Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology

The Health Care of Women in Military Settings

2nd Edition

Table of ContentsPage 1

Table of Contents

Introduction...... 1

Military Medicine...... 1

Women’s Health Care...... 1

Women in the Military...... 2

Purpose of this Manual...... 2

Routine Gynecologic Care...... 4

Annual Exam...... 4

Chief Complaint...... 4

Medical History...... 4

Medications...... 4

Menstrual History...... 5

Pregnancy History...... 5

Contraception...... 5

Nutrition...... 5

Exercise...... 5

Mood...... 6

Physical Exam...... 6

Weight...... 6

Blood Pressure...... 7

Face and Eyes...... 7

Ears...... 7

Thryoid...... 7

Lungs...... 7

Heart...... 7

Breasts...... 7

Abdomen...... 7

Pelvic Exam...... 7

Pap Smear...... 8

Cultures...... 8

Rectal...... 8

Urine...... 9

Wet Mount...... 9

Mammography...... 9

Breast Self-Exam...... 9

Immunizations...... 10

Counseling...... 10

Plan...... 10

Pap Smears

The Cervix...... 11

The Pap Smear...... 11

Position the Patient...... 12

Field Expedient Exam Table...... 12

Pad the Stirrups...... 13

Inspect the Vulva...... 13

Warm the Speculum...... 13

Insert the Speculum...... 13

Field Expedient Speculum...... 14

Start with the Spatula...... 14

Rotate the Spatula...... 14

Sample the Squamocolumnar Junctions...... 15

Make a Thin Smear...... 15

Spray Immediately...... 15

Next Use a Brush...... 15

Insert and Rotate 180 Degrees...... 15

Dysplasia...... 16

Mild Dysplasia...... 16

Moderate Dysplasia...... 17

Severe Dysplasia...... 18

Carcinoma in Situ...... 18

Invasive Cancer of the Cervix...... 19

Adenocarcinoma of the Cervix...... 19

Visible Lesions on the Cervix...... 19

Colposcopy...... 19

Actinomycosis...... 20

AGUS...... 20

Atrophy...... 20

ASCUS...... 20

Candida...... 21

Chlamydia...... 21

CIN...... 22

Coccoid Bacteria...... 22

Condyloma...... 22

Drying Artifact...... 22

Endocervical Cells Not Present...... 23

Endometrial Cells Present...... 23

Estrogen Effect...... 23

Gardnerella...... 24

Herpes...... 24

HPV...... 24

Inadequate Smear...... 24

Inconclusive Smear...... 25

Inflammation...... 25

IUD Changes...... 25

Koilocytosis...... 25

Leptothrix...... 25

Nuclear Atypia...... 26

Reparative or Reactive Changes...... 26

SIL...... 26

Squamous Metaplasia...... 26

Trichomonas...... 27

Birth Control Pills...... 28

Benefits of BCPs...... 28

Risks of BCPs...... 28

Which Pill to Start...... 29

Starting the Pill...... 29

When are the Pills Effective?...... 29

Skipped a Pill...... 30

History of Migraine Headaches...... 30

High Blood Pressure...... 30

Diabetes...... 30

Blood Clot History...... 31

Non Availability of her Pill...... 31

Postponing a Period with BCPs...... 31

Side Effects...... 32

Breast Tenderness...... 32

Nausea...... 33

Weight Gain...... 33

Headaches...... 33

Moodiness or Depression...... 34

Vaginal Dryness...... 34

Decreased Libido (Sex-Drive)...... 34

Painful Menstrual Cramps...... 34

Continuous Birth Control Pills...... 35

No Period or very Light Period...... 36

Spotting Between Periods...... 37

Periods at the Wrong Time...... 37

Antibiotics...... 38

Thinks she may be Pregnant...... 38

Emergency Contraception...... 38

Overdose...... 39

Other Contraceptive Methods...... 41

Condoms...... 41

Diaphragm...... 42

DMPA (Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate)...... 43

Female Condom...... 45

Contraceptive Vaginal Film...... 46

Contraceptive Foam...... 47

Contraceptive Vaginal Gel...... 47

Intrauterine Device (IUD)...... 48

Norplant...... 51

Rhythm...... 53

Vaginal Suppositories...... 54

Tubal Ligation...... 54

Vasectomy...... 55

Withdrawal...... 55

Bleeding...... 57

Normal Bleeding...... 57

Abnormal Bleeding...... 57

Overview...... 57

Pregnancy Problems...... 58

Mechanical Problems...... 58

Hormonal Problems...... 58

Malignancy...... 59

What to do First...... 59

Heavy Periods...... 59

Light Periods...... 60

Late for a Period...... 61

Irregular Periods...... 61

Too Frequent Periods...... 61

Constant Bleeding...... 62

Hemorrhage...... 63

Vaginal Discharge and Itching...... 65

Overview...... 65

History...... 65

Physical Exam...... 65

Laboratory...... 66

Treatment...... 66

Ectropion, Erosion or Eversion...... 66

Cervicitis...... 67

Chlamydia...... 67

Foreign Body...... 67

Bacterial Vaginosis...... 68

Gonorrhea...... 68

Infected IUD...... 69

PID: Mild...... 69

PID: Moderate to Severe...... 69

Trichomonas...... 70

Yeast (Monilia, Thrush)...... 71

Human Papilloma Virus...... 72

Clinical Warts...... 72

Subclinical Warts...... 72

Treatment...... 72

Persistence of Virus...... 73

Transmission...... 73

Dysplasia...... 73

Relation to Cancer...... 74

Evualuation...... 74

The Vulva...... 75

General...... 75

Bartholin Cyst and Abscess...... 75

Chancroid...... 76

Condyloma Lata...... 76

Contact Dermatitis...... 77

Epithelial Polyp...... 77

Granuloma Inguinale...... 78

Herpes Vulvitis...... 78

Hypertrophic Vulvar Dystrophy...... 79

Inclusion Cyst...... 80

Itching...... 80

Labial Abscess...... 81

Lichen Sclerosis...... 81

LGV...... 82

Melanosis...... 83

Molluscum Contagiosum...... 83

Paget’s Disease...... 83

Pediculosis Pubis (Pubic Lice)...... 84

Primary Syphilis...... 84

Runner’s Rash...... 85

Scabies...... 85

Skene’s Gland...... 86

Tinea Cruris (Jock Itch)...... 87

VIN...... 88

Vulvar Cancer...... 88

Vulvar Hematoma...... 88

Vulvar Dystrophy...... 89

Vulvar Vestibulities...... 90

Yeast (Candida, Monilia)...... 90

Problems with Menstruation...... 93

Normal Menstrual Flows...... 93

Cramps...... 93

Breast Pain...... 94

Midcycle Pain...... 95

Acne...... 95

Headache...... 95

Fluid Retention...... 96

Abdominal Bloating...... 96

Depression and Irritability...... 97

Abdominal and Pelvic Pain...... 98

Uncertainty of Diagnosis...... 98

Pain and Bedrest...... 98

Pain and Fever...... 98

Chronic Pain...... 99

Pregnancy Test...... 99

BCPs and Pain...... 99

Pregnancy and Bleeding...... 99

Threatened Abortion...... 100

Ectopic Pregnancy...... 100

Placental Abruption...... 100

Placenta Previa...... 101

IUD Problems...... 102

Ovarian Cyst...... 102

Ruptured Ovarian Cyst...... 102

Unruptured Ovarian Cyst...... 103

Torsioned Ovarian Cyst...... 103

Dysmenorrhea...... 103

Mittelschmerz...... 104

Functional Bowel Syndrome...... 104

Gastroenteritis...... 104

Diverticular Disease...... 104

PID...... 105

PID: Mild...... 105

PID: Moderate to Severe...... 105

Endometriosis...... 106

Appendicitis...... 107

Bowel Obstruction...... 107

Degenerating Fibroid...... 108

Infected or Rejected IUD...... 108

Cystitis...... 108

Pyelonephritis...... 109

Problems with Urination...... 110

Painful Urination...... 110

Gonorrheal Urethritis...... 110

Non-gonorrheal Urethritis...... 111

Herpes...... 112

Yeast, Trichomonas...... 112

Urinary Frequency...... 112

Blood in the Urine...... 112

Bad Urinary Odor...... 113

Cannot Urinate...... 113

Bladder Training...... 113

Involuntary Loss of Urine...... 114

Stress Incontinence...... 114

Irritable Bladder...... 114

Urethral Diverticulum...... 114

Unpredictable Urine Loss...... 115

Urinary Urgency...... 115

Stress...... 115

Pyelonephritis...... 115

Breast Problems...... 116

Breast Development...... 116

Breast Examination...... 116

Breast Self-Exam...... 118

Mammography...... 119

Ultrasound...... 119

Breast Biopsy...... 120

Supernumerary Breasts...... 120

Supernumerary Nipples...... 120

Inverted Nipples...... 120

Adolescent Breast Problems...... 120

Pregnancy Changes...... 121

Puerperal Mastitis...... 121

Nipple Laceration...... 121

Cyclic Breast Pain...... 122

Non-cyclic Breast Pain...... 122

Nipple Discharge...... 122

Fat Necrosis...... 123

Paget’s Disease...... 123

Breast Mass...... 123

Breast Cyst...... 124

Fibroadenoma...... 124

Breast Cancer...... 124

Menopause...... 126

Definition...... 126

Symptoms...... 126

Associated Medical Problems...... 126

Clinical Presentation...... 127

Philosophy of Management...... 127

Benefits of Treatment...... 127

Risks of Treatment...... 128

Alternatives...... 128

Standard Treatment...... 129

Birth Control Pills...... 130

Risk of Pregnancy...... 130

Libido (Sex Drive)...... 130

Follow-up...... 131

Sexual Assault...... 132

Outline of Management...... 132

Assign Staff Member...... 132

Serious Injuries Come First...... 132

Notify Authorities...... 133

Notify the Chaplain...... 133

Consent...... 133

Gather your Supplies...... 133

Labels...... 133

Materials Needed...... 134

History...... 134

Gynecologic History...... 135

Clothing...... 135

Physical Exam...... 135

Photographs...... 135

Head Combings...... 135

Mouth...... 135

Torso and Arms...... 136

Hands...... 136

Pubic Hair Combings...... 136

Inspect the Vulva...... 136

Visualize the cervix...... 137

Vaginal Swab...... 137

Chlamydia Culture...... 137

Gonorrheal Culture...... 137

Rectal Examination...... 137

Bimanual Exam...... 138

Betadine Douche...... 138

Let the Patient Shower...... 138

Blood and Urine Tests...... 138

Offer Antibiotics...... 138

Emergency Contraception...... 139

Follow-up Exam...... 139

Medical Release...... 140

Write your Report...... 140

Give Evidence to Investigator...... 140

Give Specimens to your Lab...... 140

Give Instructions to Patient...... 140

Special Case of Children...... 141

Normal Pregnancy...... 142

Diagnosis of Pregnancy...... 142

Pregnancy Tests...... 142

Prenatal Care...... 143

Check Weight...... 143

Check Blood Pressure...... 143

Measure Fundal Height...... 144

Listen for the Heartbeat...... 144

Check for Edema...... 144

Check Protein and Glucose...... 144

Ask about Fetal Activity...... 144

Any new Symptoms?...... 145

Nutrition...... 145

Prenatal Vitamins...... 145

Laboratory Tests...... 145

Ultrasound Scan...... 146

Estimating Gestational Age...... 146

Fetal Heart Beat...... 147

Disability...... 147

Maternal Skin Changes...... 147

Exercise in Pregnancy...... 148

Nausea and Vomiting...... 148

Heartburn...... 149

Sciatica...... 149

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...... 149

Upper Respiratory Infections...... 150

Antibiotics During Pregnancy...... 150

Other Drugs During Pregnancy...... 151

Immunizations During Pregnancy...... 152

Thermal Stress...... 152

Noise...... 152

Vibration...... 153

Chemical Solvents...... 153

Heavy Metals...... 153

X-rays During Pregnancy...... 153

Radiation Exposure...... 153

CRT Use and Pregnancy...... 154

Diving While Pregnant...... 154

Hyperbaric Treatment...... 154

Pregnant Aircrew Members...... 155

Abnormal Pregnancy...... 156

Miscarriage...... 156

Abortion...... 156

Threatened Abortion...... 157

Complete Abortion...... 157

Incomplete Abortion...... 158

Inevitable Abortion...... 159

Septic Abortion...... 160

Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy...... 161

Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy...... 161

Blood Transfusion...... 162

First Trimester Trauma...... 163

Later Trauma...... 164

Placental Abruption...... 165

Placenta Previa...... 165

Toxemia of Pregnancy...... 166

Pre-eclampsia...... 167

Eclampsia...... 169

HELLP Syndrome...... 169

Normal Labor and Delivery...... 170

Labor...... 170

Latent Phase Labor...... 170

Active Phase Labor...... 171

Progress of Labor...... 171

Delivery of the Baby...... 172

Delivery of the Placenta...... 173

Managing Labor and Delivery...... 173

Initial Evaluation...... 173

History...... 174

Risk Factors...... 174

Vital Signs...... 175

Contractions...... 175

Fetal Heart Rate...... 175

Urine for Protein and Glucose...... 175

Estimated Fetal Weight...... 176

Dilatation and Effacement...... 176

Fetal Orientation...... 176

Leopold’s Maneuvers...... 177

Status of Fetal Membranes...... 177

Blood Count...... 177

Management of Early Labor...... 178

Monitor the Fetal Heart...... 178

Electronic Fetal Monitors...... 179

Pain Relief...... 180

Second Stage Labor...... 182

Preparing for Delivery...... 182

Delivery...... 183

Episiotomy...... 183

Anesthesia...... 184

Clamp and Cut the Cord...... 184

The Placenta...... 184

Uterine Massage...... 185

Post Partum Care...... 185

Problems During Labor and Delivery...... 188

Preterm Labor...... 188

Premature Rupture of Membranes...... 189

Abnormal Presentation...... 190

Prolonged Latent Phase Labor...... 191

Arrest of Active Labor...... 191

Shoulder Dystocia...... 193

Breech Delivery...... 195

Twin Delivery...... 196

Prolapsed Umbilical Cord...... 196

Cord Around the Neck...... 197

Retained Placenta...... 197

Post Partum Hemorrhage...... 198

Chorioamnionitis...... 198

Group B Streptococcus...... 199

Post Partum Fever...... 200

Care of the Newborn...... 201

Dry the Baby...... 201

Replace the Wet Towels...... 201

Position the Baby...... 201

Suction the Airway...... 202

Evaluate the Baby...... 202

Color...... 202

Ventilate if Necessary...... 203

Check the Heartbeat...... 203

Keep the Baby Warm...... 203

Assign Apgar Score...... 204

Breast-feeding...... 204

Field-Expedient Bottle...... 204

Vernix...... 205

Meconium...... 205

Eye Prophylaxis...... 205

Vitamin K...... 205

Umbilical Cord Care...... 205

Medical Support of Women in Field Environments...... 207

Pre-deployment Planning...... 207

AMAL and Sick Call Block...... 207

Command Pregnancy Policy...... 209

Pre-Deployment Screening...... 210

Pre-Deployment Briefing...... 210

Urination Issues...... 211

Menstruation Issues...... 212

Bathing...... 213

Quarters...... 213

Clothing...... 214

Liberty Risks...... 215

Leadership...... 215

Host Nation Issues...... 216

Pregnancy...... 216

Noise...... 217

Heat...... 217

Organic Solvents...... 217

Lead, Cadmium, Mercury...... 217

Low Frequency, Whole Body Vibration...... 217

Prolonged Standing...... 217

STDs and Safe Sex...... 217

Aerospace Medicine Issues...... 218

Gravitational Forces...... 218

Decompression Sickness...... 218

Antorhropometrics...... 219

Pregnancy in Aviation...... 219

The Prisoner of War Experience

The Prisoner of War...... 221

Sexual Abuse...... 221

The Total Soldier...... 222

Pre-Deployment Planning...... 222

The Typical Repatriated Soldier...... 222

Stresses of Captivity...... 222

Recovery...... 223


Appendix B: Ultrasound Measurements in Pregnancy

Appendix C: Gestational Age Calculator

Appendix D: SF600 Gynecologic Consultation Overprint

Appendix E: Menstrual Flow Record Cards

Table of ContentsPage 1


<small>A single person cannot produce a project of this magnitude. In preparing both the 1st and 2nd editions of Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology, I received invaluable assistance from many individuals. Among them are:

Table of ContentsPage 1

<small>From the Army</small>

Lieutenant General Ronald R. Blanck, MC, USA

Major General James Peake, MC, USA

Brigadier General Bettye H. Simmons, AN, USA

Brigadier General Kevin C. Kiley, MC, USA

Colonel Daniel F. Battafarano, MC, USA

Colonel Carla Hawley-Bowland, MC, USA

Colonel Rhonda Cornum, MC, USA

Colonel Gary Davis, MC, USA

Colonel Margaret J. Knapp, MC, USA

Colonel John M. Powers, MC, USA

Colonel Iris West, MC, USA

Colonel Steve Yevich, MC, USA

Colonel Craig H. Llewellyn, MC, USA (Ret)

MSG James T. Bates, USA

SFC Robert P. Roemer, USA

SFC Bruce Ward, USA

From the Navy

Vice Admiral Richard K. Nelson, MC, USN

Vice Admiral Harold M. Koenig, MC, USN (Ret)

Vice Admiral Donald F. Hagan, MC, USN (Ret)

Rear Admiral Joan M. Engel, NC, USN

Rear Admiral Robert W. Higgins, MC, USN (Ret)

Rear Admiral James Johnson, MC, USN

Rear Admiral Richard A.Mayo, MC, USN

Rear Admiral R.C. Melendez, DC, USN

Rear Admiral William R. Rowley, MC, USN

Rear Admiral James H. Black, MC, USN (Ret)

Captain Michael R. Ambrose, MC, USN

Captain Mary A. Anderson, MC, USN

Captain Kathleen Bailey, NC, USN

Captain Lee D. Bown, NC, USN

Captain David Brice, MC, USN

Captain Thomas R. Defibaugh, MSC, USN

Captain John Fahey, MC, USN

Captain Susan A. Flood, NC, USN

Captain William Frank, MSC, USN

Captain James Frazier, MC, USN

Captain H. John Gerhard, MC, USN

Captain B. Gail Goff, MSC, USN

Captain Konrad E. Hayashi, MC, USN

CaptainJanet L Higgins, NC, USN

Captain Dave Hyland, MC, USN

Captain Richard R. Jeffries, MC, USN

Captain W. Robert Kiser, MC, USN

Captain Joel Lees, MC, USN

Captain Davonne Loup, MC, USN

Captain Charles J. Macri, MC, USN

Captain Donald Mason, MC, USN

Captain Jay R. Montgomery, MC, USN

Captain Charles B. Mount, MSC, USN

Captain Patricia Murphy, NC, USN

Captain John Murray, MC, USN

Captain John Nickle, MC, USN

Captain Robert B. North, Jr., MC, USN

Captain Frank Nuar, MC, USNR

Captain Donna Perry, NC, USN

Captain Jerry Ragland, MC, USN

Captain Terry Reiley, MC, USN

Captain Steve Remmenga, MC, USN

Captain Adam Robinson, MC, USN

Captain David Sack, MC, USN

Captain Dave Snyder, MC, USN

Captain Robert Spiro, MC, USN

Captain Don Sprague, MC, USN

Captain Richard Stock, MC, USN

Captain Glenn N. Wagner, MC, USN

Captain Steve Warlick, MC, USN

Captain Natalie Willenberg, MC, USN

Captain Steve Yakavon, MC, USN

Captain Jeffery M. Young, MC, USNR

Captain H.B. Etienne, MC, USN (Ret)

Captain John Nash, MC, USN (Ret)

Captain John Noll, MC, USN (Ret)

Captain Thakor G. Patel, MC, USN (Ret)

Captain Henry Schwarz, MC, USN (Ret)

Commander Steve Acher, MC, USN

Commander Mark Austin, MC, USN

Commander Linnea Axman, NC, USN

Commander Tamara C. Babb, MC, USN

Commander Michael Bandy, JAGC, USN

Commander Barney R. Barendse, NC, USN

Commander David Beardsly, MC, USN

Commander Brad L. Bennett, MSC, USN

Commander Monte L. Bible, MC, USN

Commander Victoria A. Cassano, MC, USN

Commander Soren Christensen, NC, USN

Commander Bruce A. Cohen, MC, USN

Commander James R. De Voll, MC, USN

Commander Robert Frick, MC, USN

Commander Dave Gillis, MC, USN

Commander Terry A. Harrison, MC, USNR

Commander Susan B. Herrold, NC, USN

Commander Tim Hinman, MC, USN

Commander Mary Owens, NC, USN

Commander James Phelan, MC, USN

Commander Paul Rocereto, MC, USN

Commander Dennis Rowe, MC, USN

Commander Scott W. Shiffer, NC, USN

Commander Erica L.Spence, NC, USN

Commander Tommy C. Stewart, NC, USN

Commander Amy Suggs, NC, USN

Commander Nancy Swanson, NC, USN

Commander Jennifer Town, NC, USN

Lieutenant Commander Josephine Brumit, NC, USN

Lieutenant Commander Brian Belson, MC, USN

Lieutenant Commander Ann Fallon, MC, USN

Lieutenant Commander David A. Lane, MC, USN

Lieutenant Commander John W. LeRoy, MSC, USN

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Polano, MC, USNR

Lieutenant Commander Steve Presley, MC, USN

Lieutenant Youssef H. Aboul-Enein, MSC, USN

Lieutenant Paul Antony, MC, USN

Lieutenant Chris Alewine, MC, USN

Lieutenant Dennis Ashley, MC, USN

Lieutenant Thomas A. Craig, MC, USN

Lieutenant Angela Gardner, USN

Lieutenant Jennifer M. Jagoe, MC, USN

Lieutenant Frederick E. Yeo, MC, USN

HMCM (AW) Reynaldo Angeles, USN

HMCM (SW) J.E. Lambert, USN

HMCM (SW) Mark R. Weldon, USN

HMC (SW) Joe Fischer, USN

HMC Charles Herbert, USN

HMC Sally Hobson, USNR

HMC (SW/FMF) Mike Judson, USN

HM1 Michael J Brady, USN

HM2 Christina Kenny, USN

HM2 Aretha Paschel-Alexander, USN

HM2 Nona Sanders, USN

From the Marine Corps

Major Anne Shuford, USMC

Captain Lorrie Kovacs, USMC

1st Lieutenant Julie Ward, USMC

1st Lieutenant Jennifer M. Wolfe, USMC

MGySgt Pat McLane, USMC

MSgt Marian P. Frayser, USMC

GySgt Shawnee J Miller, USMC

SSgt Sara M. Gross, USMC

Sgt Vicki R. Courson, USMC

From the Air Force

Lieutenant Colonel Michael W. Spatz, MC, USAF

Lieutenant Colonel Chris Zahn, MC, USAF

Lieutenant Colonel Susan E. Northrup, MC, USAF

From the Coast Guard

Captain Paul Higgins, USPHS

Lieutenant Commander Sharon L. Ludwig,USPHS

MCPO Glenn Proctor, USPHS

From the United States Public Health Service

Captain William H.J. Haffner, M.D., USPHS


Ms. Ann Ballard, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Mr. Henry "Hank" Champagne, Naval School of Health Sciences

Ms. Patty Chilis, RDMS, Evanston Hospital, Evanston, IL

Mr. Walt Dumbeck, Naval School of Health Sciences

Ms. Laura Franz, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Ms. Judy Goldman, Naval School of Health Sciences

Ms. Margaret M. Grey, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Mr. Jan K. Herman, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Ms. Carol Kuzmanic, Evanston Hospital, Evanston, IL

Ms. Jeri L. Lockman, MSN, ARNP, Office of Medical Services, U.S. Department of State

Gretchen McCoy, MD, U.S. Department of State

Ms. Evelmer Poole, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology

Ms. Susan E. Rist, MCAS Miramar, CA

Ms. Tracy Roberts, Medical Photography, Evanston Hospital, Evanston, IL

Mr. Jerry Robinson, Center for Health Education and Studies, U.S. Army Medical Department

Mr. Al Smith, Naval School of Health Sciences

Ms. Kristine Vehlow, Evanston Hospital, Evanston, IL<small>

James E. Yoder, MD, MPH, FBIHQ Health Care Programs Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation