Outline Terms of Reference (ToR)
Communication and Engagement Sub Group
Author:Jonathan Watts, Programme Manager
Owner:Chris Lines, Director of Communication, Public Health Wales
Date:23 August 2012 / Version:0.2
Publication/ Distribution:
- Communication and Engagement Review Sub Group Members
- Health Improvement Review EDT members
- HIAGmembers
- Public Health Wales Website
Revision date / Previous revision date / Summary of Changes / Changes marked
First issue
Review Date:
Purpose and Summary of Document:
To document the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Communications and Engagement Sub Group. A formal task and finish group of the National Health Improvement Review.
Work Plan reference: National Health Improvement Review
Date:23rd August 2012 / Version:0.2 / Page: 1 of 5
Public Health Wales / Outline ToR: Communication and Engagement Sub Group
At the request of the previous Minister for Health, Social Services and Children, Professor Sir Mansel Aylward completed a review of a number of key national health improvement programmes in 2011. One key recommendation was that consideration should be given more fully to the future direction for health improvement and the programmes across the board. The current Minister has now asked Public Health Wales to undertake this work.
The holistic approach to communication and engagement for this review is documented in the programmes overarching ‘Communication and Engagement’ Strategy. This paper outlines the key principles that should be adopted to ensure a robust approach to communication and engagement as an ongoing theme of the review.
The purpose of this sub group is to explicitly undertake the qualitative data gathering from key stakeholders in regards to the current landscape of Health Improvement in Wales.
In undertaking this exercise the sub group must consider the principles outlined in the communication and engagement strategy.
2Objectives and scope
The objective of the sub group shall be to undertake a series of qualitative data gathering exercises with the following stakeholders:
- The local public health teams of the Health Boards in Wales.
- Welsh Government
- Public Health Wales
- Local Authorities / Welsh Local Government Association
- Third sector / Welsh Council for Voluntary Action
- Service users
The key deliverable for the group shall be a report of findings. Key milestone outputs that shall input into this report are:
- Seven consultation events with local public health teams with feedback documented
- Four themed stakeholder events with feedback documented
- ‘In house’ consultation event with feedback documented
- Documented feedback from other Public Health Wales events e.g. staff conference
- A report from Beaufort Research
- Reports from any locally-held engagement events
4Key Activities
- Local Health BoardEngagement events:
Aseries of engagement events to be held with each of the LPHT’s with a set of eight standard questions posed.
- Public Health Wales
The utilisation of existing events within the organisation including the Public Health Wales Conference, Public Health Wales Staff Conference and the Public Health Wales National Forum to gather views.
An open event to be held specifically with the Health Improvement team within Public Health Wales to gather the views of those staff whom maybe most directly affected (or feel they are affected) by the review.
- Service Users:
An external firm (Beaufort Research) has been commissioned to undertake user understanding, perception and access issues of Health Improvement programmes / initiatives in Wales.
As a follow from the engagement events with LPHT’s local teams will be asked to hold their own local engagement events with their stakeholders and users.
- Welsh Government, Voluntary / third sector, Local Authority
A set of multi agency ‘themed’ engagement events to be organised. Each event will have a specific theme of a phase from the ‘life course’. Relevant stakeholders for these areas invited to attend and input their knowledge, views and expertise.
In addition WLGA have their own mechanisms of canvassing LA option on key issues. They have agreed to use this communication channel to further gain feedback.
- Other Interested Stakeholders
To ensure a presence on the Public Health Wales website that enables views to be collated.
This Sub Group needs to have gathered all required data, analysed findings and provided a report to form part of the overall review documentation by the 2nd November.
- Local Health Board Engagement events:
Date / Health Board
16th July / Powys
16th July / Hywel Dda
23rd July / Cardiff & Vale
24th July / Aneurin Bevan
30th July / Cwm Taf
22nd August / ABMU
6th September / Betsi Cadwaladr
- Public Health Wales events
- 18 July – Public Health Wales Conference
- 17 October – Public Health Wales Conference
- 3 September – Health Improvement Division consultation event
- Service Users
- Project commissioned – 15th August
- Written findings – 22nd October
- Multi agency ‘themed’ engagement events – 10th & 11thOctober, The Waterton Centre, Bridgend. North Wales dates TBC.
- Other interested stakeholders – ongoing via website feedback
6Resources and Membership of the group
Strategic Programme Director – Helen Howson
Programme Manager – Jonathan Watts
Principal Health Promotion Specialist – Malcolm Ward
Programme Support Officer - TBC
Jo Black – Communications Officer
7Dependencies and Constraints
The majority of the consultation is going to need to take place over the summer months- this could be problematic when looking to seek good availability.
Procuring the services of an external firm will require certain financial standards to be followed. Additionally there is no identified resource to fund this exercise.
8Governance Arrangements
As part of the overarching programme methodology being used to govern this review the sub group will adhere to the principles of Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) methodology.
The sub group lead shall report to the EDT on a monthly basis.
Public Health Wales Strategic Programme Director will be the overall operational lead for the review and will be supported by the Programme manager who collectively will ensure the ongoing integrity of review.
Dr Peter Bradley shall be the senior responsible owner (SRO) for the review.
9Any Component Work-strands
This needs to link across the other work strands to avoid duplication of effort.
Date:23rd August 2012 / Version:0.2 / Page: 1 of 5