Cognition and Learning Team Booking Form

Name / School/Setting
Contact email / Role in school
Which course are you applying for?
Elklan: Speech and Language Support in the Classroom
12 weeks
Speech and language in the classroom for
5-11 year olds
Autumn term 2016
Tuesdays from 13 September @MMT / 12 weeks
Speech and language in the classroom for
11-16 year olds
Summer term 2017
Tuesdays from 25.4.2017 @ MMT / 12 weeks
Speech and language Support for Under 5s
Spring Term 2018
Dates TBA / Communication Friendly Schools (CFS)
The cost for the 12 week courses is £400 per person inclusive of accreditation fees and Language Builders book. Please pay this by providing a purchase order number. / PO number:
The total cost of CFS is £2200 this includes 4 places on the 12 week course and all the resources and accreditation fees you need to achieve communication friendly status. / PO number:
Supporting Children with Literacy Difficulties using a Multi-sensory approach (MSL).
Autumn Term
Thursdays from 13th Oct @MMT
SENCO Overview 6th Oct@ MMT / Spring Term
Not running / Summer Term
Overview 27.4.2017
9 Thursdays from 4.5.2017
The cost for this 9 week course is £300 per person. This includes the SENCO Overview, a folder and CD-Rom with all the resources plus the cost of accreditation. / PO Number:
Other Courses and Workshops
SENCO INDUCTION – The SENCO Induction Course is a 3 day course run over three terms for newly appointed SENCOs.
Dates: Session 1 October 12th Session 2 January 18th Session 3 June 21st. Cost £500.00 / PO Number:
20:20 Reading Intervention. Delivered in your school as three half-day workshops to train support staff or teachers in delivering a reading intervention. Cost £400 for up to 10 people – please consider grouping with other schools to make this cost effective.
Precision Teaching Workshop Cost £50.00 per person
Dates: 29th March 2017 at City Hall & 29thJune 2017 09.15-12.00 at Margaret McMillan Tower 09.15-12.00.
Alphabet Arc cost £50.00 per personDates: 15th Feb 2017 at Sir Henry Mitchell House09.15-12.00 &17th May 2017at Margaret McMillan Tower09.15-12.00.
Motor SkillsWorkshop– Identification and Support – cost £50.00 per person
Date: 21st March 2017 & 23rdMay 2017 at Margaret McMillan Tower09.15-12.00.
Inclusive Classroom Workshop (strategies for children with Dyslexia, SLCN, MLD) – Cost £50.00Date: 03.05.17 at Margaret McMillan Tower 09.00-12.00.
How to use and interpret the GL Dyslexia Portfolio - cost £50 (you will have to purchase your own copy, it is not provided as part of the course).Date: 4th May 2017at Margaret McMillan Tower 09.15 -12.00.
Communication Trust Progression Tools Workshop - Cost £50.00 per person
Date: 8th March2017 & 4th July 2017 atMargaret McMillan Tower 9.30 – 12.00
Active Literacy Kit Training (Dyslexia Action)– Cost £300 per school, inc. training for 1 SENCo and 1TA plus 2 Active Literacy Kits. Spring Term: 28.2.17, 7.3.17, 14.3.17 (9:00 – 12:00hrs); Summer Term:6.6.17, 13.6.17,20.6.17 (9:00 – 1200hrs) at Margaret McMillan Tower

To book your place, please email this form to: