Unit title:
/FSA3 Implement action in the event of actual or potential fire
Element titles: / FSA3.1 Initiate emergency proceduresFSA3.2 Render first aid fire fighting response
FSA3.3 Report on effectiveness of emergency procedures
Scope of this unit
This unit is relevant to Fire Wardens/Fire Marshals in business, commercial, care and industrial premises, and Fire Marshals/Fire Stewards at sports or recreational events who have responsibility for the initial response to actual or potential fire .This unit contains three elements:
FSA3.1 Initiate emergency procedures
This element relates to raising alarms, summoning help and initiating agreed emergency procedures
FSA3.2 Render first aid fire fighting response
This element relates to the implementation of evacuation and other fire safety procedures and the use of prescribed fire fighting equipment to respond to actual incidents of fire
FSA3.3 Report on effectiveness of emergency procedures
This element relates to the review and reporting on effectiveness of emergency procedures, used during actual and simulated emergencies, in accordance with organisational policy.
Key words and concepts
These definitions are provided to explain how key words and concepts are used in this unit
Internal alarm systems / Existing systems for raising fire and emergency alarm as located within premises for which the individual has responsibilityExternal support / Emergency Services, specialists and people with authority to advise and approve action required
Organisation procedures / The agreed and published organisation procedures for action in the event of emergency, including actual or potential fire
People with Special needs / People who may experience difficulty in evacuating the premises or following prescribed emergency procedures
Risk management procedures / Agreed organisational procedures for the management of risk resulting from the current risk assessment
Unanticipated risks / Situations arising from events, incidents or action which create new or unexpected risks
Simulated incidents / Regular and ad hoc implementation of emergency procedures
Deficiencies, defects / Loss, damage, omissions, theft, relocation or misplacement of equipment, signs, notices or other items relating to emergency fire procedures.
Unit title
/ FSA3 Implement action in the event of actual or potential fireElement title: FSA3.1 Initiate emergency procedures
You must ensure that;a)Internal alarm systems are activated in immediate response to identified or reported fire risk
b)External support is summoned in accordance with organisation procedures
c)Immediate action is taken to assist people with special needs to evacuate the building
d)Risk management procedures are implemented to protect people from risk and contain the outbreak of fire
Element title: FSA3.2 Render first aid fire fighting response
You must ensure that;a)Specified measures for emergency response are implemented in accordance with organisation risk management system
b)Unanticipated risks are managed effectively without injury or harm to personnel
c)Priority is given to the protection of life
d)The correct equipment is used to control or contain the fire
Element title: FSA3.3 Report on effectiveness of emergency procedures
You must ensure that;a)Records of implementation of procedures are accurate, complete, current, legible and available for audit
b)Results of actual, potential and simulated incidents are reviewed against specified control measures and requirements of management systems
c)Deficiencies, defects and factors affecting the future effectiveness of emergency procedures are recorded, with supporting evidence and brought to the attention of the relevant responsible person
d)Recommendations for corrective action are provided to those with authority for their approval and implementation.
Unit title:
/ FSA3 Implement action in the event of actual or potential fireElement titles: / FSA3.1 Initial emergency procedures
FSA3.2 Render first aid firefighting response
FSA3.3 Report on effectiveness of emergency procedures
Knowledge for this unit / 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3
Methods of alarm activation and summoning help and their correct use / /
Relevant risk management procedures to protect people and minimise spread of fire / / /
The range of fire fighting equipment available, its intended use and limitations / /
Correct and safe use of fire fighting equipment / /
How to prepare contingency plans to ensure the safety of self and others / / /
Methods and requirements for reviewing and recording the outcome of simulated and actual procedures in accordance with organisational requirements /
Methods, procedures and requirements for reporting and making recommendations to improve emergency procedures /