Hampton Village Community Association
General Meeting, Wednesday November 8, 2017
Hampton School's Multipurpose Room 6:30 pm
- Call to Order: 6:37PM
- Attendance: Cinthia, Jan, Darcie, Reann, Melanie, Kristen, Donavon, Kelly, Glen, Danae, Liisa, Chelsey, Christine
- Regrets: Cathy, Crystal, Dave, Keegan, Brad
- Introductions
- Review and adoption of agenda
a. Glen made motion to adopt agenda. Seconded by Kristen
- Review and approval of meeting minutes from September
- Liisa made motion to approve minutes Seconded by Kelly
- Business arising from the minutes
- Mention was made that June minutes are still outstanding
- Gift cards: Facebook and email/phone discussion took place prior to the October 11th, 2017 AGM. It was decided that one gift card would be given away as a door prize (majority of board was in favour) and Mel bought out the other one.
- Chelsey made motion to approve, Kristen seconded.
- Gift for Zita: A $50 thank you gift was approved for Zita via FB discussion and a email/phone input. Majority of board members voted in favour.
- Reann made motion to approve, Cinthia seconded
- Updates to HVCA bylaws (Cathy)
- Suggests we form small working groups at November’s meeting
- Tabled to December’s meeting so new members have orientation first.
- Review of correspondence
- A letter was circulated regarding the Saskatoon Public Library Service model. No decision needed.
- Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan (LDAS) Request
- Agreed that Learning Disabilities of Saskatchewan can set up a table at our January registration. They are also welcome at September’s.
Action Item: Cathy to reply to LDAS contact
- Executive Reports
- President
- FB Guidelines for Posting & Sharing HVCA Events
- Board Contact List Review
- Email preference: Exec & Coordinators selected primary email for board correspondence.
- Speaking to Communication Report on Cathy’s behalf:
- Purchasing storage bags for our canopies
- Melanie made a motion for HVCA to spend up to $200 on carrying canopy bags. Seconded by Christine
- Action item: Cathy/Cinthia to purchase bags
- School storage locker items: Call for a list of items from HVCA board members (including financial records - locked filing cabinet)
- Action item: Chelsey to get quotes on purchasing filing cabinets.
- Formally finalize donation of leftover perishables to HELP Portrait. 11 votes for, 2 votes against, 5 did not vote
- Policy so we don’t require votes in the future.
- Chelsey made a motion that when leftover perishables or expiring vouchers valued at less than $50 can be dispersed by the event coordinator at their discretion. Seconded by Kristen
- Updating Website description - a paper that Cathy prepared of what to add to the website was passed around for members to read. – No update yet
- AGM PIES - apaper was passed around for members to read and add any comments. Cinthia will pass on to Cathy
- Pumpkins in the Park PIES – a paper was passed around for members to read and add any comments. Cinthia will pass on to Cathy
- Treasurer:
- Our bank balance is $34,846, plus there is a cheque from KidSport for $710
- Debit/Credit machine has had $2,685.00 in transactions. September statement did not show what fees are for that but October statement will
- Need to fill out cheque requisition forms!
- Add surcharge of debit/credit machine to Feb. agenda
- Coordinators
- Communications:Nov. 28th is newsletter submission deadline
- Adult Program Coordinator / Child & Youth Program Coordinator
- New email addresses
- Child & Youth:
- Adult:
- Daytime:
- to be inactivated
- Registration Night is Thursday, January 11th from 6:30-7:30pm. Current participants will register for winter programming on the last day of classes this season.
- Confirm additional volunteers at our Dec. meeting
- Kinder Soccer Coordinator
- Discussion of purchasing nets for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
- Action Item: Christine will bring quotes for nets to December meeting
- Rink Coordinator
- Donavon gave report
- Cinthia made motion for $500 to be spent for start up costs. Seconded by Kelly
- Community Consultant Report: Jan highlighted her written monthly report.
- Special Events
- Member Orientation Session
- Finalize date: Dec. 9th, 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
- Motion for fundsDarcie made a motion to spend up to $1,000 for member orientation session. Seconded by Reann
- Honorarium: Motion made by Mel to give $200 honorarium to guest presenter for orientation session. Seconded by Kristen
- New Business
- Volunteer to maintain the board contact list since we do not currently have a secretary. Would prefer this to be a Member at Large since we don’t want to add duties to other positions.
- Liisa will maintain the board contact list
- HVCA Logo (deferred from Sept. 2017 mtg): Did we want to have a contest or would we rather go with a graphic designer? Need a volunteer(s) Member at Large to head this up. This doesn’t need to be decided tonight. Everyone is welcome to think about it and a decision can be made at December’s meeting.
- Tabled to December meeting
- Meeting adjourned at 8:58
- Next Meeting: December 13th @ 6:30 PM
- Minutes taken by Glen
Action Items
Item / Responsible / Status1 / Cathy to reply to LDAS contact re: registration night / Cathy
2 / Cathy/Cinthia to purchase canopy bags / Cinthia / Done
3 / Chelsey to get quotes on purchasing filing cabinets. / Chelsey
4 / Christine will bring quotes for nets to December meeting / Christine
Communication Report October to November 2017
What did I do?
Repaired and moved sign to south east corner Richardson Road and McClocklin. Sign location may not meet city bylaw requirements but the bylaw enforcement person has not contacted me yet.
Advertised Pumpkins in Park on mobile sign and Halloween candy bags.
Contacted newsletter advertisers to remind them about submission due date of November 28th.
Started working on revisions to Bylaws and role descriptions.
Attending Conversation Circles and Cribbage sessions as my time permits.
Attended Marketing presentation hosted by City of Saskatoon.
Attended Rink information meeting.
Attended Orientation planning meeting.
Prepared for Pumpkins in the Park
Removed graffiti from Rink shed door.
Contacted previous rink coordinator to determine cost of old lights on rink shack at old location.
Arranged for removal of temporary benches.
Arranged for extra water and juice to be taken to Help Portrait.
Prepared AGM meeting minutes.
Prepared AGM and Pumpkins in the Park PIES.
What do I need to do?
Prepare newsletter
What do I need from you?
Newsletter submissions by November 28, if you have any.
Reimbursement for Pumpkins in the Park and rink shack expenses.
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