The True Gospel
Revealed Anew by Jesus
Volume I
Received Through
this online edition published by
Divine Truth, Australia
ver. 1.0
Contents ii
Portrait of James E. Padgett ix
by Dr Leslie R. Stone, Editor x
SPIRIT PHOTO of Mary Kennedy, with her soulmate Dr. Stone. Taken in February 1920, in the Washington, D.C. studio of Mr. William Keeler xviii
The True Mission of Jesus xix
1. The Messages 1
John the Baptist is Now the Harbinger of the Master As He was on Earth. Confirms Jesus' Writing Through Mr. Padgett (John the Baptist) 1
The Reasons Given by Jesus as to Why He Selected Mr. Padgett to do the Work of Receiving the Messages (Jesus) 1
Description of Birth and Life of Jesus Up to the Time of His Public Ministry (Jesus) 3
Affirming that Jesus Had Written Through Mr. Padgett (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Wife of Mr. Padgett, Celestial Spirit) 5
Jesus Continues His Description of His Birth and Life Up to the Time of His Public Ministry (Jesus) 5
Comments on Jesus' Description of His Birth and Life Up to the Time of His Public Ministry (Joseph Salyards — Professor) 6
The Kingdom of God on Earth and in the Spirit World or the Way to the Kingdom of the Perfect Man. These Spirits Have Only the Natural Love Developed to a Condition of Purity, but Do Not Possess the Divine Love That is Necessary to Enter the Celestial Kingdom (Jesus) 7
Affirming that Jesus Wrote on the Two Kingdoms (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 10
2. Celestial Heavens 11
The Only Way to the Kingdom of God in the Celestial Heavens (Jesus) 11
Affirmation by Samuel, Jesus Wrote the Messages (Samuel — Prophet of Old) 13
After Death, the Judgment. What It Is and What It Is Not (Jesus) 13
The Beliefs of a Mission Preacher (Jesus) 15
Divine Love — What It Is and What It Is Not. How It Can Be Obtained (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 17
Necessity of Faith and Prayer in Doing the Work. Mr. Padgett Is His Chosen One To Do The Work (Jesus) 18
Affirmations That Jesus Wrote (Paul, Apostle of Jesus — John, Apostle of Jesus — James, Apostle of Jesus — Luther — Barnabas — Samuel — John Wesley — John The Baptist) 19
Affirming That The Master Wrote (St. Luke — of the Gospel Named After Him) 19
Affirmation That Eight of The Celestial Spirits Signed Their Names (Helen — Wife of Mr. J. E. Padgett, Celestial Spirit) 19
Jesus Says His Mission in Writing These Messages is — His Second Coming on Earth (Jesus) 20
St. James Was Over-powered by Jesus' Great Presence (St. James — Apostle of Jesus) 20
St. John Said The Master Had Written and Showed His Great Power and Glory (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 21
Affirming That The Master Wrote With Such Power and Glory (Ann Rollins — Celestial Spirit, Grandmother of Mr. Padgett) 21
The Only Prayer That Man Need Offer to the Father (Jesus) 21
Affirmation That Jesus Showed His Glory (A. G. Riddle — Celestial Spirit) 23
Affirmation by Mrs. Padgett (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Wife of Mr. J. E. Padgett) 23
Writes on the True Meaning of "The End of the World" (St. John — Apostle of Jesus 23
3. Immortality 26
Immortality (Jesus) 26
Immortality (St. Luke — of the New Testament) 27
Immortality (Henry Ward Beecher — Preacher) 29
Salvation That Jesus Taught: — That No Man or Spirit Can Receive the Full Salvation That Jesus Taught and Exemplified in His Own Person, Who Does Not Become Wholly Possessed in His Soul of This Divine Love of the Father, and Become Rid of the Conditions and Attributes That Belong to His Created Soul (St. Matthew — Apostle of Jesus) 31
4. Who And What Is God? 32
Who and What Is God? (Jesus) 32
Who and What Is God? (Ann Rollins — Celestial Spirit) 33
Who And What Is God — Continued 35
Affirmation That P's Grandmother Wrote the Message on "Who and What Is God?" (John H. Padgett — Father of Mr. J. E. Padgett) 36
Christ May Be in You — What It Means (Jesus) 37
5. Holy Spirit 39
Many Who Think That They Have Received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Have Only Advanced in the Natural Love and Not the Divine Love. Difference Between God's Spirit and the Holy Spirit (Jesus) 39
The Mystery of the Godhead. Three in One is a Myth. There is No Mystery That Men Should Not Know (St. Luke — of the New Testament) 40
Spirit Affirms Luke's Writing. Regrets That He Did Not Teach the Truth When on Earth (N_____, Preacher, Protestant Church, Washington, DC) 42
Why Jesus Does Not Attend the Battlefields Where the Scenes of Carnage Exist (Jesus) 43
Affirming Jesus Wrote and Showed His Glory (Mrs. Padgett — Wife of Mr. Padgett, Celestial Spirit) 45
The Destiny of the Man Who Does Not Have the Divine Love in His Soul and Dies Only With the Natural Love and a Belief in the Creeds, etc. (Jesus) 45
6. Resurrection 48
The Resurrection That is Common to All, Be They Saint or Sinner (St. Paul — of the New Testament) 48
Corroboration by Jesus That St. Paul Wrote on the Resurrection (Jesus) 49
The Resurrection That Jesus Taught Without Which Our Faith as Christians is in Vain (St. Paul — of the New Testament) 50
Why the Divine Love of God is Necessary for Man to Possess in Order That He May Become At-one With the Father and an Inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom (Jesus) 52
The Importance of Knowing the Way to the Celestial Kingdom — Many Statements in the Bible Untrue (Jesus) 53
Previous Message Continued (Jesus) 54
Discourse Continued from Preceding Message (Jesus) 55
7. The Soul 57
The Soul — What It Is and What It Is Not (Jesus) 57
How the Redeemed Soul is Saved from the Penalties That Sin end Error Has Brought Upon It (Jesus) 59
Probation Does Exist Among Spirits in the Hells. All Who Refuse to Seek the Way to the Celestial Heavens Will Eventually Find Their Way to the Kingdom Where the Perfect Natural Man Exists (Jesus) 60
The Importance for Mankind Seeking the Divine Love and Not Be Satisfied by Merely Developing the Natural Love in a Pure State (Jesus) 62
The Soul and Its Relationship to God and Future Life and Immortality (St. Matthew — Apostle of Jesus) 63
Discourse on the Soul (St. Cornelius — The First Gentile Christian) 64
8. Forgiveness 66
Forgiveness (Ann Rollins — Celestial Spirit, Grandmother of Mr. Padgett) 66
How a Soul Must Receive the Divine Love of the Father in Order to Become An Inhabitant of the Kingdom of God and Realize That Immortality of Which I Have Written You (Jesus) 68
What is the Reason That Mortals Will Not Seek the Love of the Father, Rather Than Endeavor to Believe in the Creeds and Sacraments of the Church to Which They Belong or Be Affiliated With? (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 70
9. Atonement 73
Atonement — Part I (St. Luke — of the New Testament) 73
Atonement — Part II (St. Luke — of the New Testament) 74
Confirms that Luke Wrote on the Atonement (Jesus) 77
What is the Fact in Reference to the Authenticity of the Bible (St. Luke — of the New Testament) 78
Celestials Must Work Until the Celestial Kingdom Will Be Closed (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 80
Describes the Difference Between the Spirits of the Celestial and the Spirit Spheres and Their Happiness (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 80
Condition of Spirits and Their Experiences and Beliefs That Are Below the Celestial Heavens; How They Congregate Together (St. James — Apostle of Jesus) 81
Tells of His Beliefs When on Earth. Sacrifice to the Devil (Inaladocie — Ancient Spirit) 82
Various Experiences of Spirits When They Arrive in the Spirit World (Professor Salyards — Celestial Spirit) 82
Heaven is a Place as Well as a Condition of the Soul (A. G. Riddle — Celestial Spirit) 84
The Soul's Progression As I Have Experienced It (G____. — Celestial Spirit, Old Friend of Mr. Padgett) 85
Constantine Says He Never When on Earth Accepted Christianity. Is Now a Celestial Spirit (Constantine — Roman Emperor) 88
Luke Affirms Constantine's Writing (St. Luke — of the New Testament) 89
Affirms That Constantine and Luke Wrote (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Wife of Mr. Padgett) 89
What Actually Happened at Jesus' Crucifixion (Samuel — Prophet of Old) 90
Affirming That Samuel Wrote the Preceding Message (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Wife of Mr. Padgett) 91
His Beliefs Were Merely Intellectual. After a While Became Skeptical (S-B. C____. — Minister of the Gospel) 91
Affirming That Dark Spirits Were Helped (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Wife of Mr. Padgett, Celestial Spirit) 93
10. Hell 95
Hell and the Duration of Punishment (St. Paul — of the New Testament) 95
Hell and the Duration of Punishment Continued from Preceding Message (Paul) 95
Hell — What lt Is and What the Purpose Is. Continued From Preceding Message (Paul) 96
Experience of an Orthodox Minister After He Passed Into the Spirit World (F____. — Orthodox Minister) 98
Affirming That the Orthodox Minister Wrote and Gave His Experience in the Spirit World (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Wife of Mr. Padgett) 101
Book of Revelation is Only a Mere Allegory of Some One or More Writers and is Not the Same as St. John Wrote (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 101
Description of the Third Sphere. Affirmation Jews Wrote the Prayer (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 103
Changed His Erroneous Beliefs That He Taught on Earth and is Now in the Celestial Heavens (George Whitefield — Preacher of England and a Contemporary With John Wesley) 105
How All Mankind Can Become Divine Angels and How Erroneous Beliefs Prevent This Consummation (Ann Rollins — Celestial Spirit) 105
What Jesus Meant When He Said — "He That Liveth and Believeth on Me Shall Never Die" (Jesus) 107
Faith and How It Can Be Obtained (Jesus) 108
Jesus is Not God, But an Elder Brother. Sin Has No Existence Except As It Is Created by Mankind and Man Must Pay the Penalties (Jesus) 108
Worship of Jesus as Part of the Godhead is Wrong and Sinful — How Much Jesus Deplores This Erroneous Belief of Mankind (Jesus) 111
11. Vicarious Atonement 113
The Belief in the Efficacy of the Vicarious Atonement of Jesus by His Death and Crucifixion by the Churches Has Caused Much Harm to Mankind and the Loss of the True Way to the Celestial Kingdom (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 113
What is the Use in Believing in the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross as Salvation From Sin (St. Luke — Writer of the Third Gospel That Was) 116
Denies the Vicarious Atonement — This Belief Doing Much Harm — Bible Contains Many False Statements (St. Paul — of the New Testament) 117
Affirms What Paul Wrote About the Vicarious Atonement (St. Peter — Apostle of Jesus) 118
What Men Can Do to Eradicate War and Evil From Men's Souls. Jesus Never Came to Bring a Sword but to Bring Peace Through His Teachings (Jesus) 118
Comments on Jesus' Message on the Cause of War (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Wife of Mr. Padgett, Celestial Spirit) 120
Comments on Jesus' Message on the Cause of War (Elias — Prophet of Old — (Elijah)) 121
There Are No Devils and No Satan Considered as Real Persons and Fallen Angels (Jesus) 121
Happiness and Peace That Passeth All Understanding Comes to the Possessor of the Divine Love (Samuel — Prophet of Old) 123
Jesus Did Not Perform All the Miracles Claimed in the Bible (St. Peter — Apostle of Jesus) 123
Experience of the Wandering Jew (No Name Given) 124
Confirming the Experience That Came to the "Wandering Jew" (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 125
Comments on the Message of the Wandering Jew (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Celestial Spirit, Wife of Mr. Padgett.) 126
Why the Churches Refuse to Investigate That Spirits Can and do Communicate With Mortals (St. John — Apostle of Jesus) 126
Discourses on the Devolution and Evolution of Man — Scientists Only Know of Evolution After Man Reached the Bottom of His Degeneracy or Devolution (St. Luke — Writer of the Third Gospel That Was) 127
The Relationship of Man to the Creation of the World, and the Origin of Life (Jesus) 129
Previous Message Continued (Jesus) 130
The Importance of the Jews Learning the Truths of God Proclaimed by Jesus (Moses — The Prophet of God of Ancient Days) 132
Daniel Writes His Experience in the Spirit World, and His Life on Earth (Daniel — Prophet of God of The Old Testament) 133
His Teaching and Experience When on Earth. Did Not Get the Divine Love Until Jesus Came to Earth (Samuel — Prophet of God of The Old Testament) 135
Affirming that Daniel and Samuel Wrote (Helen — Mrs. Padgett, Celestial Spirit, Wife of Mr. Padgett) 136
On the History of the Times When He Lived on Earth. He Never Knew of the Divine Love Until Jesus Came to Earth and Made Known Its Rebestowal (Elias — Elijah of the Old Testament) 136
His Experience While on Earth and the Spirit World. Transfiguration on the Mount a Reality (Elias — Elijah, Prophet to the Hebrews) 137
Elias Was Not John the Baptist, Neither Was John a Reincarnation of Elias (Elias — Elijah of the Old Testament) 139
Much Interested in the Work and the Importance of Mankind Knowing the Truth (Cornelius — The Centurion) 139
The Truth of the Bible as to the Things That Are Contained in the Old Testament (Elias — Elijah, Prophet of Old) 140