Applications are to be submitted by e-mail . All applications will be acknowledged.
CBMNet Business Interaction Voucher Application FormProject Title
Funding requested from CBMNet (£)
Cash contribution from Industry Partner (£)
1. Applicant Details
Academic Partner Details
Principal Investigator
Phone Number
Industry Partner Details
Is your company an SME?
Phone Number
2. Project Details
Proposed Start Date
Proposed End Date
Please describe how you project fits within the definition of Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (IBBE) (max 150 words).IBBE is the use of biological resources for producing and processing materials, chemicals (including pharmaceutical precursors and biopharmaceuticals) and energy. These resources include plants, algae, marine life, fungi and micro-organisms.
Project Summary (max 250 words) –
Please provide a brief description of the background to the project, aims of the project and the work to be undertaken
Public Summary (max 250 words) –
Please provide a brief description of the background to the project, aims of the project and the work to be undertaken that can be publicised by CBMNet or BBSRC
Key Deliverables (max 250 words)
Please list the key deliverables for the project.
Benefit to the industrial partner and commercial potential (max 250 words)
Please describe the key benefits that the project will bring to the company. What is the commercial potential for the project and how will the funding help realise this?
Plans for long term relationship (max 250 words)
Please describe how this project, if successful, could lead to long-term relationship between the university and industry partner? How does this project fit in with the overall R&D aims of the company (in broad terms)?
3. Financial Details
Project costs
Please provide a summary of the break-down of project costs below. Projects should be costed at the appropriate fEC rate for your university as outlined in the Business Interaction VoucherOperational Guidelines document.
Use / Amount
Other (please specify)
Total project costs
Amount requested from CBMNet
For most projects this will be £10,000 maximum
Industry Partner cash contribution
This must be equal to the difference between the total project costs and amount requested from CBMNet
Details of any Industry Partner in-kind contribution
Please provide details of any in-kind contributions from the Industry Partner – examples could be materials supplied at cost, staff time, in-house equipment time etc. Please estimate the financial value of this.
4. Signatures
Principal Investigator
I confirm that I wish to apply for a CBMNet Business Interaction Voucher and that the information contained in the application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature / Print Name / Date
Industry Partner (1)
Signature / Print Name / Date
Industry Partner (2)
Signature / Print Name / Date
For office use only
CBMNet Sign Off – Project Approved for Funding
Signature(s) / Print Name(s) / Date
CBMNet Business Interaction Voucher Application Form
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