Run Director
Summary - make sure the run happens, runners and public are safe and happy, the results and run report are posted.
It looks like a lot to do but in reality RD isn't difficult or hard work.
The RD has full responsibility but you won't be on your own, there will always be other RDs around on a Saturday, call any of them in to help if needed.
During the week you can email for help or phone if it's urgent, John 07712431822 or Helen 07908664755.
You need to be sure the set up / clear up that it is done, do ask vols to do it if they don't do it spontaneously.
Any big issues or something you can't deal with refer to John or Helen, as the Event Directors we have overall charge. It's very rare that there's anything difficult, most runners understand that parkrun is free and we are volunteers but now and then someone makes a fuss, just forget them, they are more than compensated by those who say, mail or facebook their thanks.
Remember that parkrun is just a run - if timing, scanning, finish tokens all go wrong the worst that can happen is that everyone gets a run, a chat and a coffee and if there are no results there's always next week. If the results do badly wrong we ask people to mail their times and that gives us a good set of results.
The week before
If you have the laptop bag then clear the timers and scanners, plug scanners into laptop to charge battery, leave until green light. Timers aren't rechargeable.
Timer - on the screen with the number of runners at the top and the times below, click the top button, press and hold the top right button until it stops beeping.
Scanner - press and hold the small button until the light goes green.
Charge laptop.
Saturday morning
· Arrive at 8.15/8.20
· Leave laptop in car or safely in the Bevy, take clip boards, scanner, timers, pens out.
· Kit & course set up - see Set_Up.pdf
· Answer questions from runners & volunteers
· Call 10min and 5 min to start
· Check with the VC that they are happy there enough vols in place for the run to start. If not, find some - non running parents/partners, core team, fast runners who can scan when they finish, ask on the start line for some people to not run (we've never had to do this but it is the last resort)
· Do run brief, confirm timekeepers are ready, say 3-2-1 Go and relax!
If things go well, you don't need to do anything, but keep an eye on runners, timers, funnel, scanners, public and deal with any problems that come up.
Unless we are really desperate for vols, don't commit yourself to a job, if there's a problem you need to be able to sort it out without breaking off doing something else and so cause another problem.
Some rules -
People can can run with ONE dog on a short lead.
Children under 11 must run with (and be in sight of) an adult.
Only people who have completed 5k on foot get a result - no time given for dogs, kids in buggies etc.
Kids any age can run but must not be pressured by parents, they must be enjoying it.
- Ensure kit is all collected in and put away
- Collect timers, scanners, volunteer list, time check list, non scanning barcode list, process results. See Timer_results_instructions.pdf
- You can process the results in the Bevy or if you prefer take everything home and do it there. . . The advantage of doing it in the pub is there will be someone else there to guide you.
At home in days after the run
- Write and post run report by Monday evening - results come from the Journalists Report, try to check for age category records (on web page / results menu), visitors, notable PBs. Write whatever you like about what happened at the run - the important thing is that we post something to show new visitors to the website that we are active. It's also part of our agreement with parkrun HQ. (On our links webpage it's "parkrun Web Page login" user bevendeandownoffice password xxxxx )
- Mail John, Helen or Asha to get post on facebook and twitter that the run report is out.
- Check email now and then for runners who have an issue with their results. (On our links webpage it's "parkrun Email" user password xxxxx ) Mostly our aim is to be nice to the runners and keep them happy! Respond to them, update results when needed. When a results issue is our fault then fix it (results can be edited at any time), if it's the runners fault mostly they will send an apologetic mail (eg they've only done 1 lap, used their child/parents/partners barcode) so we fix it for them. We don't calculate a 5k time for someone who did 1 laps. It's quite important that they don't get a given PB that they will never get close to again.
- Mostly if they didn't have their barcode with them on the day they don't get a result. There are some circumstances we give leeway eg a one week the HQ servers went down, someone tried to print barcode on Sat morning and couldn't, some people have lost theirs during the run but mostly No Barcode/No Result.
Why No Barcode/No Result?
- It takes longer to process results when no barcode.
- It's less accurate (stats suggest at least 8000 times less accurate)
- There are lots of John Smiths how do we know which one.
- Why should we spend extra time working on results for someone who doesn't bring their barcode, we are all volunteers, it takes up our time.
- We provide <long list of kit> and all we ask is they bring barcode, we don't ask them to do anything else and it isn't difficult.
- They can still run without a barcode - at a paid for race you will not be allowed on the start line without your race number, parkrun is the way in to running for a lot of people and we should guide them so that they know how it works when they get to a race.
Other Bits
-It's a run not a race - it's a bit academic but there's a regulations issue with UKA, in a race the point is to win, at parkrun the point is to beat your own time irrespective of who else is running.
-parkrun is always all lower case and always one word - it's a registered trade name in that format.
- Support info at &
- If there's a serious incident notify parkrun UK 020 0333 1645
Version 1 John Jaap Dec 2015