Oncology Conference Fund – Guidance
The Learned Societies Fund has now been distributed to Faculties. In the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health (MDH) thishas been devolved to departmentsfor local management. The Department of Oncology’s scheme is now called the ‘Oncology Conference Fund’ and the guidelines for the management of this are described below.The latest version of this form must be used and this can be downloaded from the Department of Oncology website
Who is eligible to apply?
Applications to the fund can be accepted from:
- Academic and academic-related staff up to and including Lecturer status.
- Registered postgraduate students who are not able to obtain sufficient support for attending meetings from their sponsors.
Eligible activity
Provision of an allowance towards expenses in attendingeligible eventscovers the following activities:
- Attendance to give an oral account or a poster of original research work, of which the member of staff or student is the author or joint author,
- Attendance at a learned society meeting,academic conference, symposium etc. of national standing(costs will only be met for one contributor when multi-authored work is being presented). A brief report may be requested.
Application process
Applications will follow a 2-stage process:
- Applications for support should be submitted to
- Submission of a grey expenses claim form for reimbursement of the approved amount should be submitted to Mr Chris Day (Oncology Departmental Manager) after the event.
Initial requests willbe considered by the departmental panel, after which a decision will be communicated to the applicant. Following attendance at the conference, a grey expenses claim form should be submitted by the applicant for reimbursement of the awarded amount to Mr Chris Day.
Claims will only be accepted for approved activity.
Limits of contribution will be as follows:
- Meetings within UK up to £300
- Meetings within Europe up to £500
- Meetings outside Europeup to £750
These will be regularly reviewed and might be changed in the light of the available budget.
Important Points to note
- Claims will be considered from applicants up to and including lecturer status.
- Retrospective applications will not be considered.
- Reimbursable expenditure must be in line with other expenses that can be claimed via the University. Please see the Staff Fees, Expenses and Benefits Procedure manual.
- Funding can be used to match contributions from the applicant themselves or from other sources of funding. However, the total amount claimed from all sources must not exceed the total cost of participation at the event for which the funding is required.
- Only 1 grey form may be submitted after the event with original receipts (credit card statements and non-itemised receipts are unacceptable)and we can only repay applicants personally, we cannot repay to university accounts. You should not produce joint claims with other staff.
- Claims must be submitted in full within one month of the expenditure being incurred.
- Claims must be made and approved via the normal expenses claims process i.e. through the submission of a certified claim for expenses (grey form). Claim forms must include the departmentalconference cost code. See Chris Day for further advice.
- The use of the funding will be monitored in order to ensure that the funds are spent for the purpose intended. A brief report may be requested.
- Preference will be given to applicants who have not received a previous award.
- The scheme will be closed to further applications once the fund has been fully committed in any given financial year.
- In exceptional circumstances you may be able to incur expenditure in advance of a conference (i.e. registration), but this will need to be discussed with Mr Chris Day, Oncology Departmental Manager ()
C:\Documents and Settings\UOS\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\2S7RMLB3\FINAL_ Oncology Conference Fund_Master Form June 2012.doc