2015 Annual Report

Outcomes Data Sheet – Surgical Technology


Data reported in SECTION I is for the academic year(AY): ______8/1/2013 – 7/31/2014______

Month/Year to Month/Year


Total of Completion Dates for academic year: ______8/1/2013 – 7/31/2014______

Month/Year to Month/Year

Completion Date: ______

Students Admitted: ______

Re-Entry/Transfer-In Students: ______

Number of Students Graduated: ______

Graduation Rate: ______%

Retention Analysis:
Retention Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):

Note: The ARC/STSA suggests development of the program’s analysis and plan of action in the expandable text fields above.

The program can spell-check the information, then “cut and paste” the information into the 2015 E-Report, as indicated.

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Program Assessment TOOL (CST)

CST Certification Exam (NBSTSA)

Total of Completion DATES FOR academic year: ______8/1/2013 – 7/31/2014______

Month/Year to Month/Year

Completion Date: ______

Total number of graduates: ______

Number of graduates who took the CST Exam: ______= ______% participation rate

Total number of graduates who took exam: ______

Number of graduates who scored “Pass” on the first attempt: ______= ______% pass rate

Outcomes Assessment Exam - CST Participation Rate Analysis:
Outcomes Assessment Exam - CST Participation Rate Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):
Outcomes Assessment Exam - CST Pass Rate Analysis:
Outcomes Assessment Exam - CST Pass Rate Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):

Note: The ARC/STSA suggests development of the program’s analysis and plans of action in the expandable text fields above.

The program can spell-check the information, then “cut and paste” the information into the 2015 E-Report, as indicated.


Data reported in SECTION II is for the academic/fiscal year: ______8/1/2012 – 7/31/2013______

Month/Year to Month/Year


Total of Completion DATES FOR academic year: ______8/1/2012 – 7/31/2013______

Month/Year to Month/Year

Completion Date: ______

Graduates employed within 1 year of graduation ______+

Graduates not employed in field within 1 year but continuing education ______+ Graduates employed in field within 1 year of graduation and continuing their education ______

Total Number of Graduates Placed (a.+ b.+c.) ______¸ Total Number of Graduates ______= ______% Placement

Graduate Placement Analysis:
Graduate Placement Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):

Note: The ARC/STSA suggests development of the program’s analysis and plan of action in the expandable text fields above.

The program can spell-check the information, then “cut and paste” the information into the 2015 E-Report, as indicated.


Total of Completion DATES FOR academic year: ______8/1/2012 – 7/31/2013______

Month/Year to Month/Year

Completion Date: ______

Total Number of Graduates Placed ______

Total Number of Employer Surveys Returned: ______= ______%

Total Number of Employer Surveys Indicating Satisfaction: ______= ______%

Employer Survey Return Rate Analysis:
Employer Survey Return Rate Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):
Employer Survey Satisfaction Rate Analysis:
Employer Survey Satisfaction Rate Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):

Note: The ARC/STSA suggests development of the program’s analysis and plan of action in the expandable text fields above.

The program can spell-check the information, then “cut and paste” the information into the 2015 E-Report, as indicated.


Total of Completion DATES FOR academic year: ______8/1/2012 – 7/31/2013______

Month/Year to Month/Year

Completion Date: ______

Total Number of Graduates ______

Total Number of Graduate Surveys Returned: ______= ______%

Total Number of Graduate Surveys Indicating Satisfaction: ______= ______%

Graduate Survey Return Rate Analysis:
Graduate Survey Return Rate Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):
Graduate Survey Satisfaction Rate Analysis:
Graduate Survey Satisfaction Rate Plan of Action (if below ARC/STSA threshold):

Note: The ARC/STSA suggests development of the program’s analysis and plan of action in the expandable text fields above.

The program can spell-check the information, then “cut and paste” the information into the 2015 E-Report, as indicated.


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