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1. Search the World Wide Web for online guides to English language grammar, style, and usage. Below, list the names and URLs of at least three Web sites that you find. Bookmark the guide you find to be the most useful and submit the link to your instructor.
2. Search the Web for online dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauri. Below, list the names and URLs of at least three specialized reference sources. A dictionary of medical terms is one example of a specialized reference source.
3. Using the general dictionary reference sources you find on the World Wide Web, look up the following words and enter the part of speech and the definition of each according to the format shown below for the first word:
conurbation (noun): An aggregation or continuous network of urban communities.
Did you find the definitions for the words at one site or did you need to use more than one online resource? Provide the name and URL of each Web site you used.
4. Using the thesauri reference sources you find on the World Wide Web, look up synonyms and antonyms for the following words and enter them below:
Did you find the synonyms and antonyms for the words at one site or did you need to use more than one online resource? Provide the name and URL of each Web site you used.