Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 12thAugust2013 in the Parish Council MeetingRoom

1. Present:Mr A Evans, Mr D Price, Mr D Steward-Brown, Miss D Scott, Mr B Clapham, Mr R Williamson, Mrs D Gotts, Mrs T Banks, Mrs M Albinson, Mr J Smallwood, Mrs T Cornwell (Clerk) and Mrs M Kirby (Assistant Clerk).

Public: Mrs E Smallwood

Mr David Taylor – Representing Ashdale and Mr Nick Woolley – Representing Zurich regarding the proposed Knights Hill development.

Apologies:Mr I Jordan, Mr H Hofmeister, Rev D Tate, Mr D Gerrard and Mr M Narborough.

2. To confirm the Minutes of the last Meeting held on 29th July 2013: Thesewere proposed as a correct record by MrPrice, seconded by Mr Clapham, with all membersin favourthey were signed by the Chairman.

3. To record declarations of any interests:Mr Clapham stated that he has an interest as he lives at Ullswater Avenue and his fence is boundary to the possible proposed development.

4.To receive questions from the public: None.

5. To discuss Planning Applications received and notifications of the Borough Council Applications for Grant or Refusal:

No 13/01080/F

2 Fountaine Grove, South Wootton.


Decision – Support the Application

No 13/01126/F

48 Castle Rising Road, South Wootton.

Extension, Alterations and new garages.

Decision – Support the Application

No 13/00045/TPO

7 Pretoria Grove

Removal of diseased Beech Tree

Decision – As long as the Arboricultural Officer visits to confirm that the tree is diseased the Parish Council will Support the Application

The Borough Council has APPROVED Planning Permission for the following Applications:


50 Pine Road, South Wootton.



11 Furness Close, South Wootton


Local Development Framework Update: Mr Price spoke regarding the Local Development Frameworkand explained that following the latest information received from the Borough Council regarding development at the two locations in South Wootton, he had attended a meeting with Mrs Pulsford-Harris from North Wootton Parish Council and Mr James Alflatt from Bidwells. Mr Price stated that Lord Howard from Castle Rising Parish Council had also been invited to attend but was unable to do so.

Mr Price informed members that a number of issues had been raised regarding the Knights Hill area.

He said that regarding the area west of Hall Lane it was unlikely that there would be much reduction in the numbers allocated and felt that concentration should be on the density of the development.

Mr Price stated that during the meeting a discussion had taken place regarding producing a further joint submission (from North and South Wootton and Castle Rising Parish Councils) as well as a further submission from South Wootton.

Mr Price confirmed that Mr Alflatt would be happy to produce the further submissions and stated that the costs involved would be £2,000 maximum shared between the three Parishes for the joint document and £500 maximum for the South Wootton document. (Total cost to South Wootton Parish Council would be £1,200 maximum).

After brief discussion, Mr Price proposed that Mr Alflatt from Bidwells should be asked to produce the further submissions; this was seconded by Mr Evans with all members in favour.

6. To hear representations from Mr David Taylor – Representing Ashdale & Mr Nick Woolley – Representing Zurich regarding the Knights Hill development:

Mr Price welcomed Mr Taylor and Mr Woolley to the evenings meeting and explained that they were present to discuss an area of land at Knights Hill.

Mr Woolley introduced himself as the UK Fund Asset Manager for Zurich PLC. He said that he looks after portfolios across the UK. Mr Woolley stated that he took over looking after Ashdale land a year ago.

Mr Woolley commented that whilst the piece of land owned by Ashdale at Knights Hill is relatively small (10 acres/ 4 hectares) it is in an important position and essentially a lynch pin for the whole development area.

Mr Woolley spoke about the area of land and acknowledged that there are some good important trees on the site. He said that to carry a development forward the DNA of an area would need to be understood. He said that many areas such as the environment, heritage, economy, history and archaeology would need to be looked at and considered.

Mr Woolley stated that if development is to take place he would want it planned properly. He would not like the area sold to a developer who may wish to cram in a large number of homes.

It was confirmed that only part of the development land is within South Wootton, some is in Castle Rising Parish Council and some in Gaywood. It was also confirmed that areas of the land has different owners. Mr Woolley said that to ensure the site is developed at its best a Master plan should be produced for the whole site.

Mr Woolley confirmed to members that at present there are no plans for the area and stated that he felt it was important to come and talk to the Parish Council first.

Mr Price stated that the Parish Council still has issues at Knights Hill and the proposal of 600 new homes was still of concern.

Mr Taylor stated that his gut feeling is that it is unlikely that 600 new properties would fit on the development area unless they were built at quite a high density.

Members referred to the Local Development Framework document and stated that flats have been suggested.

Mr Taylor reiterated Mr Woolleys comments regarding the DNA of the village. He said that the area is right next to the Countryside and the DNA of South Wootton would need to be retained.

Mr Smallwood commented that at present there are approximately 1800 homes in South Wootton. He said that the proposals would see a 50% increase.

Mr Price stated that the Parish Council has already spoken to Clayland Estates regarding an area of land along Grimston Road towards Knights Hill. He said that Clayland would like to build approximately 50 homes as a separate development.

Mr Woolley felt that any development on the edge of South Wootton should be of less urban density.

Comment was made that the Local Development Framework document indicates that the area should be urban with a density of 24 homes per hectare.

Mr Price confirmed that the other land owner at Knights Hill had not yet been in contact. Mr Woolley recommended that they should be contacted in order to gather their thoughts.

Mr Price added that a concern to the Parish Council was that if the allocated numbers did not fit at Knights Hill, it may be necessary to increase the numbers at the land west of Hall Lane.

Mr Woolley enquired about the production of the Neighbourhood Plan for South Wootton.

Mr Price said that a Project Group made up of Parish Councilors and Residents had been set up to manage and produce a Neighbourhood Plan. He confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan covered the boundary of South Wootton only.

Mr Woolley stated that if the development at Knights Hill is not carried out correctly it will affect the whole of South Wootton.

Concerns were raised regarding the density of any development at Knights Hill and the subsequent impact on infrastructure. It was said that Grimston Road is heavily used and is the main trunk road into the docks.

Mr Taylor spoke regarding the complex set of boundaries. He suggested that a facilitator could arrange an Inquiry where all parties get together to raise all issues and concerns. He said that hopefully some sort of resolution could be achieved.

Mr Taylor spoke once again about the landscape at Knights Hill; he said that it would be important for developers to work with the existing landscape. He said that on the site there are ponds and some good oak trees. He said that there is woodland to the South and to the North. He said that developers would need to think of green areas and gentle development.

Mr Woolley stated that the Ashdale land sits between Ullswater Avenue and the other larger area of land. He said that once developed the whole area will contain a lot of people in a lot of houses. Mr Woolley added that facilities for the community would need to be considered. Such facilities could be a Community Centre or a corner shop. He said that any facilities should be large enough to serve Ullswater Avenue as well.

Comment was made that if a significant amount of development takes place at Knights Hill, a new doctor’s surgery may be necessary. It was said that at present the schools are at capacity and there is a lack of adequate infrastructure.

Further concerns were raised regarding the affect the development would have on the skyline. Mr Woolley confirmed that the landscape viewpoint is critical.

Mr Smallwood added that Reffley Barrow sits within the Gaywood area of the land at Knights Hill and is of archaeological interest.

Mr Price stated that South Wootton’s Village Design Statement produced in 2007 contains a great amount of interesting information regarding the village. He said that up until very recently the document had been used as material consideration for planning applications. He stated that archeological information could also be found within it.

Mrs Cornwell provided a copy of the Village Design Statement to both Mr Taylor and Mr Woolley.

Members said they felt assured by the comments which Mr Taylor and Mr Wooley had made. It was asked whether Ashdale or Zurich would have any influence over the other land owners or developers as they seemed to have the prime piece of land.

Mr Woolley said that if a robust Neighbourhood Plan is taken forward, it would be adopted within the Local Plan.

Mr Woolley stressed the importance of looking at the area as a whole despite it covering three different Parishes. He said that the development would be more successful if it was integrated. He said that a better development would be achieved.

Comment was made that the development will solely impact on the residents of South Wootton.

Mr Woolley stated that the access onto Grimston Road will be critical. He reiterated that the site needs looking at as a single entity with a junction suitable to serve the whole site.

Mr Price commented that a recent traffic survey which had been carried out showed that the Langley Road junction was already over capacity.

Mr Woolley said that any development of a village needs to be made good for the people who live there.

Mr Taylor thanked members for inviting them to attend the meeting. He said that a lot of good points had been made. He said that both he and Mr Woolley would absorb and discuss the various points and then a further meeting could be arranged.

Mr Woolley said that if the Parish Council wished to raise any other points or have any further questions they can be contacted.

Mr Woolley said that he was grateful for being able to attend the meeting.

Both Mr Taylor and Mr Woolley left the meeting.

Members spoke briefly regarding the meeting, and felt that the other land owner at Knights Hill should be contacted.

It was said that South Wootton is an important village and members felt that the area should be developed as part of South Wootton.

Mr Price confirmed that the consultation period would now run until 4th October 2013. It was said after that time the Borough Council will produce the final document.

Local Development Framework Update: Finally, Mr Price spoke regarding the Local Development Framework and following the latest information received from the Borough Council regarding development at the two locations in South Wootton, he had attended a meeting with Mrs Pulsford-Harris from North Wootton Parish Council and Mr James Alflatt from Bidwells. Mr Price stated that Lord Howard from Castle Rising Parish Council had also been invited to attend but was unable to do so.

Mr Price confirmed that during the meeting it was suggested that a further joint submission (from North and South Wootton and Castle Rising Parish Councils) as well as a further submission from South Wootton should be submitted to the Borough Council.

Mr Price confirmed that Mr Alflatt would be happy to produce the further submissions and stated that the costs involved would be £2,000 maximum shared between the three Parishes for the joint document and £500 maximum for the South Wootton document. (Total cost to South Wootton Parish Council would be £1,200 maximum).

After full discussion, the proposal to produce the further submissions was agreed.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.

7. Next meeting: To be held on Monday 2nd September 2013 at 7.30pm in the Parish Office Meeting Room.

2nd September 2013 Chairman