Daffodil International University

Department of Software Engineering (SWE)

Office of the Chairman of Project/Thesis Committee

May29, 2017


This is to notify that students who already have completed their Project/Thesis (SWE – 431)defense are asked to submit their final documents on or before 05/06/2017. Before submission, it is required to address all corrections which are noted during final defense and get approval by their respective supervisor and as well as both internals. Furthermore, the signature of the head of the department is essential on the approval page forthe final submission. The documents are needed for final submission as follows:

  1. 2 copies of thesis/project as book bindings (if someone wants to keep one copy for themselves, make 3 copies of document)

*** Sample Approval and Declaration page are attached in Appendix A which needs to be added after Title Page.

RubaidaEasminDr. Md. Asraf Ali

Lecturer &Associate Professor &

Member, Project/Thesis Committee Chairman, Project/Thesis Committee Department of Software Engineering Department of Software Engineering

**NB: For further queries contact with this number: 01847140012.

Appendix A


This Report titled “………………….’’, submitted by …………., ID No: …….. to the Department of Software Engineering, Daffodil International University has been accepted as satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Software Engineering and approved as to its style and contents.


Dr. TouhidBhuiyan / Head
Associate Professor
Department of Software Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University
Dr. Md. Asraf Ali / Internal Examiner 1
Associate Professor
Department of Software Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University
RubaidaEasmin / Internal Examiner 2
Department of Software Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University
Dr. NasimAkhtar / Examiner
Professor, Head of the Department
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur


We hereby declare that we have taken this thesis under the supervision of Supervisor Name, Designation, Department of Software Engineering, DaffodilInternational University. We also declare that neither this thesis nor any part of this has been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree.

……………………………………… ……………………………………..

Student Name / Student Name
ID: / ID:
Batch : / Batch :
Department of Software Engineering / Department of Software Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology / Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University / Daffodil International University

Certified by:


Name of Supervisor


Department of Software Engineering

Faculty of Science & Information Technology

Daffodil International University