California State University, Long Beach

Health Care Administration Program

HCA 312 – Health Personnel Management * Fall 2011

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California State University, Long Beach

Health Care Administration Program

HCA 312 – Health Personnel Management * Fall 2011

Instructor: Yvonne Rockwood, MBA/MHA
On Campus:
Office Hours: Tues after class or by appt.
Office Location: ET 101
Cell Phone: 424-903-9081 / Section: Sec 01 14402
Class Meets: Tuesdays. 4pm – 6:45
Location: Room: HSD 111
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill,
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886

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HCA 312 – Health Personnel Management * Fall 2011

Catalog Description

The management of human resources in health care setting. Principles and methods of personnel work such as employee recruitment, selection, retention, training, evaluation, and wage and salary administration and labor management relations.

B. Teaching/Learning Objectives

Students who have completed the course should obtain the following skills, knowledge and/or abilities:

Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) /
Describe basic HR management functions of employee recruitment, selection, retention, training, evaluation, and wage and salary administration and labor management relations. / 5 / Human Resource Management / Aplia on-line Problem Set assignments (A2,A3)
Apply tools, techniques and resources available to assist HR personnel in their roles. / 5 / Human Resource Management / ICE's (A1, A2, A3), In Class Exercises
Describe recent developments that impact the workforce in a healthcare setting. Define solutions to challenges. / 4 / Healthcare Personnel / Presentation and write up (A1,A2,A3)

C. Required Text:

Electronic Text on-line: Managing Human Resources Aplia Card (B), Bohlander Copyright 10, Edition 15, ISBN 978-0-538-75726-3

*Additional required cases and articles might be provided by the instructor posted on Beachboard and/or distributed in class.* (If you miss a class lecture it is your responsibility to procure materials distributed.)


Week # - Date / Topic / Reading, Activities & Deliverables*
1  Session 1
Tues Aug 30th / Introduction, course overview: organization, goals, expectations and assignments / Introductions
Session 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Review syllabus
Student information sheets
2  Session II
Tues, Sept 6th / The Challenge of HR Management
Strategy and Human Resources Planning / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 1 & 2
Aplia On-Line Assignment(s) Week 1 & Week 2
In Class Exercise
3  Session III
Tues, Sept 13th / EEO and HRM / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 3,
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 3
In Class Exercise
4  Session IV
Tues, Sept 20th / Job Analysis, Employee Involvement and Flexible Work Schedules / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 4
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 4
In Class Exercise
5  Session V
Tues, Sept 27th / Expanding the Talent Pool: Recruitment and Careers
Employee Selection / Prior to Class read: Chpt 5 & 6
Aplia On-Line Assignments Week 5 and Week 6
In Class Exercise
6  Session VI
Tues, Oct 4th / Training & Development / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 7
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 7
In Class Exercise
7  Session VII
Tues, Oct 11th / Mid Term / Study
Be Prepared to share: Presentation Topic
8  Session VIII
Tues, Oct 18th / Appraising and Improving Performance / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 8
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 8
In Class Exercise
9  Session IX
Tues, Oct 25th / Managing Compensation
Pay-for-Performance / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 9 & Chpt. 10
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 9 and Week 10
In Class Exercise
10  Session X
Tues, Nov 1ST / Employee Benefits / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 11
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 11 (part 1)
In Class Exercise
11  Session XI
Tues, Nov 8th / Safety & Health / Prior to Class Read: Chpt. 12
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 11 (part 2)
In Class Exercise
12  Session XII
Tues, Nov 15th / Employee Rights and Discipline / Prior to Class read Chpt. 13
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 12
In Class Exercise
13  Session XIII
Tues, Nov 22nd / The Dynamics of Labor Relations / Prior to Class read: Chpt. 14
Aplia On-Line Assignment Week 13
In Class Exercise
14  Session XIV
Tues Nov 29th / Presentations / Prepare & Study
15  Session XV
Tues, Dec 6th / Presentations & Final Exam / Final Exam

**Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced in class, via email and on the Beachboard. It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.

D. Other Requirements:

·  E-mail address and Internet access to use the online BeachBoard course software system. If you have trouble with registration, contact the CSULB Technology Help Desk by phone at 562-985-4959 via e-mail at or in-person at the North Campus Center. NOTE: Use Internet Explorer as your browser for BeachBoard

·  Registration and familiarity with Aplia (electronic textbook and assignments). An instruction sheet to sign in to the Aplia Learning Web Portal for these assignments has been posted on Beachboard in “course documents.” An electronic copy of the text is also included through the Aplia web portal.

F. Methods of Evaluation

Learning Activity / Points
G1: Aplia on-line Assignments (14 x 3 pts ea) / 42
G2: Student Information Sheet --- Posted on BeachBoard / 2
G3: In-Class Exercises (11 x 1 pts ea) / 11
G4: Mid Term Exam / 10
G5: Final Exam / 10
G6: Written Case Presentation / 5
G7: Oral Case Presentation / 6
G8: Class Attendance / 14

G. Assignments (points)

G1. Aplia On-Line Assignments

There are on-line assignments corresponding with chapters in your textbook. An instruction sheet to sign in to the Aplia Learning Web Portal for these assignments has been posted on Beachboard in “course documents.” An electronic copy of the text is also included through the Aplia web portal. More about these assignments will be discussed in class. They are due to be completed by 5pm on the day before class or virtual session. Late assignments will not receive any points.

G2. Student Information Sheet
Post on BeachBoard in the drop-box for Week 1
G3: In Class Exercises

Each class session there will be an exercise and a written deliverable associated with it. Sometimes these will be team activities; in those cases everyone on the team will receive the same score. Sometimes the deliverable will be an individual assignment.

G4/G5. Exams (10 pts each, midterm and final)

There will be a mid-term and a final exam (short answer, mini-essay, multiple choice/T-F format). The exam questions will come from the readings, class lectures, and student presentations. The mid-term will cover the first 7 weeks of instruction; the final will be cumulative, emphasizing material from weeks 8-15. Students absent for either the mid-term or final exam must provide written third party documentation of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances in order to be eligible to take a make-up exam. Disabled students who qualify for alternative testing arrangements, please advise the instructor at least 2 weeks prior to the exam.

G6. Written Case

The case application will look at an HR challenge in a healthcare setting such as, “Staffing, ” “Executive Compensation,” or “Training.” A general topic list will be provided in class, however you are encouraged to come up with your own case example. You will turn in a 1-3 page executive summary that will outline the case problem and either real or suggested solution. A format for this summary will be provided in class and further discussion about the assignment will take place at that time. This document will be the summary and content for your in-class presentation.

Grading is based on clarity of writing, use of proper grammar, organization of the material, your critical insights and interviews and your ability to add additional references to clarify and support your conclusions.

G7. Oral Case Presentation

You will be required to present your application case to the class in a 10 minute oral presentation. Audio/visual aids may be used in this presentation. Grading is based on clarity of presentation, comprehensiveness of research, and relevance to Personnel Management in Health Care.

G8. Attendance

You are expected to engage with the material, ask questions, respond with answers and participate fully in the class session. 1 pt will be given for your name on the sign-up sheet for each class session except session #1.

H. Class Preparation.

You are expected to have read the assigned readings before the class session, to be

prepared to comment on the material (including the exercises) and to actively participate in

class discussions. Lectures will cover highlights of the reading and include supplementary

information. If you have trouble understanding what you read or hear, please ask for

clarification in class or make an appointment with me to discuss the problem area(s). Disabled students requiring special accommodations, please advise instructor.

I. Participation and Class attendance is critical. Unexcused absences will impact a student’s participation grade as follows:

Each unexcused absence will lose points for the session per the grading assignments identified above.

Excused absences will have the opportunity for a make-up assignment to regain the 7 lost points. Excused absences must conform to university policy. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. Make-up assignments and documentation for excused absences must be turned into the professor within 2 weeks of the absence date. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation and meet with the professor for to obtain the make-up assignment.

Attendance policy conforms to University policy:

A portion of this policy is pasted below:


Students may have a valid reason to miss a class. When any of the following reasons directly conflict with class meeting times, students are responsible for informing faculty members of the reason for the absence and for arranging to make up missed assignments; tests, quizzes, and class work insofar as this is possible. Excused absences include, but are not limited to:

1.  Illness or injury to the student

2.  Death, injury, or serious illness of an immediate family member or the like

3.  Religious reasons (California Education Code section 89320)

4.  Jury duty or government obligation

5.  University sanctioned or approved activities (examples include: artistic performances, forensics presentations, participation in research conferences, intercollegiate athletic activities, student government, required class field trips, etc.)

Faculty members are not obligated to consider other absences as excused.

DOCUMENTATION - Faculty members may require students to provide documentation for excused absences.”

J. Virtual Sessions

Due to Budget Cuts there is a potential for additional furlough days. This will mean that additional days of class might be held “virtually.” This does not necessarily mean learning stops for the course. On-line assignments are likely to be given and you will still be responsible, at the exam level, for material in the syllabus and any other additional material handed out by the professor in class or on-line.

K. Extra Credit: You may also earn up to 10 extra credit points for the following activities:

a.  Submit a 1-page abstract and commentary of a book, article (published since 2005) or website that you would recommend for the bibliography (up to 5 points).

b.  Attend another other professional healthcare association meeting (2 points); bring proof of attendance and provide a 1 page summary of the event detailing: 1. what the topic was, 2. who you talked to, and what about 3. what you learned and 4. how you will apply that learning to your career advancement (5 points)

c.  Invite a guest speaker to class; must discuss with instructor first early in the semester (5 points)

L. Cheating And Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy. See: Although the University catalog does not cover this aspect of plagiarism, please be aware that it is NOT acceptable to submit the same paper for two courses. If you want to write a paper on the same topic area for two different courses, you must submit two different papers. If I discover that you have submitted the same paper for another course, you will receive a failing grade for your paper in this course.

M. Performance Expectations and Deadlines. Assignments are due on the date specified. Late assignments lose 10% of points for each day past the deadline.

N. Withdrawal policy. Per University policy; see: Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” instructor will evaluate student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis.

O. Disabled students

It is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor of record in advance of a need for accommodation of a disability that has been verified by the University.

P. Bibliography and Additional Readings and On-Line Resources

Leiyu Shi. Managing Human Resources In health Care Organizations. Jones & Bartlett. 2007.

Human Resources in Healthcare Managing for Success – Third Edition, Editors: Fried, Fottler, Johnson, published by AUPHA/ Health Administration Press, ISBN: ISBN-10: 1567932991

Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson, Melissa Acuna. Human Resource Management, Eleventh Edition Publisher, South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning Copyright, 2005.

Stephen Shortell, Arnold Kaluzny, Health Care Management, Organization Design and Behavior. (5th Edition) Thomson Delmar, 2006.

Additional Readings & Resources

Angermeier,I.,Dunford,B.,Boss,A.,Boss,R.,Miller,J..(2009). The Impact of Participative Management Perceptions on Customer Service, Medical Errors, Burnout, and Turnover Intentions/PRACTITIONER APPLICATION.Journal of Healthcare Management,54(2),127-40; discussion 141.

Claire Harris,Penny Cortvriend,Paula Hyde.(2007). Human resource management and performance in healthcare organisations.Journal of Health Organization and Management,21(4/5),448-59.

Rebecca Kolins Givan. (2005). Seeing stars: human resources performance indicators in the National Health Service.Personnel Review,34(6),634-647,732

Debra J Jackson,Janet M Lang,William H Swartz,Theodore G Ganiats,et al.(2003). Outcomes, safety, and resource utilization in a collaborative care birth center program compared with traditional physician-based perinatal care.American Journal of Public Health,93(6),999-1006.