust the header format, go to the Page Set-up and under the Layout tab, un-tick the “different odd and even” option and tick the “different first page” option.
Header should appear on the second page onwards. Header font size is 8.
2.4 Figures and tables
All figures and tables must observe the followings:
- be numbered and captioned. The number must be in bold. The caption is set at tab 2.5 cm and justified (see example).
- numbering and caption of figures and tables are to be positioned on top of the figures and tables. If the caption runs into the second and third line, the second and third line must be indented at 2.5 c.m,
- no borders are allowed for the Figures,
- figures should not run more than half page,
- all Figures and Table are to be centered,
- it is advisable that Figures are prepared in colors,
- text for Tables are set at size 10. Any notes that follow the Figures and Table are set at font size 10. See the sample below.
Figure 1: Map of Tun Sakaran Marine Park in Semporna, Sabah
Source: google
Note: TSMP covering 340 sq kilometers of sea and corals reef and 10 sq kilometers of land
Table 1: Tourist’ Arrival for Semporna, Sabah
Year / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012Domestic visitors / 21,187 / 39,072 / 83,571 / 57,830 / 58,965 / 152,797 / 146,468
Source: Sabah Park, Malaysia.
2.5 Acknowledgements
If included, this section should be placed immediately after the conclusion and before the endnotes. Font size to be used is 10-point, regular.
2.6 Footnotes
Footnotes are notallowed,instead use endnotes, numbered numerically. The font-size for endnotes is 10-point.
2.7 References
The reference style of manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA Publication Manual, 6th ed. Reference text should be font size 11, (see sample, below).
Journal article:
Nato, T. (2011). Forest Recovery Efforts in The Eastern Amazon Rainforest.Journal of Forest Science, 1 (3), 312-317.
Faridah-Hanum, I. and Khamis, S. (2004).A guide to the common plants of Ayer Hitam Forest, Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Selangor, Malaysia: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
More than one author:
Abdul Latib, S., A. S. Nor Aini, A. H. Hazandy, and A. Kamis. (2007). 18 month-old growth performance of four selected important Acacia species provenance trial. Malaysian Forester 70(1), 1-11.
Conference Proceedings:
Pott , R. (2007). Tropical Rainforests and Forest Degradation: The global loss of biodiversity. In Majid N. M. et al., (eds.) The International Symposium on rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems 2011 (pp. 185-188). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Penerbit UPM
In an edited work:
Sahil, S. B. (2007).Tomography application advising in ASEAN. In V. P. Shesiah and W. R. John (Eds.) A comprehensive handbook of Forest Engineering (pp. 1-10). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: University Press.
Electronic source:
University Putra Malaysia. (1997, May). Final report: Experiencing Ecotourism Adventure in Malaysia. Retrieved May 23, 2011 from