The 3rd edition of the IRISH THEATRE HANDBOOK (AKA the bible) is 208 pages bursting with information on Irish production companies, venues, national and international festivals, support organisations, drama and dance training, funding opportunities, media listings and much more. The 3rd edition is available at good booksellers and Theatre Shop at EUR20 from 24th June.

A delegation from Theatre Forum: Johnny Hanrahan, (Chairman Theatre Forum, & Meridian Theatre Company), Anne Clarke (Landmark Productions), Brian Jackson (Abbey Theatre), and Tania Banotti met Rosaleen Linehan, Orlaith McBride, Emer O'Kelly & Patrick Sutton. Overall the meeting was very positive. Among the issues discussed:

The review of funding structures
We made it clear that the ongoing review of funding structures and strategy was something which needed to involve practitioners from the start. The arts community had experienced consultation after the fact in the past, we now want to be at the heart of discussions. We came away with a sense that the Council genuinely wanted to hear the views of the performing arts.

The amount the Council is seeking from Government next year
We discussed the level of arts funding being sought from the government next year and the timing of the Council's submission. Theatre Forum is concerned that the request may be too low to meet demand. We feel that the performing arts community and the Arts Council need to be ambitious in our requests to government and ensure a substantial increase. Theatre Forum's campaign will start in early Autumn. We made the point that since the Arts Council had informed us their monies could not be used for political lobbying, the advertising and publicity element of our campaign will be more muted than last year.

The position of drama production companies and venues as a percentage of Arts Council funding
Theatre Forum has analysed Arts Council data from 2002 / 2004 and found:

·  Multi-disciplinary arts venues have seen an increase in funding between 2002 and 2004 but 'drama venues' - i.e. theatres - have seen a fall of 7% in the same period.

·  Drama 'resource and service organisations' have seen a big increase in funding but overall funding for drama production companies is 1% less in 2004 than it was in 2002.

·  Drama as percentage of total Arts Council funding is reducing ...... from 29% in 2002 to 26% in 2004, yet the overall Arts Council budget has risen by 10% in the same period.

The Council members we spoke to are acutely aware of this, particularly the problems facing venues both in overall funding terms, and in terms of finding solutions to the scarcity of work touring to many venues. They're actively looking at ways of tackling this.


Over ninety members attended the first AGM and annual conference of Theatre Forum in the National Concert Hall on May 24th. A separate summary will be available elsewhere on the website this Friday 25 June.


Barabbas....the company presents A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM directed by Veronica Coburn. Touring nationally.

As most of you know, the conditions under which theatres and arts centres sell alcohol is likely to change in legislation to be presented by Minister Michael McDowell. The latest news from the Department of Justice is that the 'Heads of the Bill' will be published in the next 4/6 weeks. Theatre Forum will prepare a briefing note on any implications for venue managers shortly thereafter.


Theatre Forum has set up an affiliate Health Insurance Scheme with VHI.There's a special offer available to all paid up members of Theatre Forum that includes:

·  10% discount on all schemes;

·  No waiting period for anyone who joins the hospital plans before 31st July 2004 (normally 6 months waiting period on new conditions).

More information is available in the 'What we do' section of the website, or you can contact our VHI Account Manager Conor Clancy on 087 646 8571 to discuss the best option for you.


Corcadorca LOSING STEAM by Ray Scannell and directed by Pat Kiernan. At the Marina Commercial Park, Centre Park Road, Cork from 17th - 26th June. Booking on 021 450 1673.

The five individuals who availed of the Theatre Forum bursary scheme to attend the Arts Marketing Association (AMA) conference in Belfast in July are: Willie White & Niamh O' Donnell, Project Arts Centre; Aislinn O'hEocha, Glór Irish Music Centre; Liam Halligan, Quare Hawks Theatre Co Monaghan; and Alice Kennelly, Island Theatre Co Limerick. There's looks like being a record Irish attendance at this annual conference as the line-up of speakers and sessions looks very interesting.

The Arts Council has agreed to fully subsidise the attendance of four individuals: Liz Halpin, Marketing Manager, Abbey Theatre, Polly O'Loughlin, Pavilion Theatre, Bridget Cleary, Meridian Theatre Company and Paula Shields, Theatre Shop. Enid Reid Whyte, Liz Culloty and Maria Johnston from the Arts Council will also attend.

Other AMA members going include: Aoife Flynn, Development Officer at the Model and Niland Sligo, Nicola Murphy, Marketing and PR Manager at Draiocht, Jenny Traynor General Manager CoisCéim, Daithi Ramsay, Box Office and Marketing Manager An Grianán Theatre, along with 3 other colleagues from An Grianán.


Bedrock Productions presents Far Away by Caryl Churchill, directed by Jimmy Fay at Project, Dublin from 30th June to 10th July. Booking on 01 881 9613.

At the request of members, Theatre Forum is preparing a note indicating bands of pay for a whole range people working in venues, production companies and in production, (excluding actors). We've had enquiries from newer companies and venues starting up, as well as employers conducting salary reviews who want to get a sense of the pay on offer generally. The results will be on the website by the end of July.



Many thanks to all of you who valiantly completed our questionnaire. The winners of the two vouchers for EUR75 of free tickets to the Dublin Theatre Festival are: John Cunningham, Letterkenny Arts Centre and Emile Fitzgibbon, Graffiti Theatre Company Cork. Many thanks to Fergus Linehan in the Dublin Theatre Festival for sponsoring the prizes.

The results of the survey on the economic impact of the performing arts will form the basis of our autumn campaign on arts funding. It should also prove useful for everyone who completed it in comparing your own organisation's figures vs the rest of the community.


Nicholas Kente, Artistic Director of the Tricycle Theatre in London is coming to Dublin on 7 September to discuss his series of controversial tribunal plays, (in conversation with Fiach MacConghail). Details to follow.


Stewart Parker's HEAVENLY BODIES directed by Lynne Parker at the Peacock Theatre, Dublin from 23rd June - 31st July. Booking on 1890 444100 or 01 878 7202.

Don't forget your colleagues have posted various items for barter, hire and for sale as well as items for discussion on the website. The success of the site depends on members using it on a regular basis!

There are other things on this website including job adverts, upcoming 'per cent for art' commissions & useful fact sheets on a range of subjects. (One entitled 'maternity benefits / what you need to know' has recently been published).



Theatre Forum has been getting a lot of reaction from members to the announcement of 'a major consultation process over 12 months' leading up to a new Arts Plan. The consensus seems be that it will hard to maintain energy and commitment to a process that long.

There's also a sense that any process that is scheduled to conclude in late Summer 2005 will be too late to impact upon the funding applications & decisions in Autumn 2005. This could mean delaying the implementation of the current consultations and their conclusions to 2006!

While there's a willingness to participate in consultations, there's also a degree of scepticism that the performing arts community has not seen the outcome of previous reports until some years after the event e.g. Auditoria recommendations and the report on participation of young people in the arts.

Further comments and input from you is welcome. Theatre Forum plans to make a submission to the Arts Council based on feedback given at the AGM and subsequently.


The closing date for Arts Council applications for minor capital grants is Friday 2 July. and the deadline for applying for commissions, (to take place in 2005), is 16 July.

Siobhan Broughan, previously Marketing Director with Business2Arts has been appointed Chief Executive.