Report to the National Council of Provinces
Public Hearings on Conditional Grants
26 January 2006
Department of Public Transport, Roads and Works Vote 9
Appropriated by Vote in 2005/06 (AS REVISED)R 1,492,052
Responsible MECMEC of Public Transport, Roads & Works
Administrating DepartmentDepartment of Public Transport, Roads & Works
Accounting OfficerHead of Department
- Overview
For socio-economic growth, development, and an enhanced quality of life for all people in Gauteng
Develop an integrated, sustainable infrastructure, which promotes a people-centred, innovative, developmental public works and an accessible, safe and affordable movement of people, goods and services
1.3Strategic goals and objective for 2005/6
•Provision of an accessible, affordable, reliable, safe, integrated and environmentally sustainable public transport system.
•Effective management and transformation of transport and socio-economic infrastructure related institutions, systems and processes.
•Support economic growth and investments through the provision of appropriate transport systems and socio-economic infrastructure.
•Integrate transport and socio-economic infrastructure systems in the Gauteng Growth and Development Strategy and development plans of other spheres of government.
•Implement the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) in a manner that optimizes employment and addresses economic and social needs of the poor.
1.4Types of services delivered by the Department in 2005/06
The Department provides the following main services:
- Human resource management
- Partnerships
- Financial and risk management and performance auditing
- Supply chain management
- Information management
- Asset management
- Contractor and professional development and incubation
- Delivery of integrated public infrastructure (capital and maintenance works)
- Playing a co-ordinating and stewardship role in respect of transport and other socio-economic infrastructure provision in Gauteng
- Provisioning of transport infrastructure which entails planning, construction, maintenance and protection of provincial road network
- Oversight of provision of motor and drivers license and related services
- Promotion and regulation of public transport
- Enabling provincial sector co-ordination, facilitating infrastructure sector and integration, and implementing dedicated EPWP projects
- Promotion and regulation of public transport
- MTEF Allocations as reflected in Budget Statement
Submitted to Treasury
Table 1. Summary of Receipts: Transport 2002/03-2005/06)
OutcomeAuditedAuditedAudited / Main AdjustedRevised estimate
R thousand 2002/03 2003/04 2004/5 / 2005/06
Equitable share / 1,334,178 / 1,419,508 / 1,618,616 / 1,297,637 / 1,340.096 / 1,340.096
Conditional grants / 64,020 / 94,121 / 132,916 / 147,911 / 147,911 / 147,911
Own Revenue
Total receipts / 1,398,198 / 1,513,829 / 1,751,532 / 1,445,548 / 1,488,007 / 1,488,007
2.12005/06-2007/08 MTEF budget allocations
R’000 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / 2008/09Total allocation / 1,488,007 / 1,584,193 / 1,729,785 / 1,987,218
Equitable Share / 1,340,096 / 1,421,095 / 1,567,334 / 1,814,254
Own Revenue / - / - / - / -
Infrastructure grant / 147,911 / 163,098 / 162,451 / 172,964
3. Conditional Grant expenditure for 2005/06
Transport Infrastructure Expenditure
Data on trends
Conditional Grant Expenditure for 2001/2002 to 2005/06
2001/2002Name of Grant / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Grant
2001/2002 / 32,344 / 0 / 32,344 / 33,344 / -1,000 / 100
Total / 32,344 / 0 / 32,344 / 33,344 / -1,000 / 100
Name of Grant / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Grant
2002/2003 / 62,918 / 0 / 62,918 / 64,020 / -1.102 / 100
Total / 62,918 / 0 / 62,918 / 64,020 / -1.102 / 100
Name of Grant / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Grant
2003/2004 / 94,321 / 0 / 94,321 / 93,366 / 955 / 99
Total / 94,321 / 0 / 94,321 / 93,366 / 955 / 99
Name of Grant / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Grant
2004/2005 / 132,916 / 0 / 132,916 / 150,924 / -18,008 / 100
Total / 132,916 / 0 / 132,916 / 150,924 / -18,008 / 100
Name of Grant / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Grant
2005/2006 / 147,911 / 0 / 147,911 / 147,895 / 16 / 100
Total / 147,911 / 0 / 147,911 / 147,895 / 16 / 100
Conditional Grant Quarter expenditure for 2005/06
2005/06Name of Grant / Amount received R’000 / Q1
R’000 / Q2
R’000 / Q3
R’000 / Q4
R’000 / Total
Infrastructure Grant
2005/2006 / 147,911 / 19,227 / 30,963 / 43,569 / 54,136 / 147,895
Total / 147,911 / 19,227 / 30,963 / 43,569 / 54,136 / 147,895
Expenditure per project on the Conditional Grants for 2004/05 to 2005/06
Project / Expenditure / Status
2004/05 / 2005/06
Budget / Actual / Budget / Actual
P139-1 Rehab / 132,918 / 17,361 / 147,911 / 12,114 / Retention
K69 - Rehab / 13,196 / 1,127 / Retention
P119-1 - Reseal / 598 / 6,000 / Construction
P91-1 - Reseal Phase 1 / 2,229 / 7,737 / Construction
P156-2/P202-1 - Reseal / 33,798 / 12,632 / Retention
83, 1321 - Reseal / 26,800 / 836 / Finished
795 - Rehab / 1,232 / 0 / Finished
P66-1 Phase 2 - Reseal / 27,460 / 27,360 / Retention
P66-1 Phase 3 - Rehab / 1,572 / 0 / Planning
P167-1 - Reseal / 844 / 15,814 / Construction
P175-1, 1113 - Reseal / 2,026 / 0 / Planning
1132 - Reseal / 7,735 / 916 / Retention
P174-1 - Reseal / 12,633 / 642 / Retention
P58-1 - Reseal / 663 / 27,036 / Construction
D51 Phase 1 - Reseal / 2,257 / 17,424 / Construction
P159-1, 2516 - Reseal / 453 / 104 / Planning
434, 1931 & 1932 / 67 / 17,890 / Construction
P123-1 - Rehab / 0 / 283 / Planning
P95-2 - Rehab / 0 / 0 / Planning
Total / 132,918 / 150,925 / 147,911 / 147,914
Capital and Infrastructure Expenditure for 2001/2002 to 2005/06
2001/2002Expenditure / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Expenditure / 61,050 / 0 / 61,050 / 60,778 / 272 / 99
Capital Expenditure / 239,775 / 0 / 239,775 / 239,663 / 112 / 100
Total / 300,825 / 0 / 300,825 / 300,441 / 384 / 99
Expenditure / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Expenditure / 79,995 / 0 / 79,995 / 82,156 / -2,161 / 103
Capital Expenditure / 329,204 / 1,867 / 331,771 / 344,594 / -12,823 / 104
Total / 409,199 / 0 / 411,766 / 426,749 / -14,983 / 103
Expenditure / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Expenditure / 95,009 / 0 / 95,009 / 120,440 / -25,431 / 127
Capital Expenditure / 203,214 / 0 / 203,214 / 197335 / 5,879 / 97
Total / 298,223 / 0 / 298,223 / 317,775 / -19,552 / 107
Expenditure / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Expenditure / 113,770 / 20,250 / 134,020 / 133,837 / 183 / 100
Capital Expenditure / 222,618 / 24,400 / 247018 / 247,017 / 1 / 100
Total / 336,388 / 44,650 / 381,038 / 380,854 / 184 / 100
Name of Grant / Amount received R’000 / Roll-over
R’000 / Total
R’000 / Expenditure
R’000 / Balance
R’000 / % Spent
Infrastructure Exp
(Routine Maintenance) / 145,698 / 0 / 145,698 / 123,783 / 21,915 / 85
Capital Expenditure
(Programmable Maintenance and Construction) / 206,399 / 0 / 206,399 / 228,023 / -21,624 / 110
Total / 352,097 / 0 / 352,097 / 351,806 / 291 / 100
Capital and Infrastructure Quarter expenditure for 2005/06
2005/06Details / Amount received R’000 / Q1
R’000 / Q2
R’000 / Q3
R’000 / Q4
R’000 / Total
Infrastructure Exp:
Routine Maintenance / 145,698 / 17,109 / 45,141 / 24,011 / 37,522 / 123,783
Capital Expenditure:
Programmable Maintenance
Construction / 206,399
103,969 / 43,901
12,742 / 76,558
44,224 / 56,374
19,056 / 51,190
26,997 / 228,023
Total / 352,097 / 61,010 / 121,699 / 80,385 / 88,712 / 351,806
Key Projects of Infrastructure
- Construction of the dual carriageway and two intersections for Cosmo City
- Construction of K60 in Sunninghill
- Construction of a dual carriageway from Dalpark to Heidelberg - K109 Old Heidelberg road
- Rehabilitation of the Cullinan road in the Dinokeng area
4Monitoring capacity and planning
- Monthly cash flow meetings are held with the programme manager as well as with the Finance branch.
- Reporting on expenditure quarterly.
- Regular monitoring meetings are held in respect with expenditure against the planned projects to save guard against under/over expenditure.
- Monthly reconciliation on BAS reports against the cash-flows received from projects.
- The business plans regarding the conditional grants and in general was submitted to Treasury by means of the Infrastructure Management Plan that must be submitted on an annually basis.
- The multi year construction and maintenance is revised on a quarterly basis after the revision of the one year operational plan which is done on a monthly basis.
- The budget statement 3 is compiled on an annually basis using the multi year construction and maintenance programme.