R.E. 3 Year Plan EYFS/ KS1

September 2016- July 2017

Autumn Term 1 (1st ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept- Belief

Objective: Children will understand belief is central to Christianity.

Lesson 1 / Who is in our family?
Lesson 2 / What makes a family special?
Lesson 3 / What is special about God’s family?
Lesson 4 / What is special about God and Jesus? (Father and son)
Lesson 5 / Special qualities (Honesty, loyalty, friendships)
Lesson 6 / Special friends

AFL- Children will be able to discuss and reflect on the connection between their family and Christian family.

Autumn Term 1 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Belief

Objective: Children will understand that Christmas is special to Christians

Lesson 1 / Why do Christians Celebrate Christmas?
Lesson 2 / What do we do at Christmas?
Lesson 3 / Why do we give gifts at Christmas?
Lesson 4 / Nativity story
Lesson 5 / Collage/ paint stain glass windows
Lesson 6 / Show and tell special Christmas gifts

AFL- Children will be able to discuss and reflect the importance of Christmas to Christians.

Spring Term 1 (1st ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Worship

Objective: Children will begin to understand the many ways Christians worship.

Lesson 1 / Church How would a church look? (Pictures drawings)
Lesson 2 / Identify features of a Christian church.
Lesson 3 / Identify objects in the church.
Lesson 4 / Visiting the church. (Plumbland)
Lesson 5 / Important ceremonies. (Weddings, baptism)
Lesson 6 / Introduction to prayers (The Lords prayer)

AFL- Children will be able to discuss the church as part of a Christian community.

Spring Term 1 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Deity

Objective: Children will begin to understand the meaning of Easter.

Lesson 1 / The Easter story
Lesson 2 / Why do Christians celebrate Easter?
Lesson 3 / Feeling- What makes us happy / sad?
Lesson 4 / Role play- Easter story.
Lesson 5 / Pictures and drawings of symbols used to celebrate Easter.
Lesson 6 / The Easter story. Easter cards.

AFL- Children will be able to demonstrate awareness of the Christian celebration of Easter.

Summer Term 1 (1st ½ )

Religion- Buddhism Concept – Authority

Objective: Children will be able to understand the Buddhist faith.

Lesson 1 / Birth and upbringing. (celebration of when they are born)
Lesson 2 / Introduce Buddha.
Lesson 3 / Authority/ Buddha, Art/ pictures.
Lesson 4 / Upbringing- our rules, compare to Buddhists.
Lesson 5 / The Buddha’s teachings/ rules.
Lesson 6 / Special occasions/ festivals.

AFL- Children will be able to reflect and discuss the Buddhist faith.

Summer Term 1 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Buddhism Concept – Commitment

Objective: Children will begin to understand the values of the Buddhist faith.

Lesson 1 / Our morals/ moral codes of Buddhism.
Lesson 2 / Do not harm living things.
Lesson 3 / No hurtful language- ways in which we behave.
Lesson 4 / Buddhist artefacts and pictures / Art.
Lesson 5 / How we live by our rules / school/ country.
Lesson 6 / Reflection and discussion.

AFL- Children will be able to understand different Religious faiths.

R.E. 3 Year Plan EYFS/ KS1

September 2017- July 2018

Autumn Term Year 2 (1st ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept- Belief

Objective: Children will understand that Christians have strong beliefs about the nature of God.

Lesson 1 / What do we look like?
What do we think God looks like?
Lesson 2 / Paint pictures of what we think God looks like.
Lesson 3 / How we think the world was made.
Lesson 4 / Draw pictures of our world- sun, moon, stars.
Lesson 5 and 6 / Read the story of creation from the bible and talk about Sabbath day.

AFL- Children will be able to talk about who God is.

Autumn Term Year 2 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Worship

Objective: Children will begin to understand the Christian community

Lesson 1 / The church
Lesson 2 / Artefacts within the church.
Lesson 3 / Being together, family/ community.
Lesson 4 / Prayer hands. Writing our own prayer.
Lesson 5 / Celebration of Christmas/ Christmas story.
Lesson 6 / Symbols of Christmas- cross, stars, crib.

AFL- Children will know and understand the meaning of belonging to a community.

Spring Term Year 2 (1st ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Deity

Objective: Children will understand how to care for our world.

Lesson 1 / Creation and beginning of our world.
Lesson 2 / God being responsible for the creation of our world.
Lesson 3 / Looking after and caring for animals.
Lesson 4 / Looking after and caring for each other.
Lesson 5 / Discuss what happens if we didn’t have beliefs.
Lesson 6 / Being kind and caring world wide.

AFL- Children will be able to discuss different ways of caring for our world/ environment.

Spring Term Year 2 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Authority

Objective: Children will begin to understand the nature of Jesus in the Christian tradition.

Lesson 1 / The Easter story (discussion)
Lesson 2 / Make a paper cross and paint.
Lesson 3 / Happy / sad feelings.
Lesson 4 / Pictures and drawings of symbols used to celebrate Easter.
Lesson 5 / Stories of Jesus as a healer.
Lesson 6 / Make Easter cards.

AFL- Children will be able to have an understanding of the Christian celebration of Easter.

Summer Term Year 2 (1st ½ )

Religion- Buddhism Concept – Commitment

Objective: Children will understand that Buddhism is a different faith.

Lesson 1 / Children will explore images of Buddha.
Lesson 2 / Children will discuss family values.
Lesson 3 / Where Buddhism began.
Lesson 4 / The story of Buddha.
Lesson 5 / The Buddha’s teachings, special books
Lesson 6 / Commitment of Buddhist monks and nuns.

AFL- Children will be able to discuss and reflect on how committed to their faith Buddhists are.

Summer Term Year 2 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Buddhism Concept – Belief

Objective: Children will understand that Buddhist have different beliefs to Christians.

Lesson 1 / Children will paint pictures of Buddha.
Lesson 2 / What Buddhists believe. (Eg. not hurting things)
Lesson 3 / Walk inn the churchyard, looking for minibeasts.
Lesson 4 / Draw pictures of Buddhist symbols and artefacts.
Lesson 5 / Discuss how Buddhists do not believe in God.
Lesson 6 / Recall what we have learnt about the Buddhist faith.

AFL- Children will understand and be able to discuss the different beliefs of the Buddhist faith.

R.E. 3 Year Plan EYFS/ KS1

September 2018- July 2019

Autumn Term Year 3 (1st ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept- Worship

Objective: To understand how and where Christians worship.

Lesson 1 / Where do Christians go to worship?
Lesson 2 / How do Christians worship?
Lesson 3 / Why do you think Sunday is a special day?
Lesson 4 / Make paper praying hands and thank you prayers.
Lesson 5 / Make and paint a big rainbow, children sing ‘All things bright and beautiful’
Lesson 6 / Display work

AFL- Children will understand that Christian’s main place of worship is the church.

Autumn Term Year 3 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Deity

Objective: Children will begin to understand different festivals within the Christian faith.

Lesson 1 / Birthdays, Christmas celebrations.
Lesson 2 / Introduce the story of Christmas. The angel visits Mary and Joseph.
Lesson 3 / Jesus is born. The nativity scene.
Lesson 4 / The shepherds and the angel.
Lesson 5 / The visit from the wise men.
Lesson 6 / Decorate a caskel. (box)

AFL- Children will be able to retell the story of Jesus being born.

Spring Term Year 3(1st ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Authority

Objective: Children will be able to retell stories from the bible.

Lesson 1 / What does authority mean?
Lesson 2 / Draw pictures from our lives of people in authority.
Lesson 3 / The special nature of Jesus in the Christian tradition.
Lesson 4 / Stories from the bible, birth, death, resurrection.
Lesson 5 and 6 / Discussions and questions about guidance and respect.

AFL- Children will have a good understanding of bible stories and their meaning.

Spring Term Year 3 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Christianity Concept – Commitment

Objective: Children will know the Christian values of caring for others.

Lesson 1 / Who is in our family?
Lesson 2 / Who do you care for outside of your family?
Lesson 3 / Caring for our neighbours.
Lesson 4 / Forgiveness and treating everyone as equals.
Lesson 5 / Through Art show how we are made in the image of God.
Lesson 6 / Christians who set examples and show a life of service.

AFL- Children will show an understanding of Christian values.

Summer Term Year 3 (1st ½ )

Religion- Buddhism Concept – Belief

Objective: To understand there are different beliefs and faiths.

Lesson 1 / Introduce Buddhism, pictures and books.
Lesson 2 / Draw pictures of Buddha and introduce temples.
Lesson 3 / The Buddhist family/ way of life.
Lesson 4 / What Buddhists believe in.
Lesson 5 / The story of Buddha.
Lesson 6 / Discuss the differences between Buddhism and Christianity.

AFL- Have a clear knowledge of the Buddhist faith.

Summer Term Year 3 (2nd ½ )

Religion- Buddhism Concept – Worship

Objective: Children will begin to understand the values of the Buddhist teachings.

Lesson 1 / Buddha’s teachings.
Lesson 2 / How Buddhists worship.
Lesson 3 / Monks and nuns.
Lesson 4 / Festivals within the Buddhist faith.
Lesson 5 / Special/ Holy places.
Lesson 6 / Discuss the differences between Buddhism and Christianity.

AFL- Children will be able to discuss and reflect upon the teachings of Buddha.