EDEWG Change Request #043

This EDEWG Change Request can be found on the PUC website at http://puc.paonline.com/electric/EDI/edewg_download.asp

Requester’s Name: Ernest Mathie / EDC/EGS Name: MetEd/Penelec/Penn Power / Phone # : 440-717-6812
Date of Request: 09/19/06 / Affected EDI Transaction Set #(s): 867HU / E-Mail Address:
Requested Priority (emergency/high/low): High / Requested Implementation Date: ASAP / Status:
09/21/06 Approved / Implemented in 02/2007 version

Brief Explanation: Add the unit of measure of K4 (Kilovolt Amperes KVA) to QD segments under the SU and PM loops

Detail Explanation: In the 867HU the unit of measure of K4 for kilovolt amperes (KVA) needs to be added in the QD segments in both the SU and PM loops. This needs to be accomplished in order to properly report accounts which use this value for billing.

For Change Control Manager Use Only:

Date of EDEWG Discussion: 09/21/2006 / Expected Implementation Date: 10/1/2006

EDEWG Discussion and Resolution:

09/21/06: Assigned #043 to this request. EDEWG discussed... FE requests this be approved and implemented as soon as possible to resolve a major issue. The unit of measure is already a valid “Unit or Basis of for Measurement Code” in the 867 MU Implementation Guideline. EDEWG voted and no party objected to the change. Change approved for inclusion in the next release of the 867HU EDI Standard.

Priority Classifications

Emergency Priority / Implemented within 10 days or otherwise directed by EDEWG
High Priority / Changes / Enhancements implemented with 30 days. The next release, or as otherwise directed by EDEWG
Low Priority / Changes / Enhancements implemented no earlier than 90 days, Future Release, or as otherwise directed by EDEWG

Please submit this form via e-mail to both the PUC at and to the

Change Control Manager, Brandon Siegel at

Your request will be evaluated and prioritized at an upcoming EDEWG meeting or conference call.