Tangerine Part 2: Answer each question in complete sentences in Cornell Note Form.
Monday, September 18
- Who helps Paul find his way around the school?
- Describe this new character.
- What happened to the main players on the soccer team? Why?
- What is different about the Tangerine soccer team?
- What does the soccer coach tell Paul?
- What happened to Paul’s IEP
Tuesday, September 19
- Why is Paul so interested in the story of how the soccer players got suspended?
- How did Tino vandalize the Freak Show?
- Who is the leader of the soccer team?
- What is going to be Paul’s place on the team?
Wednesday, September 20
- What is the difference between the uniforms for Lake Windsor and Tangerine?
- What did Erik and Arthur do to upset Joey?
- Why did Joey try to take off Mike’s shoes?
- What does Paul want Joey to do?
Friday, September 22
- What are the fans and the players like at Palmetto Middle School?
- What happens to Paul’s eyes while he is playing?
- What does Victor tell Paul on the bus after the game?
- Why is this so important to Paul?
Friday, September 22 (later)
- What does Joey tell Paul is going to happen on Monday?
- What does Paul tell Joey when Joey asks him to show him around on Monday?
- How does Paul explain the soccer team to Joey?
Saturday, September 23
- What does the whole family do on Saturday?
- What do the visiting fans do about the seating?
- What is the score of the game at half time? What happens with the weather?
- What happens during Erik’s big moment in the game?
- What does the family see on the television that night?
- What does Paul think will happen as a result of Erik’s humiliation?
Tuesday September 26
- How does Paul explain why his parents are not watching his soccer game?
- What does Victor have to do at half time?
- What does Paul do during the game?
- Why is this a new experience for Paul?
Tuesday September 26 (later)
- Why does Cara Call Paul?
- What conclusion does Paul come to about Kerri?
Wednesday September 27
- What does Victor say that makes Joey so mad/upset?
- What is mom so surprised about?
- What does this statement mean, “For Joey, our house may as well be covered with canvas and bound by ropes, because it is filled with poison.”
Friday, September 29
- Describe Shandra’s reaction when the reporters show up at practice?
- Predict why she acted this way?
Monday, October 2
- What does Paul do to upset Joey in Science class?
- What does Joey decide to do about the soccer team?
- How does Joey feel about Tangerine Middle School?
Tuesday, October 3
- What did Paul forget to tell us about Joey’s first day at Tangerine?
- What project are they working on in Science?
- Why does Tino get suspended again?
Wednesday October 4
- What happens when they try to put out the muck fire?
- What is happening to the houses that are being exterminated for termites?
- What is wrong with Mr. Donnelly’s house?
- What is going on with the fish population?
- What did Paul find on Dad’s computer?
Thursday, October 5
- What does Paul do after school?
- Describe a Quonset hut.
- Who is Luis?Describe Luis.
- What does every citrus tree start out as according to his group?
- What is under the houses that attract the termites? Is this an internal or external conflict?
- What is Wayne going to do after he drops Paul off?
- Describe the flashback Paul has at the end of this section.
Thursday, November 2
- Why hasn’t Paul written in his journal for four weeks?
- What happens to Erik’s football reputation?
- What has happened to the soccer team?
- How does Paul refer to the soccer team in relation to his life?
Saturday, November 4
- What does Paul like best about the tangerine business? What does Luis like?
- What does Paul do with Tino and Luis all day?
- What happened to Luis’ knee?
- What does Tino do when Paul “clears his conscience?”
- What position did Luis play on the soccer team? Why?
Sunday, November 5
- Where do the Fishers go?
- What does Paul learn about Coach Bright (minimum of 3 sentences)?
Tuesday, November 7
- Why doesn’t Paul’s goal count against the Manatees?
Wednesday, November 8
- Make an inference: how do you think Betty Bright feels about her past?
Friday, November 10
- What team does the War Eagles play in the championship game?
- What happens to Victor in the game?
- At half time, what does Coach Walski say about Paul?
- What does Coach Bright say to Coach Walski about Antoine?
- What position does Paul finally get to play?
- How does the game end?
- What does Paul mean by, “It was quite a ride.”