2016 Seed Grant Application
Deadline: Friday, February 26, 2016
The Alaska NSF Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is soliciting proposals for seed grants of up to $30,000 from early- and mid-career, full-time faculty members of the University of Alaska system to carry out new and innovative research projects that support the program’s goals. Faculty members who have not previously received EPSCoR funding and wish to collaborate are strongly encouraged to apply.
Projects should address themes relevant to the current Alaska NSF EPSCoR program, which is to enhance Alaska’s research capacity in social-ecological systems science, and to provide the state’s communities with tools and information to respond to changing environments.
Eligibility: Project principal investigator (PI) should be a UA employee. Non-UA employees cannot receive funds.
Amount and duration of awards: We expect to distribute a maximum of eight awards in amounts of up to $30,000 per award. The award period is April 1 - December 31, 2016.
Proposal requirements:
1. Application Form with the name, campus and ID number of each team member.
2. Three-page (maximum) Project Description to include:
a) Detailed overview of project and science question,
b) Description of how the project aligns with and contributes to one of the identified components of the Alaska NSF EPSCoR program; and
c) Details on target audience and how project outcomes will be shared.
3. A Budget Spreadsheet. Please note: funds should be directed primarily for salary support. Total direct cost should not exceed $30,000. Budgets must include appropriate F&A rate for the associated campus as defined in the FY11-13 negotiated agreement. * Period of performance is firm and non-extendable and unused funds are non-transferable.
4. Two-page (maximum) resume of project PI, preferably following NSF formatting guidelines.
Applications can be found on the Alaska EPSCoR web site at www.alaska.edu/epscor.
Proposal submission: Project PI will send a single PDF document that includes each of the required items in the above order to by midnight AKDT February 26, 2016. All proposals must be submitted to the appropriate campus office of sponsored programs prior to submission to EPSCoR. Please contact the Alaska EPSCoR office at 907.474.5989 with any questions.
Review criteria: Proposals will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary team and ranked on their overall merit, their feasibility, and how well they integrate with Alaska EPSCoR goals. Preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate a fit or collaboration with the Alaska EPSCoR test cases, information about which can be found on the Alaska EPSCoR web site. Projects that strive to increase diversity in STEM engagement will be given priority over other, equally ranked proposals.
Post-award conditions:
Participate in an Alaska EPSCoR orientation meeting (time and location TBD).
Complete required online Institutional Review Board training, if necessary.
Participate in the annual Alaska EPSCoR Annual Meeting in Fairbanks in Fall 2016.
Participate in an outreach activity.
Submit a final written report including a summary of activities, progress and achievements and all digital products (data, maps, graphics, publications, etc.) for permanent archiving in Alaska EPSCoR data portal, by December 31, 2016
* EPSCoR F&A rates are defined in the following agreement: http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/downloads/Negotiated/FY11-13_FA_Neg.pdf
2016 Seed Grant Application
Deadline: Friday, February 26, 2016
Applicant information:First Name
Office Mailing Address City / MI
State / Last Name
Phone #
Email Address / Citizenship Status / Department
Campus (UAA, UAS, UAF, rural) Title of Project
Principal Investigator’s fiscal coordinator (name, title, email and phone number)
Affiliated Alaska EPSCoR Test Case
Title of Project
List of participating project members, including campuses and UA ID numbers. For non-UA affiliated collaborators provide name, institution/organization, and role.
Other funding sources available for the project:
Required documents for submission:
_____ Application Form with the name, campus and ID number of each project member
_____ Three-page (maximum) Project Description from project Principal Investigator
_____ Budget Spreadsheet (http://www.uaf.edu/ogca/resources/forms)
_____ Two-page (maximum) resume, preferably following NSF formatting guidelines