Long term E2BA Roadmap, targeting 2020 and beyond

Call for Tender

Appendix I – Statement of Work


Table of Contents


1.1 Background 3

1.2 E2BA’s Update and Revision of the Multiannual Roadmap 3

1.3 Bidder’s Expected Tasks 5

1.3.1 Task 1: Developing Technology Roadmaps for the priority areas identified 5

1.3.2 Task 2: Input for Roadmapping Finalisation 7


2.1 Type of Contract 9

2.2 Terms of Payment 9

2.3 Type of Price 9

2.4 Length and Language of the Proposal 9

2.5 Personnel 9

2.6 List of Deliverable Items and Reports 10

2.6.1 Final report 10

2.6.2 Executive summary 10

2.7 Background Experience of the Company 11

2.8 Facilities 11

2.9 Work Breakdown Structure 12

2.10 Planning 12

2.11 Cost Price Data 13

2.12 Travel and Subsistence Plan 13

2.13 Subcontracting 14

2.14 Background Proprietary Information 14

2.15 IPR Ownership 14

2.16 Evaluation Criteria 15


1.1 Background

The construction industry is a large contributor to CO2 emissions, with buildings responsible for 40% of the total European energy consumption and a third of CO2 emissions. To help address climate change the European Commission has set specific targets to be achieved by 2020, known as the 20/20 targets. These targets are to reduce energy consumption by 20%, reduce CO2 emissions by 20% and provide 20% of the total energy share with renewable energy.

In this framework the E2BA Association has engaged with EC in the Energy-efficient Buildings PPP (EeB-PPP) research program, in which one of the building pillars is a Multiannual Roadmap with research priorities identified until 2013 (http://www.e2b-ei.eu/default.php ).

1.2 E2BA’s Update and Revision of the Multiannual Roadmap

Building on the existing EeB PPP Multiannual Roadmap, the E2BA Association has started a process to update it based on the advancements in the state of the art and the results emerging from the research and demonstration projects launched so far within the EeB PPP initiative (http://www.ectp.org/cws/params/ectp/download_files/36D1813v1_EeB_Project_Review_1.pdf). Projects have been recently launched which are aimed at identifying future research priorities for an energy efficient built environment, among which Building-Up (http://www.buildingup-e2b.eu/) and ICT4E2B Forum (http://www.ict4e2b.eu/).

The new long term E2BA roadmap should answer the following key questions:

·  What are the trends and drivers for the future?

·  Where are we now?

·  What barriers and challenges do we foresee on our road(s) to the future energy efficient built environment?

·  What do we need to overcome the barriers and take up the challenges?

The overall approach defined by E2BA agreed for the definition of the new E2BA Roadmap is sketched in the following picture:

Figure 11: Overall Approach for the E2BA Roadmap Update

In this framework the AssociationE2BA has already launched the following tasks:

·  Update of the Vision towards an energy efficient built environment: a shared and integrated vision for the E2BA roadmap has been defined among E2BA and main stakeholders. Key measurable targets have been identified building built on EU and national/regional initiatives;

·  Identification of Trends and drivers for the future: the main drivers and trends are being analysed by the Association to identify implications for the built environment, market threats and opportunities and to integrate those views with existing scenarios and national and international roadmaps. An analysis of major position papers, relevant forthcoming EU legislation is being investigated to evaluate their possible development in a new set of scenarios. Quantified targets will be derived for which fulfilment novel integrations of existing technologies or completely new technologies would need to be developed;

·  Identification of priority areas for detailed technology roadmapping: based on the quantified targets identified above, priority areas will be identified as building pillars of the new multiannual roadmap and for which new research and innovation would be needed to overcome both technological and non technological barriers (i.e. envelope, ICT…).

·  All these activities will be performed before the contract is awarded and will result in key inputs for the implementation of the tasks that the bidder will undertake, in line with the following chapters.

1.3 Bidder’s Expected Tasks

Based on the vision and drivers and priority areas to be identified by E2BA as described in the previous paragraph, the tenderer will support E2BA in developing detailed technology roadmap for each of the areas, facilitating the work of groups of experts engaged through E2BA or creating consensus among larger stakeholders groups, through a methodology that needs to be clearly identified and described. The tenderer will also support in the integration of the different roadmap at priority area level onto a set of coherent priorities for a future research programme with a time horizon till 2020 and beyond.

Some basic guidelines on the expected outputs of this work are illustrated in the two following paragraphs; nevertheless the tenderer is invited to propose alternative methods, according to his experience, as long as the expected outcome is reached.

1.3.1  Task 1: Developing Technology Roadmaps for the priority areas identified

The overall targets for research and demonstration identified by E2BA will be translated onto specific objectives for the priority areas identified by E2BA (i.e. envelope, ICT …), instrumental to identify:

·  Gaps

·  Performance targets

·  Available technologies and gaps that need to be overcome with new developments

·  Elements and topics of a future research programme including level of resources and timeline, identifying existing initiatives that could address these areas as well as in full synergy

·  Describing and analysing the value and innovation chains to identify the actors that need to be mobilised

·  Capturing interdependencies to foster systemic approaches, interoperability etc.

It is envisaged that dedicated working groups (Workshops, meetings, etc...) shall be formed for the priority areas identified (i.e. envelope, ICT …), chaired by members of E2BA members Scientific Counciland with a balanced participation of industry practitioners and researchersindustry participation. A maximum of 6 to 8 WGs is envisaged and has been considered for the identification of the contract maximum value. This approach can be critically reviewed by the bidder and any alternative approach can be presented in technical proposal.

The Bidder will take care of all the logistic and organisation issues related to such workshops while travel costs will be incurred by the bidder, as detailed in the following.

The output of the work performed by each working group, facilitated by the bidder, will be the following for their respective themes:

·  Review influence of high level drivers, and the implications derived for the built environment, and identify the specific implications for the theme.

·  Identification of key opportunities emerging from this. Concurrently, look at emerging research outcomes (materials, sensors, control, etc.) to capture ‘push’ opportunities.

·  Identification of gaps to fulfil these opportunities and generate more detailed research and technology requirements to accomplish these challenges.

·  Review existing research/demo/market replication projects and initiatives in each area and key enabling technologies development trends and carry out gap analysis for short, medium and long term opportunities and objectives

·  Identification of research topics for each theme

·  Identification of required enablers

·  Identification of outcomes of each research theme, and which implications it addresses

·  Identification of a common method for prioritisation of topics to be developed and used within each working group

The bidder should critically review such approach and present its proposed methodology of work and expected outputs.

As reference, the following picture shows the possible structure of the outcome in each area. The reference picture is the result of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Roadmap[1].

The bidder should note that this structure is not compulsory; therefore alternative structures or methods are welcome, as long as all relevant information is integrated.

Figure 12: Reference Roadmap Structure Template

The following table summarises what is expected by this task:

Table 11: Task 1 Description Summary

The results of the background work performed by the Association will be made available to the bidder, who will in turn respect the Proprietary Information clauses described in Par. 1.1. / A set of technology roadmaps, clearly identifying:
•  the development stage in relevant technology (from embryonic to mature), and opportunities for new developments
•  Non-technological issues (e.g. consumer acceptance, financial and economic issues)
•  RDI topics, complementarity with existing initiatives and level of resources / D1 / M23

1.3.2  Task 2: Input for Roadmapping Finalisation

The final stage of the roadmapping process will begin during this task where the assembly of the top level roadmaps will be carried out. All inputs from each working group will be gathered together, identifying the overall outcomes by combining all the areas and identifying the remaining gaps in responding to the opportunities and market needs, and fill these in.

The expected outcomes of this activity are:

·  Summary and integration of all the working groups activities

·  Highlight and articulate the role of E2BA stakeholders in each area

·  Capture other areas outside the direct scope of E2BA that may be covered by complementary programmes (e.g. green cars, PV etc)

·  Articulate ultimate value and outcomes

·  Include a detail explanation of each key topic at the level of Research and Innovation (RDI) Programme

As reference, the following picture shows a possible outcome that is expected by E2BA from this task. The reference picture is the result of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Roadmap[3].

The bidder should note that this structure is not compulsory; therefore alternative structures or methods are welcome, as long as all elements of the roadmap are clearly presented and integrated. To this scope another relevant document is the HVAC Roadmap by the IEA (http://www.iea.org/papers/2011/buildings_roadmap.pdf).

Figure 12: Reference Roadmap Structure Template

The following table summarises what is expected by this task:

Table 12: Task 2 Description Summary

The results of the Working groups work performed in Task 1. / A summary diagram and accompanying report highlighting:
•  Integration of all the WG activities
•  Identification of ultimate value and outcomes
•  Integration of RDI topics into a set of priorities for future activities
•  Template Structure completed. Reference as shown in Figure 12 / D2 / M4


2.1 Type of Contract

This is a contract for supporting and facilitating the process of roadmapping to be undertaken by E2BA during 2012. The whole roadmapping process shall respect the general requirements and structure proposed by E2BA. …………….

2.2 Terms of Payment

The overall budget foreseen for this activity is

60.000,00 € (excluding VAT)

This includes travel and accommodation costs as well as any specific cost incurred by the bidder while performing the tasks identified in previous chapters.

The payment scheme will be:

1.  Pre-financing of 15 % at Kick-Off

2.  One interim payment of 45% at the end of Task 1 activities and upon acceptance of deliverable D1.

3.  Final balance of 40 % at the delivery of the roadmap and upon acceptance of deliverables D2.

The payments are subject to approval of the output work performed by the Contractor.

2.3 Type of Price

The type of price is to be considered firm and fixed, as indicated in the enclosed Draft Contract (Appendix II).

2.4 Length and Language of the Proposal

The proposal shall be concisely written in English.

A rough guideline is that the total number of pages shall not exceed 30. The quoted number of pages does not include standard company information or brochures which the bidder wishes to append to demonstrate its background and experience.

2.5 Personnel

The contractor shall assign adequate personnel resources for the implementation of the activity. CVs of all the personnel involved shall be supplied. Key personnel are defined as persons who, because of their individual qualifications and positions are proposed for the work and indicated as such in the bidder's organigramme. Each person proposed should have at least 5 years experience in technology roadmapping for public and/or private clients, with the team leader having at least 10 years experience.

For each key person identified, the bidder shall:

1.  Provide a comprehensive curriculum vitae, giving in particular evidence to the work experience of the person concerned, a brief description of the person's present job and responsibilities and a detailed description of the latest assignments in the area of technology roadmapping;

2.  Indicate his position in the bidder's organisation;

3.  Provide the % time dedication to the present activity;

4.  Provide the dedication to the present activity, in man/ hours, broken down per task

The team appointed by the bidder will work under the coordination of shall liaise with the coordinator co-chairman of an Ad-hoc Industrial Advisory Group appointed by E2BA and with the Secretariat General of E2BA, including both technical activities and contractual formalities. Based on the proposed methodology approach Ddirect contacts may be envisaged between the Bidder and the coordinator of the Working groups appointed by E2BA. The bidder is expected to critically review this basic approach and present its proposed project management structure including how to manage risks and conflicts.

2.6 List of Deliverable Items and Reports

The Contractor shall provide weekly progress reports by email summarising the tasks performed and pointing out if any problem arises.

2.6.1  Final report

A final report shall be produced. It shall be a complete statement of all the work done during the study, properly integrating main achievements in deliverables D1 and D2. It shall be self-standing, not requiring to be read in conjunction with reports previously issued. It shall contain all the results of the study (typically 50 to 200 pages).

The draft versions of the Final Report shall be submitted for approval of E2BA’s Technical Officer not later than two weeks before the Final Review at month 5.

2.6.2  Executive summary

An executive summary shall also be produced at the end of the study. It shall contain a summary of the work done and include the main findings and conclusions. It shall be written in a concise yet instructive manner and shall not exceed ten pages. It shall include photographs, diagrams and pictures as applicable and shall include all information useful for dissemination purposes; therefore no proprietary information shall be included in the Executive Summary.