Drayton Valley Minor Hockey Association

Monthly Meeting

November 9, 2011 – 7:00 pm @ Omniplex


Meeting called to order at 7:09 pm

Present: Brian Markowski, Doug Matsalla, Tammy Farnholz, Andrea Barrett, Brandi Horn, Brendin Emmett, Dennis Sarafinchen, Orest Traska, Katrina Dawes, Amanda Jefferey, Kevin Breland, Sye O’Malley, Troy Patten

1.  Additions / Deletions and Adoption of the Agenda to meeting

Add a raffle to New Business

2.  Adoption of Annual Fall Meeting Minutes

·  First Andrea

·  Second Amanda

3.  President

1a. Hockey Newsletter for Alberta Hockey deadline is December 2. Anyone wanting to put in information email info by the end of November

1b. Atom A has put in a bid for provincial tournament. They require a committee to help support them. Currently there is $4732.12 in the provincial account to help start them off.

1c. Code of Conduct- Pee Wee incident has been put to rest as the full time caregiver and son have complied to the board’s requirements

1d. Coaches Certificates deadline is December 31. Any volunteer on the bench must have coach info and safety.

4.  New Business

a.  Secretary Position

·  Two people have put their name in for this position. Pam Kellner and Marie Smith

·  With a vote of 7-5 Pam Kellner will be the new Secretary

·  Doug will inform her of this

b. Team Apparel

·  Apparel is up to each team. The choices are at Your Choice Embroidery.

c. Concession Shifts

·  Concerns on why we are open Mondays when no one is at the rink

·  Consensus is to close Mondays from now on and be open Tues-Sat

·  Anyone booked on Mondays will need to reschedule their shifts

·  Brendin wanted to know why coaches have to do shifts? Was explained that DVMH would lose out on a lot of money if we had to pay coaches and assistant coaches shifts out.

d. Coach Courses

·  There will be a meeting to see what coaches require what courses

·  Fran is willing to help with this

·  Andrea is to email all directors to see what courses each coach has or requires

e. Thunder Mini Camps

·  Having trouble nailing down dates for theses

·  Fran has offered to help coaches on and off ice will plans

f. 16/60

·  Dennis would like to see all teams moved to 16/60

·  Majority voted to have all teams moved to 16/60 for 2012/2013 season

·  Needs to be told to the Association at the Annual General Meeting

g. Raffle

·  Brian looked at raffling off a quad

·  After discussion it was decided that it would be brought up to the Association at the Spring AGM and see how much interest there is.

5.  Old Business

·  It was brought up that Josh was forgotten on the Code of Conduct

·  Debra was contacted and she will sit on this Committee

6.  Members Report

a.  Vice President

·  Please give him time for travel permits as the website is down and he has to call Margie for permits

b.  Secretary

c.  Treasurer

·  Profit & Loss $92,000.00 to the good

·  Operating $137,348.58

·  Technical Development $16,311.26

·  Provincial $4,732.12

·  Concession $15,152.60

·  Fundraising $2,120.00

·  Need some investment ideas for the end of this year

·  Lower fees for next year

·  Tournament fee allowance to $700.00 per team

·  Brian will look at insurance and see what needs to increase

·  Novice C needs some financial help to get started for tournaments

·  Jump Start arrived

·  1 NSF charged cleared up

·  Bantam family applied to get tryout fees back

·  Initiation family will get all their money back as the kid was too young to play, 3 yrs

·  1 coach refund for clinic

d.  Registrar

·  Bantam B has a new player from O’Chiese Reserve

e.  Ice Scheduler

·  Any team getting extra ice has to pay for it themselves.

·  Problems have occurred with the league taking too long in getting the schedule out

f. Division Directors


Ø  Everything is good

Ø  Committee meeting for tournament in a couple of weeks


Ø  Novice A: placed in Tier 1

Ø  Coaching issues- a new coach is reluctant to get any help with coaching and is becoming frustrated

Ø  Coaches need to get courses


Ø  Atom C – issues have been resolved

Ø  Atom B- good

Ø  Atom A: retained in Tier 2

Ø  Atom Tournament is full for December 2011


Ø  Family wants refund for tryouts as player did not go to them


Ø  A few suspensions

Ø  Dennis is getting information to host All Star Game in the future for Bantam AA

Ø  Bantam B tier 4


Ø  Extra Player got approval

g. Technical

h. Goalie

·  A player from Warburg would like to come play, is there room? Maybe

i. Equipment

·  Approved to buy Novice pads that fit- All in favor

·  Dave Chambers donated 200 pucks

·  Email Josh if teams need pucks

·  Account at United Cycle has been set up

·  200 balls and 12 racquet balls for the Atom tournament have been ordered

·  Whiteboard for the teams – getting prices

·  Approval to go buy goalie sticks

j. Ref

·  All complaints need to follow Hockey Alberta-North Zone

Meeting Adjourned at 9:05pm

Next Meeting December 7, 2011 @ 7:00pm


Vice President – Doug Matsalla Date


Secretary – (Standing In: Brandi Horn) Date