English 9A: Trimester One
Ms. Jeannine Baum, F53
810-667-2418 ext. 3174 (please allow 24 hours to respond)
English 9A will consist of a Short Story Unit and a Mythology Unit in trimester one, as well as writing pieces, grammar, research and independent reading. It is required that all ninth grade students successfully take and complete English 9 A, B and C to receive credit toward graduation.
Class Requirements:
Students are expected to come to class PREPARED EVERYDAY:
Students are required to come to class EVERYDAY with a pencil or pen. Pens may only be standard blue or black ink. Any assignments completed in anything but blue/black ink or pencil will NOT be graded and recorded as a ZERO.
Students are required to come to class EVERYDAY with a 3-ring binder with section dividers. A 2-inch binder is recommended. This binder will also be used in English 9B and 9C.
Students should come prepared daily with lined paper. NO SPIRAL PAPER PLEASE!
Students should come prepared daily with any textbooks or novels that are being taught at that time. Students are responsible for all books and novels checked out to them. In the event of a lost or stolen book, the student is responsible to pay the fine or replace the book.
Class Expectations/Procedures:
Students are expected to be in class, in their assigned seats and prepared at the beginning of class.
You should begin copying the daily agenda and completing the daily bell ringer.
Purses/ bags larger than 8x11 are NOT permitted in class. You will be asked to return your bag/purse to your locker and receive a tardy the 1st time…after that you will be sent to the office with a referral!!! This is your first and only warning!
Tardiness: Students that are not in class and in their assigned seat when the bell rings are tardy. Detentions are given for chronic tardiness as well as office referrals.
Passes: Students will be permitted 3 passes over the course of the trimester. Use these wisely. Students will NOT be given passes the first and last ten minutes of the class period.
End of Class: Students are expected to remain in their assigned seat until the bell rings to release students. Do NOT gather at the door!
Students are expected to be respectful of each other and me.
Students are expected to raise their hand if they would like to ask a question, participate in class discussions, or gain my attention. Blurting out answers, comments and requests will not be permitted.
Students are to remain seated in their ASSIGNED SEATat ALL times. If you need to get out of your seat, you ask ME for permission.
Students are expected to use proper language and keep their hands to themselves. The use of profanity and fighting will result in removal from class, administrative referral, and suspension. This is your first and only warning!
Students are NOT permitted to use my computer, go behind my desk, touch my desk, cabinets, chalk board, etc.
Detentions: Students that receive a teacher detention for tardiness, not coming to class prepared, and inappropriate behavior will have the allotted time to serve the detention. If not served, an administrative referral will follow.
Cell Phone/Electronic Usage: Students are not to be using their cell phone or electronics during class. Phone/electronic will be taken to office for parent pick up.
Food and beverages: Only water is permitted in class unless an office approved doctor’s note is provided. Do NOT bring food from breakfast or lunch to class. This should be eaten in the cafeteria.
Students are not allowed to wear hats or have hoodies up during class.
*Assignments without your name are recorded as a ZERO.*
Substitute Teachers: Substitute teachers are to be treated with your utmost respect. I will not tolerate ANY insubordination or disrespect of a sub in the event that I am out of the classroom.
Make up work/assignments due to absence:
It is the responsibility of the student to obtain what they have missed and need to complete. I suggest you speak to me before or after school. You are allotted the same amount of time you were absent to complete work/assignments.
Homework and Testing policies:
Homework: Homework assignments are to be completed and turned in on the assigned day; typically at the beginning of the next class period.
Tests: Students are given prior knowledge of tests and are provided review opportunities.
Cheating/Plagiarism: If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing, they will receive a ZERO for the test or assignment. There is NO possibility of making up the grade or assignment!
Ninth grade Credit Policy/Late Assignments:
- Work that is turned in on time will be considered for full credit.
- Work that is late will be considered for half (50%) credit.
- Work that is more that one day late may only be submitted for half credit if it is completed in the presence of the teacher either before or after school
- Late work may be submitted until the last day of the trimester.
- Tests and quizzes must be made up before or after school—NOT DURING CLASS THE CLASS PERIOD.
It is the responsibility of the student to make up work from absences.
Grading: All assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, class participation/preparedness and essays/papers are weighted as follows:
Tests/Projects/ Papers = 50%
Quizzes/Homework= 20%
Daily/In class Assignments= 20%
Participation/Preparedness/Organization = 10%
Grading Scale is as follows:
A 93-100B-80-82D+67-69
A-90-92 C+77-79D63-66
B+ 87-89C73-76D-60-62
B 83-86C-70-72 F0-59
Please direct all questions and concerns to the above email address.
I have read and understand all the information, guidelines and requirements presented with this syllabus.
Student Name:
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Parent/Guardian contact email/phone number:
Phone number:
This is DUE:______