August 2013
The following design standards have been established by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) in order to create and maintain a community of high esteem and visual harmony. The Design Standards are guidelines for the Homeowner to use when requesting an Architectural change to their home and are meant to help clarify what is and is not acceptable in the community. The ACC control procedures are not meant to be an impediment to your property rights, but rather a means to keep Windsor Oaks a desirable and attractive place to live.
Per Article V Section 2 of the Covenants for Windsor Oaks:
“The standard for approval of any and all such improvements may include, but not be limited to, aesthetic consideration, neighbors' consultation, materials to be used, harmony with the external design of the existing buildings, Lots and structures, and the location in relation to surrounding structures and topography.
The ACC or its designated representative shall be the sole arbiter of such application and may withhold approval for any reason, including purely aesthetic considerations, and it shall be entitled to stop any construction which is not in conformance with approved plans.”
Architectural Control Request Procedures
Please note that any alteration or change of any kind to the exterior of your house or lot requires approval in advance by the ACC. Any structural change requires the approval of the Homeowner’s Association Board. Please refer to Article VI, General Covenants and Restrictions sections before submitting a request. The Homeowner’s Association may remove any project that is completed without the prior approval by the ACC and the cost of removal assessed to the homeowner. All requests must be submitted in writing on the Windsor Oaks Homeowners Application for Approval form to the ACC andmust include the following information:
- Complete description of the proposed project.
- Location and scope of the proposed project, including site plans.
- Size, color and materials to be used in the project.
- All approvals are valid for one (1) year. Projects that have not been started after one year must be re-submitted for approval.
- Approvals may take up to 30 days
- Projects started prior to approval of the ACC shall be fined an amount not to exceed $1,000, imposed and payable immediately. Work must be stopped and an approval requested. If approval is denied, the homeowner must return the property to acceptable standards at homeowner’s expense, within 14 days.
Architectural Control Violation Procedures
To enforce the Codes and Covenants within our community the following guidelines will be followed: The ACC will send the first Notice of Violation to the resident outlining the violation and giving a 15 day notice to correct the violation. In the event the violation is not corrected, the ACC will send a second Notice of Violation. Once again, the violation will be described with the action needed to be taken and an additional 15 day period to correct the problem will be given. If not corrected within this extended period of time, the Homeowner’s Association board has the authority under Article VII of the Covenants to impose a fine of $25 per day.
- Alterations & Additions:
Any landscape additions or alterations to a lot which makes a noticeable change visible from the street and/or from a neighbor’s property, or which might cause erosion, (examples; extensive tree trimming, retaining walls, landscape timbers, gazebos, arbors, trellises, decks, greenhouses or other decorative structures) requires approval in advance from the ACC. All landscaping should relate to the existing terrain and natural features on the lot. Erosion resulting from any landscaping additions or alterations that impact neighboring properties is the responsibility of the landscaping homeowner and must be remedied.
- Trees:
No tree having a diameter of six inches (6”) or more (measured at a point two feet above the ground level) shall be removed from any lot without prior approval of the ACC, either specifically or by conforming to a prior approved landscape plan. The removal and replacement of dead or diseased trees does not require ACC approval.
- Maintenance:
Maintenance of landscaping is required. Lawns should be kept seeded, watered, mowed and edged; shrubs and trees trimmed; flower beds weeded and mulched areas kept fresh to maintain a visually pleasing appearance. Mulching materials allowed include pine straw, pine bark, slate, or colored small stones in earth colors (i.e. red, brown, lava rock, etc.). Vegetable Gardens must be located between the rear of the dwelling and rear lot line.
Lawns should be kept free of debris at all times. Outdoor burning of leaf debris must adhere to Cobb County Fire Codes. (Currently there is a ban from May 1 through September 30). Local permissible open burning outside this ban shall be done 50 feet from any structure or property line.
- Fencing:
Fencing may not be nearer to the street than the back edge of the dwelling. Fencing visible and paralleling the street must be of natural wood, decorative plastic that closely simulates wood or any material that is architecturally consistent with the design and colors of existing fences in the subdivision.
If the fence is to be painted or stained, color chips must be submitted for approval. As detailed a drawing as possible showing the location, design details, colors and construction details should be submitted for approval. It should be noted that corner lots are somewhat more restricted in the choice of material that will be approved.
Maximum fence height is six feet (6’). No chain link fences will be permitted.
Dog runs and houses are not acceptable unless they are inside a solid fence six feet (6’) in height or completely screened from the street with trees, shrubs or other types of natural growth. All fences and dog houses or runs must be submitted to the ACC for approval before any work begins.
All fences must be maintained and repaired as needed at all times.
- Statuary:
Decorative objects such as statues, fountains, benches, bird houses, flags, etc. that are visible from the street must be maintained at all times and are subject to approval by the ACC.
- Garden Equipment and Play Equipment:
Play equipment (play houses, play sets, trampolines, etc.) must be located between the rear of the dwelling and the rear lot line. Play equipment visible from the street or a neighboring lot, must be constructed of natural wood or wood type product. All others must be submitted for approval. Depending on how the playground structure impacts the view from the street or of a neighbor, it may require landscaping to adequately screen the view. Garden and yard maintenance equipment must be stored out of sight and all times.
Garden Equipment and Play Equipment Continued:
Detailed below are the items that are admissible without approval and those that need to be submitted in writing.
1. Hammocks / Admissible as long as located at rear of dwelling to rear lot line2. Water Hose (visible) / Admissible if rolled up on the ground or on a holder.
3. Tarp covered items / Not admissible
4. Toys, bikes & other play equipment left in yard/driveway for extended periods of time / Not admissible
5. Portable basketball goals / Admissible as long as maintained at all times
6. Permanent basketball goals / Admissible, but must be mounted on a standard black metal post with a white, clear glass or light gray backboard. Location may not be greater than 50% of the distance between the front of the dwelling and the road. All basketball goals must be approved in advance. Under no circumstances shall a basketball goal be attached on a house.
7. Tall reflectors, wind sticks, pinwheels in front yard / Not admissible
8. Name or decoration on mailbox / Not admissible
9. Second “box” next to mailbox / Not admissible
10. Addresses numbers on house / Not admissible
11. Spot light(s)/landscape lights / Submit for approval
12. Window box added to home / Submit for approval
13. Large rocks or synthetic rocks / Submit for approval
14. Hot tubs/spa / Submit for approval
15. In-ground Pools / Admissible if surrounded by a six foot privacy fence. All pools must be submitted for approval
16. Above-ground Pools / Not admissible
17. Signs (advertising) / Not admissible
18. Garbage Cans / Cannot be visible from the street or neighboring lot and cannot be placed on the street any sooner than 24 hours prior to pickup and must be removed within 24 hours after pickup.
19. Garbage Can Screens / Submit for approval
20. Awnings or porticos / Submit for approval
21. Hardscape (driveway, side-walks, steps) / Submit for approval
22. Lighting and decorations / Admissible, but must be removed in a timely manner.
23. Window fans/Window AC units / Not admissible if visible from the street
24. Wood piles / Admissible, if not visible from the street
25. Clotheslines / Not admissible
- Vehicles/Garages:
Street Parking – No vehicle shall be permitted to park on any street in the community except on a temporary basis (overnight guests, visitors) not to exceed 24 consecutive hours. No towed vehicle, boat, boat or recreational trailer, recreational vehicles, motor home, mobile home, bus, truck with camper top, truck or commercial vehicles over one-ton capacity or vehicles with commercial signage or equipment attached to vehicle, motorcycle, mini-bike, scooter, go-cart or similar recreational vehicles shall be permitted parking on the street or on any Lot, except if kept in an enclosed garage.
Non-operational vehicles and those without a license tag, left on the property for extended periods of time are not permitted.
Carports shall not be permitted.
- Home Maintenance:
- Home Color and Appearance – Any painting, whether it is siding, shutters, trim, doors, fence, deck, etc., requires a color chip be submitted for approval. (THIS IS REQUIRED EVEN IF REPAINTING TO THE CURRENT EXISTING COLOR ON THE HOME) Garage doors shall be painted to blend in with the exterior of the house. The color chip will be compared to the color palette for the community and must fall within the color scheme.
- Windows & Doors – Silver finish aluminum doors (including sliding doors) and windows are prohibited. Factory painted or anodized aluminum finish may be used, the color of which shall be specified in the plans submitted to the ACC for approval. Front Doors should be painted to match shutters and/or to compliment the siding and trim accents. No colored glass front doors are permitted.
- Gutters, Roof & Exterior – All gutters, siding, doors, windows, roofs and exterior items of the home must be maintained, repaired and in good condition at all times.
- Mailboxes:
All mailboxes must be either a (1) No. 1 R.F.D black metal U.S. Postal Service mailbox attached to a natural (unpainted) wooden post with black house numbers attached to side of post, or (2) a cast aluminum mailbox made by Imperial Mailbox System (Box #0, Number plate #1, and #5 Post).
- Sheds:
All sheds must be approved in advance and should follow these guidelines as closely as possible. Sheds must be located at the rear of the property line or when this is not feasible, an alternate location approved by the ACC. Shed must be no larger than 12 x 12 and no higher than eight feet (8’). Shed must be the same color (or as close a match as possible) to the house color. Shed roof shingles must match the roof shingles of the house. Sheds within view of a neighbor, must be screened with shrubs or other types of natural growth. Metal sheds are not permitted.