Borders College
Meeting held on Monday 7 February 2011 at 2.30 pm
Location: Room 007, Newtown Campus
Present: Ivan Baldwin (Horticultural Chair)
Lyle Bryson (Landscaping)
John Davidson (Agriculture Level 1)
Jim Gilchrist (Programme Leader – Construction))
Sam Gillespie (Landbased)
Angus Gunn (Landscaping)
Andrew Johnson (Programme Leader - Rural)
David Killean (Vice Principal – Quality & Innovation)
Andrew Lees (Rural Mechanics)
Susan Maltman (Clerk)
James Paxton (Landbased)
Zoey Stillwell (Horse Care Level 1)
Kenny Thomson (Head of Faculty)
Jacqueline Tunnah (Horse Care Level 2)
ITEM / Chair: I Baldwin / ACTION01/11 / Welcome:
Ivan welcomed everyone to the meeting.
H Chisholm (Student Association Coordinator)
A Winwood (Programme Leader – Rural)
Minutes and Action Points from the previous meeting held on Thursday 18 November 2010
Remit booklet for Council meetings: A Johnson confirmed that these had been distributed to the Student Reps.
Practical and theory work delivered together for HNC Gamekeeping: A Johnson reported that the structure of the course was to deliver practical and theory separately; however, this could be discussed further with the Student Reps.
First Bus meeting: It was confirmed that no one could attend this meeting.
Scratch cards: Kenny confirmed that they could only be used in the case of an emergency.
Unacceptable behaviour in the Common Room: Ivan reported that the behavioural issues continued in the Common Room. Andy had put up a notice with rules to follow whilst using this room. If students remained unhappy with the situation of inappropriate behaviour they were asked to report immediately to Ivan, Andrew or Andy.
Enrolment Day: David reported that present students would be pre-enrolled again this year, but that communication, re information for them would be improved.
Funding for HNC level students: Andrew explained the rules of the ILA funding process and reiterated the importance of having an ILA in place prior to the beginning of a course.
Focus groups: K Thomson reported that he would visit four groups; Animal Care, Landscaping, Intro to Landbased and one other at random. Kenny explained the process of Focus group meetings and asked if any of the Student Reps would like their group to receive a visit. Andrew stated that he would ask his group, Rural Mechanics.
Pool table for Common Room: Kenny confirmed that there was not enough space for a pool table.
Mini buses left dirty: it was agreed that this issue had improved and that mini buses were being cleaned regularly by each class for the next class to use them.
Car parking: Ivan reported that there was no longer an issue with parking on the campus.
Communication/messages between staff and students: Andrew agreed that due to staff being ill and phone disruption this had been a problem. Andrew has investigated further and the matter has been rectified.
Risk Assessments for activities/trips: David informed Ivan that a list of venues which had already been assessed by the college was available on the intranet. Andrew agreed to send a copy of this list to Ivan.
Up to date notices from the Student Association: Susan reported that Helen had confirmed she ensured notices in Gala campus were also put up on the notice board at Newtown campus.
Smoking shelter too small: Kenny reminded the Council that the college held a non-smoking policy within all campus sites. Kenny added that Facilities would have to review alternative solutions.
Vending machines: Kenny asked if there had been any improvement with the stock in the machines. The Council reported that by the end of the week the stock was almost gone. Kenny suggested monitoring the stock daily to help this situation and that he would investigate further.
Uneven path: Angus reported that the Landscaping students had been focused on the work at Gala and too busy at present to repair the damaged path. Ongoing.
Broken benches: James confirmed that the benches had been bolted down by the Intro to Landscape group.
Slippery decking: Kenny reported that the Painting & Decorating section had confirmed that paint would not resolve the hazard on the decking. An alternative solution would have to be found.
Overgrown bushes: Ivan reported that this had been actioned.
Lockers too small for kits/PPE: it was agreed that each class should discuss and report back to Ivan the size of locker they would require for their college kit/PPE.
Security/CCTV cameras: Kenny reported that Facilities had set the cameras at the time the new building was in progress and at present the position of these could not be altered.
Empty condom machine: actioned by Facilities.
Layout of new Common Room: Ivan reported that no meeting had been held with Peter Elliott to discuss suggestions for the new Common Room and that he had been disappointed with this.
Summary of HMI report: actioned by David. / Student Reps
Student Reps
02/11 / Feedback from Block 1 – Programme structure, content, quality of learning and teaching (Student Representatives)
John Davidson (Agricultural Level 1)
John stated that three mini buses were off the road at the moment and staff were having to use cars to collect students from their practical course work. Andrew agreed that the campus was having issues with the breakdown of buses. Kenny will discuss with Robert Hewitt the matter of communication with the campus, re the repairs of the buses.
Sam Gillespie (Landbased)
Nothing to report from this class. However, Sam asked if there was additional support available for him within his course. Andrew agreed to discuss this further with Gert, his Course Tutor.
Jackie Tunnah (on behalf of Gamekeeping)/(Horse Care Level 2)
· These students complained of the mess left in the buses by other classes when they are due to use them. Kenny replied that Course Tutors can take this matter in hand and check which class last used the bus.
· Students are left at Newtown campus without transport on the days they are in college for half a day. David explained the way in which the bus passes are used and that the college tries to be as flexible as possible for all students who rely on bus transport.
· More practical work would be preferred in this course.
· The Game Butchery course has requested waterproofs of good quality. It was agreed that this was to be discussed with the Gamekeeping Course Tutor.
· The supplies in the vending machine were constantly empty – (see Action Point above)
Horse Care Level 2
· The students complained that they had not had a consistent Core Skills Tutor for three months, which has resulted in the class being behind with class work. Kenny agreed to take this issue to the Head of Business & Employability.
· One student reported that she has had to wait too long for a bus to arrive in the evenings whilst attending her work placement. Andrew agreed to investigate this matter further.
· Travelsure Bus Company has been leaving promptly from the campus at 4.00 pm and some students have missed this bus. Andrew added that he felt this had been resolved as the driver had been new to the bus run.
Zoey Stillwell (Horse Care Level 1)
· The students in this group have complained about the inappropriate behaviour displayed by other students in the Common Room. Ivan added that Reps should not tolerate this and could report to himself to take this issue forward on behalf of the students.
· The vending machine does not supply varied food. It was agreed that the machine offered adequate variation.
· A theory day at Gala campus would be more central for students travelling distances. Kenny replied that a room would have to be booked in advance and that rooms were not always readily available in Gala campus.
· Zoey stated that she had one travel card for two days work placement. Kenny replied that officially work placement is for one day only. David added that Course Tutors can make a case for specific situations. On David’s recommendation Andrew will ask the Course Tutor to contact Clare Nairn (Head of Student Services).
James Paxton (Landbased)
Nothing to report as all matters had been previously discussed.
Lyle Bryson (Landscaping)
Nothing to report as all matters had been previously discussed.
Angus Gunn (Landscaping)
Angus asked if the some students could work on theory during allocated work placement time as they were not able to secure work placements. He added that extra time would be appreciated due to the volume of paperwork. Kenny replied that this would be acceptable if Grant is contacted, re the progress of the students’ theory work.
Ivan Baldwin (Landscaping)
Nothing to report as all matters had been previously discussed. / KT
03/11 / Produce report for course team meetings (all)
The Block 1 Team meeting will be held on Thursday 17 February at 9.00 am in Newtown Campus. The minutes and report from this meeting will be emailed to Ivan and Student Reps. / SM
04/11 / Agree student involvement in detailed programme review (Head of Faculty)
Programme reviews will be carried out for Horse Care and Animal Care courses. Student Reps will be involved with this review and Kenny will give prior notice of the arranged date. / KT
05/11 / Progress report on planned actions from the Course Tutor Initial Feedback meetings and Head of Faculty focus groups for Block 1 (Head of Faculty/Programme Leaders)
Andrew stated that the meeting had already discussed matters and taken on board action points relating to initial feedback.
However, Andrew reiterated the need for students to report anything requiring immediate attention to himself or Andy and not to wait for the Council meeting.
06/11 / Any other business (Chair)
· David asked if Equality and Diversity could be added to the agenda. Susan
agreed to add this item to future Council agendas.
· David informed the Council of the new website, Tartan Monkey, which is in the process of being launched by the Student Association.
· David reported that HMI will visit Newtown Campus on Thursday 3 March to meet with a group of students. Items for discussion; impact of the Student Council meetings, Student Association and the facilities at the campus.
Ivan agreed to gather six to eight names of students willing to meet HMI.
· David asked for Susan to post Council minutes onto the college website for all students to access. David will make the necessary arrangements with Cameron Reith. / SM
07/11 / Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held during the month of March. S Maltman will confirm by email the date and time. / SM