To the Management at Meat Processing Establishments
Subject: New Export Health Certificate (General) to replace the Meat Inspection Certificate
Following the introduction of the Hygiene Package with effect from 1/1/2006 and the discontinuation of the old Meat Inspection Certificate, a new Export Health Certificate has been drawn up. This certificate is to be used for the export of fresh chilled/ frozen meat, minced meat, meat preparations and meat products to certain third countries.
This certificate is to be used only for those destinations for which a specific cert has not been otherwise agreed by formal bi-lateral negotiation.
The current list of the countries for which a specific cert has been negotiated is attached in Annex 1.
Meat Hygiene Division will supply copies of the new certificate, at the request of local Veterinary Inspectors, in the normal manner. The produce in question must have originated in and be exported from an EU-approved premises. A sample copy of the certificate is attached for information.
It should be noted that the issuing of a certificate does not constitute a guarantee that the competent authority in the country of destination will accept the produce.
Séamus Fogarty,
Assistant Principal,
Meat Policy Division,
Annex 1 to Trader Notice MPD 1/2006
List of countries for which specific export health certs have been negotiated
Country / Meat typesAlgeria / Bovine – Fresh chilled or frozen beef
Barbados / Porcine - Pork and porcine offals
Egypt / Bovine – Frozen beef
Hong Kong / Bovine, porcine (Fresh chilled of frozen beef, pork or offals)
Japan / Porcine (Special approval of plants and cold stores required)
Korea / Porcine (Special approval of plants and cold stores required)
Romania / Porcine - Pork and porcine offals
Russia / Bovine, Porcine, Meat Products (Special approval of plants required)
Singapore / Porcine - Frozen pigmeat and processed pigmeat
South Africa / Porcine - Fresh Pork (Special approval of plants required)
Switzerland / Equine, Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Porcine and Meat Products
USA / Porcine - Pigmeat/pigmeat products (Special approval of plants and coldstores required)