Think Food - Video Tip-Sheet
Recommendations for how to best utilize THINK FOOD videos on NSLP and F2S. Use these suggestions to educate students, parents, and the surrounding community about the THINK FOOD campaign and the healthy food options in Florida cafeterias.
- Have a bold and clear section on website with videos and hyperlink to THINK FOOD page
- Provide all necessary links including
- Mention this website addition to parents in an email, to PTA in an email
- Include in newsletter
Social Media
- Post videos to school social media outlets directing users to website and other relevant campaign links (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Encourage students, parents, community to share
- Include specific hashtags given by FDACS – see below
- Post video to cover photo on Facebook
- Encourage students to retweet the video a certain number of times and school wins a prize
Culinary Teachers
- Encourage culinary teachers to show videos to their classes
- Consider engaging in a conversation with students on the new Think Food initiative
- Plan lesson around topics of the video for a cohesive message
PTA Email
- Send out videos to PTA in email announcing campaign with video attached
- Invite them to share on social media outlets
- Offer hashtags that they can use on social media
- Provide all necessary links
School Looping Video Screens
- If your school has TV screens in the cafeteria, lobby, or other areas of the school place the video on loop
- Have screen that directs students, teachers, and parents to the video links and THINK FOOD website
Morning Shows
- Consider having video on morning show
- Use provided script for campaign description
- Advertise morning show presence on social media platforms
Speaking Engagements
- Play video for students, teachers, parents, and community members as they wait for events or guest speakers to begin
- Consider talking about the campaign briefly before events/speakers begin to further explain the video
- Brainstorm any relevant ways to connect THINK FOOD videos to the event or guest speaker and direct audience to the THINK FOOD website
Board Storming
- “Storm” classroom white boards by writing link to videos in corner of the board
- Include short invitation to students to visit the link to learn more about school lunch, F2S, etc.
- Look neat and attractive—find someone with nice handwriting/artistic ability to write the link and invitation and add some small drawings to catch the eye
- Go through appropriate channels for permission
Chalk Campaign
- Pick 1 or 2 spots on school campus to direct students and teachers to THINK FOOD campaign and video
- Recruit artistic students to help afterschool
- Ask for school announcements to mention campaign (“You may have seen chalk drawings around school mentioning THINK FOOD. Visit the website…”)
School Fairs
- Include a table at school book, internship, college, or sports fairs
- Set up technology to play video as students, parents, teachers walk by
- Be prepared to discuss Think Food with those who approach the table and direct them to the website to learn more about NSLP, F2S
- Consider coming prepared with questions to ask students as they pass in order to engage them with a conversation about their cafeteria experiences
Lunch Table
- Similar to the school fair setup, have a table at lunch with THINK FOOD videos playing
- Invite students to come learn about the new campaign before or after they have eaten
- Direct them to the website and be prepared to answer questions and provide information
Sporting Events
- If school has video capabilities at sporting events, show video
- Play before and after event starts and couple with announcement about THINK FOOD campaign during half-time
- Set-up table at entrance to the game near where tickets are purchased with video playing on laptop or other technology set-up and engage with parents about new campaign
- Give audience the chance to win something by coming to watch the video