General Membership Meeting May 7, 2016

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®

Zeta Chi Omega Chapter

General Membership Meeting

Nannie J. Lee Center, Alexandria, VA

Soror Rhonda Luss, Basileus, Presiding


Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016 General Membership Meeting No.: 16-05

The meeting was held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Nannie J. Lee Center, Alexandria, VA.

The meeting was called to order by Soror Rhonda Luss, Basileus at 10:00am.

Meditation: Led by Soror Toni Pearson.

Greetings: Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey

·  Introduction of visiting sorors.

·  Visitors included: Soror Shirley Fields, Soror Danielle Hogan, Soror Nicole Mae Morse, Soror Sherri Chambers, and Soror Tamika Becton

Quorum: Soror Yvette Darnaby, Philacter.

·  Zeta Chi Omega – 109 sorors present; quorum established.

Adoption of Agenda

MOTION: Soror Aja Charity moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion seconded. Call for the vote. Motion carried.

Reading and Disposition of March Minutes – Soror Patricia Edwards, Grammateus

MOTION: Soror Aja Charity moved to accept the April minutes. Motion seconded. Call for the vote. Motion carried.

Reading of Correspondence: Soror Steronica Mattocks

·  Presented written report.

·  Received the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Insurance and Claim Manual and Certificate of Liability

·  Received 2 pieces of campaign literature from Soror Danette Anthony Reed, Candidate for Re-Election as the Supreme Tamiouchos, and from Soror Antoria C. Frazier, Candidate for Undergraduate Member-at-Large.

·  Recognized the members of the Newsletter Committee

·  Presented Soror Nicole Clark with a bouquet of flowers for her work on the newsletter


Basileus: Soror Rhonda Luss

·  Presented written report which included highlights from the International, Regional, and Chapter.

·  Report is also in the Ivyette.

·  Congratulated Soror Toni Gant, who was promoted to the rank of Colonel in the United States Army.

·  Zeta Chi Omega Chapter has been invited to participate in the Battle to Fight Hunger, 2016 Food Fight.

It is a three-day packing event on May 13, 14, &15, 2016, at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Virginia. The goal of this community service event is to pack and provide 5 million meals to feed nearly 14, 000 hungry children around the world for a year. The Chapter has been asked to volunteer for a packing session on Sunday, May 15, 2016, from 3:00-5:00 PM.

·  Chapter Delegates for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference and Boule are expected to attend all plenary sessions beginning with the formal opening.

·  Zeta Chi Omega Chapter was well represented at the 63rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference with 137 sorors registered.

·  It was announced that the 64th Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference (MARC) will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina, from April 26-30, 2017.

·  Boule late registration runs from April 16-May 15, 2016. Graduate late registration is $450 and Golden Soror late registration is $425.

·  It was acknowledged that Soror Lula Lang Jeter is the oldest member of the Mid-Atlantic Region to serve as a former member of the Directorate without an Endowment Fund.

MOTION: By the direction of the Executive Board, it is moved that the Chapter help initiate and support a Lula Lang Jeter Scholarship Endowment Fund through Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF). The funds will be supported through donations, not chapter funds. Call for the Vote. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Mid-Atlantic Regional Report- Soror Joyce Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director

·  Thanked the Zeta Chi Omega Chapter for overwhelmingly supporting the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference

·  Reminded the Chapter that the Boule Chapter Delegate report must be received at the Corporate Office

by June 1, 2016.

·  The Mid-Atlantic Region hotel for Boule will be the Hilton Hotel

·  The Chapter should be receiving a spring mailing from the Corporate Office, which will contain:

1.  Proposed Budget

2.  Proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws

3.  Registration for Delegates

4.  List of Candidates for Office

5.  Minutes from the 2014 Boule

6.  Information on the 23 Moments of Service Activities

·  It was recommended that Zeta Chi Omega support the proposed increase in per capita.

·  It was recommended that Zeta Chi Omega support the establishment of the Lula Lang Jeter Endowment Fund.

·  There will be a Soror Skills Survey Form distributed for sorors interested in serving on the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Regional Team.

Anti-Basileus-Soror Tamara Rowe

·  Presented written report

·  17 different program events were executed through the month of April.

·  Recognized Breast Cancer Survivors

·  There should be a sign-in sheet at all Program events. The names of sorors in attendance at each event should be forwarded to Sorors Jennifer Hansborough, Standards Chairman, and Tamara Rowe, Anti-Basileus.

·  Target I: Educational Enrichment-The Chapter donated 84 backpacks to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Project.

Think HBCU Campaign-The Chapter donated $1400 to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference “Think HBCU $5 Campaign.”

·  Target II: Health Promotion- Soror Carol Gibson

The Longest Day-Saturday, June 18, 2016-Two activities to honor those who face Alzheimer’s disease:

1.  “Get Moving!”-Healthy walk at Cameron Run Regional Park in Alexandria, from 8:00-10:00 AM

2.  “BINGO!”- Fun-filled afternoon with the residents of the Regency Care of Arlington nursing home, from 3:00-5:00 PM

At the June Chapter meeting, there will be an Alzheimer’s Awareness display table where literature and purple ribbons will be distributed to the members.

Zeta Chi Omega has a team participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on Saturday, May 7. Chapter members will be taking photographs as a part of the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City’s Mother’s Day Photo Booth May 7-8.

·  Target III: Family Strengthening- The Bi-Monthly Carpenter’s Shelter Meal Service is scheduled for Sunday, May 22nd. The Project Step Out program is scheduled for Tuesdays, May 10th and May 24th, from 4:00-5:00 PM, at the Charles Houston Center in Alexandria, VA.

·  Target IV: Environmental Ownership- Zeta Chi Omega Chapter will participate in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s Community Impact Day on Saturday, May 21st, at Doctors Run Park in Arlington, VA. Sorors will be sprucing up the park from 10:00-11:30 AM. Rain date is Saturday, May 28, 2016.

·  Target V: Global Impact-The ASCEND Scholars participated in the UN Model Simulations on Saturday, April 9th, from 10:00AM-1:00PM, at the Charles Houston Center. Soror DeChane Dorsey led the session on Combatting Racism and Eradicating Poverty.

Tamiouchos – Presented by Soror Katrina Anwar, Anti-Tamiouchos

General Fund Account:

Beginning Balance as of April 1, 2016 $ 84,223.56

Total Revenue $ 91,751.88

Total Expenditures $ 17,951.62

Ending Bank Balance as of April 29, 2016 $ 73,800.26

Property Fund:

Beginning Balance as of March 29, 2016 $258,472.52

Ending Balance as of April 29, 2016 $258,066.20

·  Presented written report with footnotes.

·  Report will be filed for audit.

Pecunious Grammateus: Presented by Soror Ingrid Alexander, Anti-Pecunious Grammateus

·  Presented written report.

·  Total Membership as of 04/30/2016: 376

·  Total Cash Receipts for period 04/01/2016-04/30/2016: $7,296.10

·  Note that the Pecunious Grammateus and Tamiouchos reports differ due to items receipted in April, but not yet reflected in the deposits for April.

Hodegos: Presented by Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey

·  Presented written report.

·  Reported that five birthday floral arrangements and one condolence floral arrangement were delivered.

·  Received a thank you card from Soror Naomi Brooks for her birthday arrangement.


Awards-Soror Barbara Warren, Chairman

·  Presented written report

·  Reported that Zeta Chi Omega submitted seventeen (17) Chapter and Individual awards to the 63rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Awards Committee on February 9, 2016.

·  Zeta Chi Omega was the recipient of six (6) awards at the 63rd MARC. They were:

1.  Pauline C. Morton Award (Alumni Basileus of the Year)-Soror Kendra Gillespie

2.  Clara M. Hines Award (Humanitarian and Caring Soror)-Soror Martha Coleman

3.  Overall Launching New Dimensions of Service Execution Achievement Award-Chapter Award

4.  2016 S.T.A.R. Award from the International Standards Committee-Chapter Award

5.  Alma B. Diggs Award, Largest Attendance at the Regional Conference-Graduate Chapter-Chapter Award

6.  The Wanza Bagnall Webb Award (Outstanding Service to Senior Citizen)-Chapter Award

·  Committee chairs and individual sorors were thanked for their submissions and efforts.

·  All 2016 Committee Program Chairs and Co-chairs were encouraged to start documenting programs and preparing for next year’s award submissions.

Connections, LaFrances Williams, Chairman

•  Presented written report

•  A.C.T.I.O.N. was discussed at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference:

1.  Advocate for legislation supporting fairness and the appointment of special prosecutors.

2.  Communicate with others on issues of common interest.

3.  Train community members on the grand jury process.

4.  Influence elected and appointed officials to support legislation that reflects Sorority goals and community values.

5.  Network with others to gain greater insight on how to seek elected and appointed offices and how to leverage membership size to improve local communities.

•  The Chapter Connection Committee will host a Voter Engagement Event at T. C. Williams High School.

MOTION: By the direction of the Executive Committee, it is moved that the chapter partner with the Office of Voter Registration and Elections in Arlington, Virginia. Motion seconded. Unanimous Vote. Motion carried.

Scholarship-Soror Patricia Edwards, Co-Chairman

•  Presented written report

•  36 applications were received for the Cooley-Moore Scholarship.

•  The Scholarship Committee held six meetings to score, rate, and interview applicants.

•  The Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia has approved the awarding of two Cooley-Moore Scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each year, for four years. The recipients of these scholarships will be

-Samuel Sarkodie, a senior at T. C. Williams High School

-Eunice Kwarteng, a senior at Mount Vernon High School.

•  In addition, the Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia has approved the awarding of two stipend-scholarships in the amount of $1,000. These one-time stipend-scholarships were the result of $1600 from the June 2015 Denim, Pumps, and Pearls event and $400 graciously provided from the IFNV. The funding may be used for necessary expenses the students require for school to include books or tuition. The two recipients of these $1,000 stipend-scholarships will be

-Isabella Sarfo, a senior at Mount Vernon High School

-Jesslyn Cabero, a senior at Bishop Ireton.

•  Currently, there are eight students receiving a Cooley-Moore Scholarship.

Contracts-Soror Irma Bogan, Chairman

• Presented written report.

·  Explained that the Waterford does not have an inclement weather policy and there is a possibility of losing $1200, if there is inclement weather on the date of the scheduled event.

MOTION: By the direction of the Executive Committee, it is moved that the Chapter rescind the motion to have our holiday meeting and luncheon at the Waterford Springfield due to the inclement weather cancellation policy. Motion seconded. Call for the Vote. Unanimous Vote. Motion carried.

·  The Hyatt Regency Crystal City and the Hyatt Regency Dulles were presented as possible venues for the December 3, 2016 Chapter meeting and holiday party.

·  The approximate cost for both venues would be $41 per soror.

MOTION: Soror Kendra Gillespie moved that the Chapter host its December meeting and holiday party at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. Motion Seconded. Discussion about the cost per ticket. Call for the Vote. 100-Affirmed. 2-opposed. Motion carried.


Founders’ Day 2017- Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey, Chairman

·  Presented written report.

·  Proposed using the Army Navy Country Club for the venue on proposed date of January 28, 2017. The

alternate date is January 21, 2017. The event will take place from 12:00 Noon -3:00 PM.

·  The proposed cost per person is $45 for a breakfast buffet. This cost would include the cost of the

meal, favors, printing, decorations, AV equipment, etc.

MOTION: Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey moved that the Chapter go to the Army Navy County Club for the January 28, 2017 Founders’ Day Breakfast at a cost of $45 per soror. Motion Seconded. Discussion. Call for the Vote. 24-Affirmed. 31- Opposed. Motion Failed.

Sisterly Relations- Soror Erika Bouknight, Co-Chairman

·  Presented written report.

·  Announced new Sister Circle Leaders:

-#1 (DC/Montgomery Co.)-Sorors DeChane Dorsey and Joy Page

-#3 (Southern Maryland)-Soror Andrea Streat

-#9(Ft. Belvoir/Lorton)-Soror Naomi Fauntleroy

-#11-Soror Andrea Sparks-Brown

·  Encouraged sorors to take advantage of the “You Go Soror!” forms to recognize Chapter sorors who

have shown kindnesses, efforts made, consistent sisterliness and/or general awesomeness.

·  Chapter picnic will take place immediately following the June General Body Meeting at the Lee Center.

Attire for the June General Body Meeting is casual. The cost for the picnic is $15 per person and free to

children ages 5 and younger. It will be catered, however, each Sister Circle will be invited to bring

drinks (sodas, water and children’s drinks) to supplement the tea and lemonade being provided by the


60th Anniversary Committee-Soror Kendra Gillespie, Co-Chairman

·  Presented written report

·  Anniversary Tea scheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2016, from 12:00 Noon-3:00 PM, at the Ritz Carlton

Pentagon City. The ticket price is $60.00 and parking is $10.00.

·  137 tickets sold to date. An additional 163 tickets need to be sold to meet the goal of 300 tickets. A

minimum of 100 more tickets need to be sold to meet the hotel obligations.

·  Chapter gift has been selected and purchased for presentation at the event. The hotel will provide


·  Soror Veronica Jackson, violinist, will provide the entertainment. Sorors Connie Greene and Joyce

Brooks will serve as the official photographers of the event.

·  Sorors were encouraged to purchase tickets at the Chapter meeting.

Diamond/Golden/Silver (DGS)-Soror Starr Garrett, Chairman

·  Presented written report.

·  May is “Jewels” month. All Golden and Silver “Jewels” will receive a token at the Chapter meeting

to honor over 4250 combined years of “service to all mankind.”

·  The newest Jewels were introduced and featured in a “Jewels Parade” during the Chapter meeting.

Stroll Team-Soror Marquita Davis, Chairman

·  The Stroll Team, led by Soror Marquita Davis, presented their fantastic MARC Stroll Team Exhibition.