Who are the Community Development Worker Team?
Pentreath (Mental Health Charity)
The Community Development Worker team are part of Pentreath Ltd and we offer support to Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities across Cornwall. All our projects aim to reduce fear around using mental health services and to help BME communities’ access appropriate support with the aim of achieving equality of service and outcomes. We accept referrals from other services/organisations and self-referrals. These can be found at our website:
Did you know…?
We have a website: which is still being developed…if you have any feedback on this please contact: We also produce a quarterly newsletter and welcome your stories of Mental Health Services and suggestions of what you would like included…..if you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact us at:
General Support:
We offer one to one support to BME clients in the community, as well as general advice and guidance to staff, families and carers. Support given may be anything from a few sessions to ongoing support for more complex needs.
Inpatient Support:
CDWs provide support to all BME patients admitted to hospital because of mental health difficulties and will also offer support to their families, carers and staff. We will help support people throughout their stay in hospital and our services continue after discharge. Our help can range from making sure cultural or religious requirements are being met to supporting people find suitable accommodation after discharge. Contact:
Bridging Languages:
Effective, sympathetic and culturally sensitive interpretation and translation.Please contact:
Hate Crime:
Pentreath are one of five third party reporting and support centres for hate crime across Cornwall. We recognise the impact hate incidents and crimes can have on mental health (including isolation and anxiety), and will support people facing these issues. Contact:
New Projects:
Mothers in Mind - Support service for BME women struggling to cope with their emotions during pregnancy or after birth.
CDWs will offer BME women 6 sessions of targeted support which can be extended if needed. These sessions will focus on connecting women to the right services and groups as well as ensuring their cultural needs are being met.
We are also planning to run community groups focussing on emotional well-being tools, creative therapeutic tools, discussions on culture and birth including adding any cultural needs to the birthing plan. We will also look at issues such as attachment and the services and groups available.
The groups are planned to start later in 2016. However we can take referrals or self-referrals for the one-to-one work straight away. Please contact Emily () or Sarah () for more information.
Also planned for 2016, creative art and wellbeing group for the BME Community – check out our website for further updates:
The CDW Team are: Dean Harvey, Sarah Sejahtera, Emily Apple, Octavio Leon and Vicki Horner.