PPG Meeting
21/01/2016 10:00a.m Hurley Clinic, Conference Room
Present: Priscilla, Dilys, Christine, Pam, Michael English, Dr Kouroumali, David Pritchard Jones and Cleo
PPG: Can we add something to website to invite new members to join
Hurley Clinic Updates
Tannoy, Is confirmed and coming
New Nurse, Coming next week to fill Rebecca’s position, been training with South Bank and knows Lambeth quiet well
Starting in Feb, Our second PA, will be seeing quite a lot of our patients
Dr Michael Peel, We don’t have anyone yet to replace him. Pam to check if another advert has been put out
Alternative models are being looked at e.g. we have PA’s
Waiting time for pre bookable appointments: Though our waiting time is 2weeks at the moment, we have been using the HUB and booked lots of patient’s there
Dr Nathan (locum), good feedback about him. He follows up with his patients. ‘If we had more gp’s herewould we have to use the hub so much?’-Dilys. Hubs are not used on weekends; our appointments are usually booked in the week. A number of specialties have services over the weekend and some practices too.
Bid to change the doors:Pam to confirm.
Task, Remove notice with Mr Peels name and get handy man to do something about pigeon droppings outside
PPG Updates
Mr Jones, ‘I have been seen when I needed to see a doctor on the day, with all access points available i.e. clinic and hospital’. Dilys, ‘it’s very good that doctors can call patients and reassure them. This is working very well’. Pam, ‘we added more phone calls’. Dr Kouromali, ‘there things we can speak about on the phone that don’t require for patients to come in, i.e. results’. ‘With time PA’s will be doing more as they get to know the patients and patients will come to understand this as we go along’. NHS Choices has gone up to 3.5 stars. ‘Friends and Family is very brief and maybe there because they don’t have PPG’s’.
Telephone lines, Pam has an audit to do after the changes. Mr Jones was able to get through on the phone and if there’s a long queue he calls back.
Tele health, usage has gone up a lot e.g. 31 requests in a week. It has been opened up to some administration queries.
Online access, patients can request for their notes to be looked at if it’s incorrect, highlighted after two patients who wanted them for travel insurance at last minute dot com.
Local care record, allows gp surgeries to see patients hospital letters and the hospitals can see part of the patients’ record as read only access.
PPG, one of the things we should do is have more events where we could get more patients involved. Would be useful to see how we operate and whether we could improve and evolve it.
Back to PPG network, Priscilla is on the core group as Vice Chair and that is more complicated than the meeting. PPG are encouraging patients to have self-care and also tackle the issue for patients who are lonely.
Mr English made a point last year that all our representatives are women. Dilys informed him the network meeting Priscilla attends is open and he can attend.
Tea party suggested by Dr Kouroumali, and PPG members like the idea and are looking at how to organise it.
Tea partyevent: Wednesday 16th March ‘keeping active’- Theme. We need to have a lead at 2-4pm, ask about health improvement facilitator, and check if they would expect payment? Venue -Tresco house. Mr Jones will make a request for the venue
Talk to Annett about having a tea party for young mums, is there enough in the community already or can we start one here
Patients who use gp surgeries are not well represented compared to hospital patients who have very strong lobby.
Next PPG meeting 14th March 10:00am