Plainfield Central High School

Dance Team


Tryout Packet

Prior to clinic:

1)You must register at

2)Bring in a copy of your physical to the athletic office.

April 23rd, 24th, & 26th

Clinic: Monday(4/23)4:00-6:00 PM

(In Main Cafeteria)

Clinic: Tuesday (4/24)4:00-5:30 PM

(In Main Cafeteria)

Tryout: Thursday(4/26)2:30 PM start

(In Freshman Center Gym)

Results:Monday (4/30)-Room 2207

Individual Meetings

Coach Jeray:

Coach Seef:

Tryout Dates

Before Tryouts you MUST register online at

Contact the Athletic Office at 815-439-3265 with any questions or to see if your physical is current.

Monday, April 23rd

Clinic Day 1 – Main Cafe

  • Bring a safety pin with you.
  • Wear all black.
  • Check in and receive a number worn throughout tryouts.
  • Warm up as a group and learn required technique and choreography for tryouts.
  • If any paperwork is not received by the athletic office or coaches, you may not participate and must observe the clinic.

Tuesday, April 24th

Clinic Day 2– Main Cafe

  • Enter if you have your number and everything turned in.
  • Go over Day 1 skills and choreography.

Thursday, April 26th

Tryouts– FC Gym

2:30PM Start Time

  • Wear all black and be stretched and ready to go.
  • 2-4 Girls will perform at a time.

Tryout Information & Expectations

For the dance team tryouts each dancer will be judged on…

  • A dance routine – Judges will be looking at showmanship, memorization, body alignment, body control, execution, and overall potential.
  • Leaps – Straight legs, pointed toes, strong upper body.
  • Parallel Jazz Turns – Left and Right, Single, Double, Triple
  • Turns in Second
  • Capezio/Calypso Leap

Junior Varsity

Dance Technique Knowledge:

  • Single and Double Turns
  • Left, Right Leap
  • Left, Right Splits


Dance Technique Knowledge:

  • Double and Triple Turns
  • Turns a la seconde/Foutte Turns
  • Right, Left, Front, Switch Leaps
  • Axel, Capezio, Stag jumps

****If you make the team…****

Required Parent Meeting Tuesday (5/1)

Dance Team and Parent Meeting

5:30-6:30 PM – Main Cafeteria

  • Meeting for Parents AND Dancers.
  • At least one parent MUST attend for each dancer.
  • $125 is due at that time. $55 to Athletic Office. $70to PCHS Pomcats for summer apparel/camp. Separate checks/cash payment may be required for this fee. (NOT APPLICABLE TO WINTER TRYOUTS)

Plainfield Central High School

Varsity Dance Team Officer Positions

Open to returning members who are sophomores, juniors and seniors

All Around/Technique/Sideline (s) – Emphasis on ballet and jazz

  • The All-Around Captain will warm-up the team at each and every practice. Warm-up routines will be developed to improve the team’s flexibility and technique.
  • Responsible for having their own (school appropriate) warm-up music.
  • Accountable for “across-the floor” combinations to help dancers with technique.
  • Choreographs sidelines for basketball season.
  • Teaches new members previous sidelines used during the season.
  • Call all sidelines for games.

Choreography Captain (s) – Choreograph a routine

  • Choreographs routines for the football season. Music must be approved by the coaches. The length of the routine should be 1:30. This routine will be taught in August.
  • Responsible for having their own (school appropriate) music at all practices, including at games.
  • One routine will be taught for Green and White Night, and the others may consist of jazz, hip hop, kick, or pom.

JV Liaison(s)

  • JV liaisons must stay in communication with the JV Coach at all times.
  • May choreograph a football routine for the JV team.
  • Establish a big sis/lil sis program between JV and Varsity.
  • Promote spirit between the JV and Varsity Teams.
  • Implement other ideas for assisting JV at practices, games, in school, etc.

*Captain responsibilities and titles are subject to change from year to year.

Plainfield Central High School

Officer Expectations

Officers are expected to attend all designated meetings and choreography sessions as well as meet/exceed all membership responsibilities and standards. FAILURE to meet any of the outlined expectations will result in forfeiture of position.

  1. Be responsible for team discipline and morale; acts as a POSITIVE influence and be a continuous example for others to follow in and out of dance team and school.
  2. Establish goals with coach and other officer(s); develop and implement activities to achieve these goals.
  3. Communicate with the coach about problems, questions, ideas, pass on instruction from the coach to the team.
  4. Assist coach in command of the team during all activities and in maintaining strike records.
  5. Work with the coach and independently on activities including choreography, music/prop/costume selection, performance/practice schedule, etc.
  6. Demonstrate appropriate leadership at all times. (First to arrive, last to leave).
  7. Organize and direct all squad performance behavior (in stands) and regulate uniform inspection.
  8. Fulfill all other duties assigned by coach.
  9. Promote sportsmanship at all times in and out of practice. Always lead by example!
  10. Abide by the athletic code. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of leadership position as well as Athletic code discipline procedures.

Officer Selections

Officers will be determined by the following procedure:

  1. Interview – A panel of judges will conduct an interview with the potential captain. You will be asked about your specific dance experience, knowledge of the specific dance category and your personal leadership qualities.
  2. Choreograph – a short dance (30 seconds) to perform in front of the coaches and judges. Dancers auditioning for technique captains will prepare a sample warm-up. Dancers may be asked to break down/teach specific skills.

If you are auditioning for a JV Liaison position, choreograph for the JV level. You may select any and all categories.

***Captains for Junior Varsity will be chosen after tryouts by the coaches. Interviews will be conducted with each applicant.

Estimated Financial Obligations

Fall and Winter Uniform Requirements:

Summer Intensive$55.00 to Athletic Office

Summer Technique Fee $45.00 to Coaches

Tan Jazz Shoes $35.00

White Sideline Team Shoes$40.00

Hair Bow$8.00


Warm Up$110.00

Practice/Game Clothes$80.00

Homecoming Attire$50.00-$60.00

Team Dinner$TBD

Winter Team Costs:

Tan Dance Shoes$35.00

Competition Costumes$80.00-$200.00

Team Dinner$TBD

If new to the team: See above.

Additional Costs (Optional):

Dance Bag$25.00-$30.00

Sweatshirt(s) $30.00-$40.00


T Shirt (s)$10.00-$20.00

School Costs:

Fall Team: $24 Athletic Fee due to PHS-CC paid online

Winter Team: $129 Athletic Fee due to PHS-CC

***A $125payment is required at the parent meeting after tryouts if you make JV or Varsity for the Fall Season***

***Each dancer is required to purchase a number of items as stated in the pom handbook. Prices are only approximations, but give you an idea on the overall cost.

***If payment plans would like to be made, the dance team member or parent should contact the coaches so that special arrangements can be made for payments for the above costs.

**** Dancers will not receive items until payment is made in full.

Strike Policy

The discipline policy is a strike rule program and will be in effect starting with the first practice. The following is a list of examples for what is considered excusable reasons for an absence vs. not excusable.

Excused Absence

Illness/Dr. Appointment

(For appointments, please try to schedule around practice if at all possible).

Death in family

Family Emergency

Pre-Planned Vacation (7 or more dance in advance)

School-Related Absence

College Visit

Unexcused Absence



Last minute vacation or conflict

Conflict with another club, activity, dance class

Too much homework, tired, overslept, forgot, traffic, finals

  • In order to perform, your dancer must be at the practice prior to the performance, or must attend a full day of school for a game day performance (per IHSA school policy).
  • If you are in school, you are expected to be at practice.

Dance team members will receive a strike or multiple strikes for any of the following:

  1. Unexcused Absence
  2. Not properly informing the coaches of an excused absence (this includes an excused absence that was not communicated to the coach on paper/over email, or an excused absence that was not communicated to the coach the day of the absence either by the team member or parent.)
  3. Leaving practice, performance, or fundraiser early that is considered unexcused.
  4. Any tardy for practice, performance, or a fundraiser.
  5. Not prepared for practice performance, or a fundraiser, which includes:
  6. Not having hair securely pulled back for practices and any other designated performance or not having hair fully done at the beginning of practice.
  7. Not having proper shoes.
  8. Forgetting poms
  9. Not having proper uniform or all parts to the uniform or costume.
  10. Not having all dance items for practice (gym shoes, dance shoes, poms, proper practice uniform).
  11. Leaving dance items behind after a practice or performance.
  12. Chewing gum at practices or during performances.
  13. Wearing jewelry at practices or performances.
  14. Not following directions for taking care of school uniforms or dance-related items that were purchased with team account.
  15. Not wearing designated spirit-wear on game days or not wearing the full uniform on game days, which includes proper shoes, hair and under garments.
  16. Not sitting with the team at designated times during games, competitions, and other team-related functions.
  17. Talking on cell phones at practices, performances, or fundraisers unless given permission by coaches.
  18. Inappropriate conduct at any dance team-related event, such as profanity or inappropriate display of affection.
  19. Any type of insubordination such as: continuous talking or disruption at practice or performances, during pre-game, school song, or national anthem, not following directions of coaches or captains, not carrying out responsibilities, any level of disrespect to coaches, captains or peers (insubordination is at the discretion of the coaches).
  20. Any school-related disciplinary action for behavior in class or outside of school.

1-2 Strikes = Warning

3-5 Strikes = Dance team member will be pulled from the pre-game and performance of the next game or performance.

6th Strike = Conference with dancer, parent and coaches

7th Strike = Removal from the team

*** These guidelines may be subject to change.

***Strikes are not eligible to be made up.