Song: Ding Dong The Witch is Dead by Alex Swings Oscars Sings (
Choreographer: Chris Watson – Dare 2 Dance , April 2010.
Dance Description: Intermediate Level Dance , Start with Weight on L , 1 Restart/Tag & Bridge.
Kick Ball Cross X 2 , Side Shuffle, Rock Replace
1&2,3&4Kick R Foot forward, step R in place and cross L over R, Repeat.
5&67,8Step R to R Side, Bring L together and step R to R side, rock L back and forward onto R.
Weave, Side Shuffle, Rock Replace
1,2,3,4Step L to L Side, Step R Behind L , Step L to L Side and R across in front of L
5,6&7,8Step L to L Side, Bring R together and Step L to L side, Rock back onto R and forward onto L. *
Toe Struts, ½ Monterey Turn
1,2,3,4Touch R toe to R side and lower Heel, Cross L toe across in front of R & Lower Heel to floor.
5,6,7,8Touch R toe to R Side, ½ turn via R stepping R foot into centre and touch L toe to L side & step L together. (6 O Clock)
¼ Monterey syncopated & Rock Cross, Weave
1,2&3,4Touch R toe to R Side ¼ Turn Right bring R together and Rock L to L side back to Centre and cross L over R. (9 O Clock)**
5,6,&78Step R to R Side, Step L behind R , Step R to R Side and Left over R , Step R to R Side
Rock Replace, Side Shuffle , Rock Replace Shuffle Forward
1,2,3&4Rock back onto L foot and forward onto R , Step L to L Side, Bring R together and step L to L side.
5,6,7&8Rock back onto R foot and forward onto L, Step R foot forward, bring L together and step forward onto R.
Rock Replace ¼ Turn step, Cross Box, back , Coaster
1,2,3,4Rock forward onto L foot, back onto R foot, ¼ turn left stepping L to L side, cross R over L (6 O Clock wall)
5,6,7&8Step Back L,R, Step L back, Step R back together with L and step forward L.
Kick Ball Step X 2, Rock replace ½ turn Shuffle
1&2,3&4Kick R foot forward , step R in place and step forward onto L, Repeat
5,6,7&8Rock Forward onto R foot, back onto L, ½ Turn Right Shuffle forward R,L,R
Pivot ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Step forward together Twist to R, Heels, Toes.
1,2,3&4Step L foot Forward Pivot ½ Turn via R taking weight onto R , Shuffle Forward L,R,L
5,6,7,8Step R foot forward , step L together with R, Moving to R Twist Heels to R , Toes to R.
64 Beats
Re Start Dance New Direction
* Restart: Wall 3, Dance the first 16 Counts & Re start the dance on wall 3.
Tag: At the End of Wall 3, step R to R side and push heaps R,L,R,L
**Bridge: On Wall 6 Dance up to Count 24 then add
1,2,3,4Right Monteray: Touch R toe to R Side, ½ turn via R stepping R foot into centre and touch L toe to L side & step L together
5,6,7,8Box Step: Cross R over L, Step L foot back, Step R to R side and bring L foot together.
Restart Dance
This dance is fun & easy don’t let the Tags etc scare you. Have fun.
Chris Watson
Dare 2 Dance
call 0404170276