Crofton Park assembly funding 2012

£1,300 2012 Winter events fund applications

1. Christmas Community Fair and market and community Choir at St Hilda’s Church

Project lead: Stella Agunabar, St Hilda’s Church, Community Link

Funding requested: £660 contribution to overall costs.

Project summary: the Christmas market and fair to be held on 15 December at St Hilda’s Church will feature a community choir recruited and trained to sing Christmas music. There will be stalls showcasing hand crafts and home bakes and also seasonal food, games for children and a refreshments marquee. The Christmas Choir will be recruited and trained over four weeks at choir workshops across November and December. The people involved in this project will be members of St Hilda’s Church, stall holders from the local community, local businesses and local organisations and volunteers. Local student musicians will also play at the fair.

Overall costs = £1202.80 for hall hire, room hire for the music workshops, a Choir Master, Accompanist, Temporary Event Notice, marquee, marketing materials and administrative costs and St Hilda’s are asking for a £660 funding contribution.

2. Ackroyd Christmas Community Fair,

Project lead: Stephen Mcgann, The Ackroyd centre

Funding requested: £270

Project summary: On Sunday 9 December the Ackroyd Centre will host a Christmas Community Fair. The community fair will include a children’s magic show, crèche, hot and cold food, cake sales, raffles, ‘Sale of the Seasons’ and a meet the Trustees session. The leading organisations at the Ackroyd Centre will be promoting their activities and fund raising, these include: Ackroyd Children & Families, Acroyd Community Association, Acorn club, Elder Persons’ Support Project, Honor Oak Residents’ Association.

The following external organisations will be attending: London Quadrant Housing, London Metropolitan Police (horses and police cadets), London Fire Brigade. The Ackroyd would like to apply for £270 to cover the costs of the Children’s Entertainer Tricky Toby and a complimentary therapist.

3. Santa’s Grotto at St Hilda’s Fair

Project lead: Anish Bhavasar, Crofton Park Community Link

Funding requested : £370

Project summary: The Events Planner for Crofton Park Community Link would like to provide a Santa’s Grotto Adventure. Old and Young alike will have a magical experience walking through a festive scene and meeting Father Christmas, his Elfin friends will ensure that every child will receive an early Christmas gift. There will also be working with a professional photographer to capture this treasure family moment. It is hoped to provide the Santa’s Grotto along side St Hilda’s Christmas market. The cost of this attraction will be £400 for the construction of the props, gifts, lighting and equipment and they have requested £370 contribution towards this.

The total funding amount applied for is £1,300. A decision will be made at the assembly meeting by yes / no vote by a show of hands.

2012 Community small grants applications £5,000 applications

1. Dalmain Community Pen, physical health related activities

Project lead: Graham Curtis, The Pen

Funding requested: £500

Project summary This project aims to deliver physical and health related activities to members of the community. To provide accredited training to young people in sports related qualifications that will raise confidence, self esteem and promote employment.

This funding would be used to part fund the activities listed above. The Pen currently hold a waiting list of young people who want to attend the courses and this would enable them the opportunity.

The Pen have been operating since 2008 within the local community and are governed by Dalmain school. They have strong links with the community and provide a safe & effective environment for young people to be in and also learn in.

Project costs: £250 – Activities for young people, £250 – Sports Leadership Courses, the funding would cover venue hire, staff hours & equipment.

2. Association for Pastoral Care in Mental Health, To support the drop in support centre based at St Saviours Church hall, with its activities and with social outings

Project lead: Ron Hosmer

Funding requested: £500 contribution

Project summary: A Drop-In-Centre for people with mental health problems and for their carers. First opened in 1987 and since then have been open every week for just over 25 years – this year we had a Jubilee Party. We now meet at StSaviour’s Church Hall in Brockley Rise on Wednesday evenings. Each week about 20 members come to the Drop-In and many of them are regulars. Members are self referred and we never turn anyone away. Although we are still a Christian based organisation we are open to those of any faith or of none.

In addition to the regular Drop-In we have outings to venues inside and outside London and we always have a Christmas party. This year we have had outings to Brighton, Hastings and Worth Abbey.

The centre is run by volunteers who are there to listen to members and to discuss their problems. Currently we have a team of ten volunteers who are regularly on the rota plus a number of other volunteers who come from time to time.

Revenue comes from a variety of local sources including, individual contributions for teas and coffees, Churches, Rotary Clubs and individuals.

A grant of £500 (from the Crofton Park Assembly would help us to move into the New Year with greater confidence and may enable us to organise additional outings.

3. Acorn after school club, Children’s Christmas party

Project lead: Angelia Maria Escobar Giraldo

Funding requested: £581

Project summary: Acorn are a child care provider, who collect children from four different schools from the community: Stillness Infants, Stillness Juniors, Dalmain and William of York. They also provide a Breakfast club service for Stillness infants/ Juniors. A total of 94 children are registered for services. As some children only attend breakfast club or a few days during afternoon club they rarely get the chance to share and interact as a big group, that is why Christmas it’s important as it give us the perfect opportunity to bring all of our children together for an afternoon of joy.

The Christmas festivities allow us to observe firsthand the happiness and warmth children experience when they are surrounded by friends and people who care for them and the new and strong bonds they make in a couple of hours interaction ( social skills for life). All the worries and troubles go away for those short hours and it’s perfect.

On the 13th December we plan to provide a warm buffet, DJ and Santa Grotto with presents for every child.

4. ‘ St Saviours Edible’ Community garden

Project lead: Ruth Robinson

Funding requested: £500

Project summary: An urban food growing area outside St Saviour’s Church on Brockley Rise. Although mostly edible the garden has brought a bit of colour and life to the area and is enjoyed by passers by and church goers alike. Funding is needed to improve the garden’s appearance, especially the borders which look untidy. Would like to enlarge the growing area and provide access by paving slab stepping stones.

Some funding would also provide for publicity to boost local interest in the garden. To make the garden more vibrant Ruth would like to run workshops there, for example, Herb Spiral building. This requires a facilitator and funding would be very helpful in encouraging teachers and trained professionals to come and hold events there.

5. Blythe Hill Festival 2013

Project lead: Leo Stevens

Requested: £500 contribution

Project summary: The friends of Blythe Hill Fields are a small community group who have championed Blythe Hill Fields for nearly ten years and who live around the fields working to improve and develop the space for the community. The Blythe Hill Fields Festival has ran successfully for six years and is a family and community event set on Blythe Hill Fields with live music, a childrens’ fun fair, crafts and bake stalls and lots more.

The space is transformed into a village green with straw bales, Punch and Judy, donkey rides and a wide variety of world cuisine and entertainment. One of the most important aspects of the festival is the community feel and it is a great social event. Blythe Hill Fields User Group would like to request a £500 contribution towards the overall costs of this community event.

6. Subsidised Day trip for elderly members of EPSP, The Elder People’s Support Project

Project lead Melanie Trout

Funding requested: £298

Project summary: The Elder Peoples Support Project (EPSP) is part of the Ackroyd Community. EPSP is a member-led and driven initiative. It currently serves over 165 members, all of whom are over 55. The project aims to improve the quality of life for older people in the borough through a range of activities such as health promotion, social and inter-generational events, outings and opportunities for learning.

As part of its varied programme, EPSP currently run 10 day trips a year, two of which are minibus trips for our more elderly and vulnerable members.

Of the remaining eight trips each year, the most popular is always our riverboat cruise. This trip enables members to visit Henley, where they can have lunch and take a stroll, before enjoying the serenity of a ride along the River Thames, where they can relax and view the scenery before the ride home. To date we have been unable to accommodate everyone who wishes to go. For this special trip, we use a 49-seater coach plus a 16-seater minibus, bringing the total to 65. Unfortunately this hasn’t been sufficient to accommodate all who wish to go. The waiting lists over the past few years have shown that we would need around 80 places to accommodate everybody.

We have looked into the cost of a double decker 84-seater coach for which the subsidy for EPSP would be £458.00, against a subsidy of £160 if we continue to use a single decker coach and a minibus. The higher subsidy with a double decker would place significant strain on EPSP’s funds; therefore EPSP would like to apply for funding to cover the additional subsidy required for this trip and be able to offer a place to everybody who wishes to enjoy EPSP’s most popular day out.

7. Dalmain Athletic Girls F.C

Project lead: Hayley Vince

Funding requested: £490

Project summary: Dalmain Athletic Girls F.C are the only under 11’s girls football club in the Borough of Lewisham, newly formed in December 2011 and affiliated to the London FA. We would like to run a girls tournament to attract girls to join our club and become regularly active to challenge sedentary lifestyles. The tournament will be followed by 6 free coaching sessions which the girls will be invited to attend. The tournament will be called ‘Crofton Park Community Cup’. Girls will be invited from the local primary schools to participate. The £490 will cover venue hire, trophies and medals referees and coaching.

8. Community festival equipment, signage, tables, chairs pop up gazebo, Crofton Park Community library

Project lead: Alison Davies

Funding Requested:£200

Project summary: Crofton Park Community Library (constituted organisation Eco Computer Systems) has attended a number of events, including Brockley Summer Fayre and Blythe Hill Fields Festival, during 2012, to publicise the work of the library and to raise funds by selling books. This activity has raised the need for adequate protection from the weather and portable tables and chairs to use at such events.

The library would also like to replace the signage that it has been using as it is worn out and out of date. It is suggested that the library could hold the equipment on behalf of local organisations who would be able to rent or borrow it when not required by the library. It is proposed that Assembly funding is used to purchase signage, a pop up gazebo, tables and chairs.

9. Parking survey for Honor Oak Park, Honor Oak Resident’s Association,

Project lead: Deidre Mason

Requested £100

Project summary: We want to give the residents of Honor Oak Park specifally the chance to say what they want to happen about parking in their area. Unlike other parts of the borough Honor Oak Park has seen a significant increase in commuter parking attracted by the London Overground. At the same time people may have mixed feelings about controlled parking zones which involve costs and inconvenience to visitors and tradesmen.

Our survey will involve leafleting all street and roads within Honor Oak district, so as to get the best chance of an in-depth result, we anticipate delivery of 3000 survey forms. We would like to feed the results into the Mayors on-going consultation on parking throughout Lewisham. The £100 would cover printing costs.

10. Ackroyd Centre improvements

Project lead : Stephen Mcgann

Request: £597

Project summary: The aim is to refurbish the main entrance lobby to the Ackroyd Centre to make the centre more pleasant and welcoming for the hundreds of people who visit the Centre each week.

Refurbishment would include:

·  professional cleaning of the original quarry tile flooring