Science Inventory
Please answer honestly and continue your answers on the back.
1. How high would you rate your interest in science in general?
___It’s my favorite subject ___High ___Medium ___Low ___I would rather have a root canal dug by rabid beavers than do science.
2. What have you liked most about your past science classes?
3. What have you liked least about your past science classes?
4. Look over the topics covered in the curriculum. In the small space provided, write something you already know and something you want to know? Does it look dull or interesting? Why?
Pathogens and Disease; Biotech
Ecosystems; Energy Resources
Fossils, Evolution and Genetics
5. What makes teams work well?
6. Be the teacher! If you could design a science class that would best help you learn (not just be fun, which it can be, but also make it so you can best learn what you need to), what would it be like?
a. How would you teach the information?
b. How would you treat your students?
c. What behaviors in the classroom get in the way of learning and how would you handle them?
d. What behaviors help the class be a good place to learn?
e. How would you help students make sure their homework is done and turned in?
f. What sort of projects would you do?
8. What would you like me to know about you?
(ex: why some classes have worked well for you, special needs, favorite type of Australian mammal, pet peeves, greatest joys, something you’re concerned about, something cool you did this summer, ….)