2015-16 UA College of Pharmacy Course Equivalency Guide for AZ Schools
UA Required Courses / Arizona State University / Grand Canyon University / Northern Arizona University / Arizona Western College / Central Arizona College / CochiseCollege / Coconino Community College / Diné
College / Eastern Arizona College / Mohave Community College / Northland Pioneer College / Pima Community College / Yavapai
151 / CHM 113 / CHM 113/113L / CHM 151/ 151 L / CHM 151 / CHM
151 / CHM
151 / CHM 151 / CHM 151 / CHM 151 / CHM 151 / CHM 151 / CHM 151IN / CHM 151
152 / CHM 116 / CHM
115/115L / CHM 152/ 152 L / CHM 152 / CHM 152 / CHM 152 / CHM 152 / CHM 152 / CHM 152 / CHM 152 / CHM 152 / CHM 152IN / CHM 152
CHEM 241A/
243A / CHM 233/237 / CHM
231/231L / CHM 235/ 235 L / CHM 235 / CHM
235 / CHM 235 / (n/a) / CHM 235 / CHM 235 / CHM 235 / (n/a) / CHM 235IN / CHM 235/ 235L
CHEM 241B/
243B / CHM 234/238 / CHM
232/232L / CHM 238/ 238 L / CHM 236 / CHM 236 / CHM 236 / (n/a) / CHM 236 / CHM 236 / CHM 236 / (n/a) / CHM 236IN / CHM 236/ 236L
MCB 181R/
181L / BIO 181 / BIO
205/205L / BIO 181/
181L / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 IN / BIO 181
R& L / BIO 182 / BIO
182/182L / BIO 182
R & L / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 IN / BIO 182
PHYS 102/181 / PHY 111/113 / PHY 111/111L
PHY 112/112L / PHY 111/ 111 L / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 110 or 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 113 / PHY 121IN / PHY 111
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201/201L / BIO
201L / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 IN / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202/202L / BIO
202L / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 IN / BIO
MIC 205A/
205L / MIC
205 /
206 / BIO
205/205L / BIO 205/
205L / BIO 205 / BIO 205 / BIO 205 / BIO 205 / BIO 205 / BIO 205 / BIO 205 / BIO 205 / BIO
205 IN / BIO 205
UA Required Courses / Arizona State University / Grand Canyon University / Northern Arizona University / Arizona Western College / Central Arizona College / Cochise
College / Coconino Community College / Diné
College / Eastern Arizona College / Mohave Community Colleges / Northland Pioneer College / Pima Community College / Yavapai
101 / ENG 101 / ENG
105 / ENG 105 / ENG 101 / ENG
101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENL 101 / WRT 101 / ENG 101
102 / ENG 102 / ENG
106 / ENG 205 or 210 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENL 102 / WRT 102 / ENG 102
or / MAT 210
MAT 251 / (n/a) / MAT 131 / MAT 212 / MAT 212
MAT 211 / MAT 212 / (n/a) / (n/a) / MAT 210 / MAT 212 / MAT 211 / MAT 212 / MAT 212
125 / MAT
270 / MAT
351 / MAT 136 / MAT 220 / MAT 221 / MAT 220 / MAT 220 / MTH
191 / MAT 220 / MAT 221 / MAT 221 / MAT 220 / MAT 220
201 A/B / ECN 211
ECN 112 / ECN
220 / ECO 284 or 285 / ECN 240 or 250 / ECN 201 or 202 / ECN 201 or 202 / ECN 204 or 205 / ECO 200 or 201 / BUA 221 or 223 / BUS 206 or 207 / BUS 140 / ECN 200
ECN 201/202 / BSA 235 or 236
MATH 163
MATH 263
CPH 376 / STP 226
STP 231
PSY 230 / MAT
274 / STA
PSY 230 / MAT 270 or PSY 230 / PSY 230 / MAT 167 or PSY 250 / MAT 160 or PSY 230 / MTH 213/ PSY 213 / MAT 160/ PSY 220 / MAT 211 / MAT 125 or PSY 201 / MAT 167 or PSY 230 / MAT 167 or PSY/SOC 230
**Literature / Fine Arts Elective - A course may be taken in the study or any literary form (i.e. French, Spanish, American etc., authors OR in music, dance, art, theater.
Traditions & Cultures (Humanities) Take two course offerings from any of the following: Humanities, Religious Studies, Anthropology, History, Philosophy.
Individuals & Societies (S & BS) Take two course offerings from any of the following: Political Science, Psychology, Communication, Sociology, Gender or Ethnic Studies.
Maricopa County Community College District
UA Required Courses / Chandler -Gilbert / Estrella Mountain / GateWay / Glendale / Mesa / ParadiseValley / Phoenix / Rio
Salado / Scottsdale / South
151 / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL / CHM 151/ 151 LL
CHEM 152 / CHM152/ 152 LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL / CHM152/ 152LL
CHEM 241A/
243A / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM
235LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL / CHM 235/ 235 LL
CHEM 241B/
243B / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM 236/ 236 LL / CHM
236/ 236LL
MCB 181R/
181L / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181 / BIO 181
182L / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182 / BIO 182
PHYS 102/181 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111 / PHY 111
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
201 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
202 / BIO
205L / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
205 / BIO
Maricopa County Community College District
UA Required Courses / Chandler – Gilbert / EstrellaMountain / GateWay / Glendale / Mesa / Paradise
Valley / Phoenix / Rio
Salado / Scottsdale / South
101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101 / ENG 101
102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102 / ENG 102
or / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT
212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213 / MAT 212 or 213
124/122 A&B / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221 / MAT 220 or 221
200 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212 / ECN 211 or 212
MATH 163 or
MATH 263 or
CPH 376 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230 / MAT 206 or PSY 230
**Literature / Fine Arts Elective - A course may be taken in the study or any literary form (i.e. French, Spanish, American etc., authors OR in music, dance, art, theater.
Traditions & Cultures (Humanities) Take two course offerings from any of the following: Humanities, Religious Studies, Anthropology, History, Philosophy.
Individuals & Societies (S & BS) Take two course offerings from any of the following: Political Science, Psychology, Communication, Sociology, Gender or Ethnic Studies.