Unit 1: Family Violence and Abuse
(Follow along and fill in the blanks. This will be graded and a quiz will come from this material)
It is any action that is meant to make others feel hurt, scared or humiliated. It is not only physically hurting someone.
· ______ - The use of physical force. Ex) pushing, shoving, holding someone down, torturing, punching, biting, kicking, burning, hurting or killing pets, breaking possessions, using any kind of weapon etc.
· ______- The use of threats, intimidation or put-downs. Ex) speaking in a scary way; threatening to hurt or kill you or someone else; giving "looks" that make you scared; name calling; a user or a loser, telling someone he or she is crazy or useless; saying things to purposely make others feel bad about themselves.
· ______- Forcing, manipulating or doing sexual acts to someone when she or he does not want it. Ex) touching someone where they don't want to be touched, rape, demanding or tricking someone into doing sexual things, using objects, treating someone as a sex object.
· ______- Using money as a source of power over someone. Ex) making someone dependent on you for money, forcing someone to beg or do other things for money, keeping control of all money matters, stopping someone from getting a job, selling others' things.
· ______- The use of social life to control someone or make them feel bad about themselves. Ex). not letting someone choose their own friends or doing it for them, being mean about someone's family or friends and making them feel unwelcome when they are around, insisting you do everything together, put-downs or pay-outs in public, being jealous and controlling about how and with whom you mix/spend time.
· ______ - The use of religion, faith or cult beliefs as a form of control or to hurt. Ex) preventing someone from keeping their own faith, forcing or manipulating you to participate in beliefs or ceremonies you don't want to, scaring or hurting you by the use of certain beliefs
· ______- Any abuse done within the family (domestic).Abuse from one parent to another. Ex) a husband hitting his wife. There are several types of domestic violence-listed later in this packet.
Types of Abuse:
1. Physical
2. Emotional/Verbal
3. Financial
4. Sexual
5. Social
6. Spiritual
7. Domestic abuse
Abuse and violence is wrong. Many forms of abuse are against the law.
Family violence often goes along with other forms of more abuse: verbal, emotional, psychological, sexual, or financial and is closely correlated with______.
Most abusers (batterers) are male - but women do abuse also you just don’t hear that much about them doing it.
Violence in the family is mostly spousal - one spouse beating, raping, or physically harming and torturing the other. But children are also and often victims - either directly, or indirectly.
There is not geographical or socioeconomic group that abuses more than another. Abuse knows no “type”. It is found in the rich and the poor, the well-educated and the less educated, the young and the middle-aged, city dwellers and rural folk. Abuse affects EVERY walk of life!
What's the difference between arguments and domestic violence?
All couples have arguments. In a relationship that isn't abusive, both parents might argue, but they both still feel free to say what they really think. But domestic violence goes beyond this. One parent might have a the attitude that they are the “boss” and to dominate the other parent. But this is not right - both parents should treat each other as equals.
Sexual abuse = Tricking or forcing someone to do something they don’t want to do. Someone touching your private parts or making you touch theirs.
It can also include rape or other things that make you feel uncomfortable
Ex) Making sexual comments about you, rubbing their body against you in a sexual way, trying to kiss you, or making you look at sexual pictures or videos.
People who sexually abuse others will often say:
Sexual abuse is often unreported because people are ashamed or scared to tell anyone
No matter what it is NEVER the person’s fault if they are being sexually abused. They never do anything to “deserve” it.
Sexual abuse can be very ______damaging for a child to endure. Children who are sexually abused often have a skewed view on sex and low ______and will probably not trust many people. This can lead to serious problems by the time they are adults. Some young people who are abused turn into abusers themselves or even ______.
FACT: Approximately one in six boys is sexually abused before age 16.