2014 FMA Annual Conference Abstract
Title: Laying Track as the Train Approaches: Implementing SBFCA’s Feather River West Levee Project
Authors & Presenters: Michael W. Bessette, P.E.
Director of Engineering
Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency
Christopher Krivanec, P.E., G.E. Jonathan Kors, P.E.
Associate Vice President Vice President
HDR Engineering Wood Rodgers, Inc.
Over a period of three years, the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA) advanced the design of an ambitious program to break ground on one of the largest public safety levee improvement projects in the Sacramento Valley. SBFCA’s Feather River West Levee (FRWL) Project encompasses 41 miles of levee improvements designed to achieve 200-year flood protection for an urban population of 95,000 residents. Many challenges stood in the path of bringing the first (and most critical) section of levee rehabilitation to construction prior to the 2013/2014 flood season. This session will provide an overview of the challenges the program faced and how they were overcome. Key elements to be highlighted include levee evaluations; levee repair alternatives selection; obtaining USACE 408 approval; project financing; FAA coordination; identifying borrow sources; acquiring rights-of-way for construction; developing unique design and construction features; relocating public and private utilities; public outreach; and fostering competition amongst contractors performing highly specialized work. Combined, the presenters have worked on nine successful flood control projects in the Sacramento Valley since 2007. The common threads of project implementation challenges and successes will be explored and attendees will leave the session with an overview of lessons learned that can be used to help plan their projects.
The presenters include Christopher Krivanec, Associate Vice President of HDR Engineering, Jonathan Kors, Vice President of Wood Rodgers, Inc., and Michael Bessette, Director of Engineering for the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency.