Malin Bridge Primary School
Primary PE and Sport Premium
Evidencing Impact
What did we do and when? / Why we did it? / How we did it? / What did it cost?In previous years, we have completed a self-review of PE, physical activity and school sport.
We have completed PE, physical activity and sport action plans.
PE and school sport is a key component in the whole school development plan.
We have published our Primary PE and Sport
Premium spend and priorities on the website.
Key priorities for 2016/2017
- Continue to develop the teaching of PE so that it is consistently outstanding
- Support nursery staff in developing PE
- Increase competition in KS1
- Continue to increase the percentage of children achieving NC levels
- Forge developmental links with other schools to develop PE and School Sport
- Ensure assessment in PE is consistent across the school
Increase the profile of PE and school sport across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
Offer wider experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Increase participation in competitive sport / Become part of city wide Move More project to increase physical activity across the city in schools. We were one of six schools who have been part of the pilot project.
Introduced the Daily Mile into the school day. All classes use the opportunity to take children out for ’15 minute seat to seat physical activity.’
We have an increased number of sports leaders who target the least active children in the playground at lunchtimes.
We have introduced ‘Move More Minutes’ linked to the Move More project and Personal Trainers have been developed and trained across KS2
Developing a partnership with Taylor Shaw to promote healthy snacks that are sold at break times. PE Coordinator teaches Nursery PE to promote healthy, active lifestyles at the earliest point.
Increased level of competition across the school and including KS1. Lead role in Locality G PE Coordinators Network meeting. PE Coordinator awarded PE Coordinator of the Year from Sports Partnership. PE coordinator completed PE Specialism. Attended conference run by South Yorkshire Sport (Coping with reducing budgets: Improving attainment by improving pupil health). Become part of city wide Move More project to increase physical activity across the city in schools. We were one of six schools who have been part of the pilot project.
Introduced the Daily Mile into the school day. All classes use the opportunity to take children out for ’15 minute seat to seat physical activity.’
We have an increased number of sports leaders who target the least active children in the playground at lunchtimes.
We have introduced ‘Move More Minutes’ linked to the Move More project and Personal Trainers have been developed and trained across KS2
Developing a partnership with Taylor Shaw to promote healthy snacks that are sold at break times. PE Coordinator teaches Nursery PE to promote healthy, active lifestyles at the earliest point.
Increased level of CPD for staff.
Increased confidence and subject knowledge in the teaching of PE.
Majority of lessons taught by teaching staff
Use of Curriculum Milestones for PE
Support and individual CPD from PE Coordinator
CPD for staff in KS2 in rugby, basketball and KS1 multiskills CPD
Access to quality planning resources
Curriculum books for assessment. Additional sharing of good practise through Locality G network meetings. CPD opportunities with Sheffield United, Sheffield Steelers, Sheffield Eagles, Sheffield Parks Tennis
Curriculum map is based on 2 year cycle and is reviewed yearly, will be reviewed extensively at the end of this year.
Resources are purchased to support the teaching of PE and replenished when required.
Resources are also purchased to support inclusion and differentiation in lessons.
As well as a wide variety and experience within curriculum PE there is a wide variety of sporting activities on offer out of hours learning.
Increased level of competition within school (lunchtime football competition).
Sheffield Schools Cross Country (Y3,4,5,6)
Sheffield Schools Football (Y4, 5 & 6 boys)
Sheffield Schools Football (Y5 & Y6 girls)
Arches Sports Hall Athletics (Y5 & 6)
Arches Sports Hall Atheletics (Y3 & Y4)
Arches Hotshots Basketball (Y4 & Y5)
Key Steps Gymnastics (Y3, 4, 5 & 6)
Key Steps Gymnastics (Y1 & Y2)
Sheffield Schools Athletics (Y5 & Y6)
Chance to Shine Cricket
Partnership Games
National School Sports Week, Healthy Schools, Sports Day
Club links and signposting – Hillsborough Pumas, Hallamshire Harriers, Sheffield Steelers, Sheffield Wednesday
Arches Sports Partnership
Y1 Activity Festivals
Swimming Gala 2017 / See spending report April 2016 to April 2017
What difference have we made? / Who benefitted and how? / What feedback have we had? / What will we do differently now?
We have made a difference by providing children with a wide range of experiences in a range of sports. We have continued to focus PE in our Foundation Stage and KS1 to the teaching of quality fundamentals skills (balance, agility, coordination, movement). This now includes Nursery PE taught by PE Coordinator. We continue to increase the number of opportunities to compete in sport across Sheffield and within school including KS1. PE and School Sport continue to be an integral part of whole school development plans and are supported by senior leaders. There is a clear vision, action plans and school sports audits that make up the PE Development Plan. The school has a dedicated PE Coordinator who has now completed a PE Specialism Course. The PE Coordinator is responsible for the development of PE and School Sport, reporting to senior leaders, Governors and ensuring school website is updated with key documents. The PE Coordinator supports all staff with the planning and teaching of PE. The PE Coordinator has a lead role in the Locality G Network meetings for PE. He has also been recognised by his peers within the Arches Sports Partnership being awarded the PE coordinator of the Year. All staff have opportunities to access CPD. Some staff received CPD in the teaching of rugby, basketball, tennis and multiskills. This has increased the confidence in staff to teach PE. The Sports Premium has allowed the school to resource PE to a high quality which impacts on the level of teaching within school. The planning of PE has been developed to include differentiation, increased levels of subject knowledge, assessment through milestones and wider curriculum assessment tool. Assessment of PE is now supported by PE books across the school where children reflect on their learning in PE. / The whole school and community benefits from PE and school sport being high profile within the whole school development plan. The development of PE is supported by senior leaders knowing, from research, that healthy, active children will learn better in the classroom. Children have increased opportunities to be active during the school day (Daily Mile, Move More Minutes, active classrooms). Staff has increased confidence in teaching PE and developing their own skills. Staff also benefit from having a dedicated PE Coordinator who they can ask for support and guidance when teaching PE.
Pupils benefit from a wide experience of different sports within PE. They are allowed to develop their skills through quality teaching of PE where a wide range of teaching strategies are used. Children are assessed using the curriculum milestones. They benefit from increased participation in competition in and out of school. Children also have access to a wide variety of out of hours school sport..Children are signposted onto local clubs like Hillsborough Pumas, Hallamshire Harriers. Children are encouraged to make healthy lifestyle choices through healthy snacks provided by the school.
Parents are very supportive of school sport and PE. They are actively involved in encouraging children to take part. Our out of hours provision also supports parents with childcare. / Setting good practice standards for reporting on school website (Arches Sports Partnership).
Poster presentation at the South Yorkshire PE & Sport Conference (Malin Bridge: Our vision for Outstanding PE & Sport). Shared resources with other schools on request.
PE Coordinator is active member of Arches PE Coordinators Network Meetings.
Pupils experience a rich and varied curriculum, which is a key strength of the school. School leaders have seized the opportunity to establish a new and varied curriculum which encourages a love of learning, based on an 'engage and express' principle.
The curriculum is further enhanced by a wide range of extra-curricular activities, which are well attended by pupils.
The school uses the additional sports funding to provide a very good range of sporting activities during and after school – run by qualified sports coaches. Pupils say that the wide range of sports and other activities available to them is one of the things that they most like about their school (MALIN BRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL CONSULTANT’S REPORT, 21 & 22 January 2016, Adrian Francis
AF Consulting (Northern) Ltd, To review and evaluate the school's effectiveness, in line with Ofsted's current School Inspection Handbook).
“Physical education and the Healthy Schools initiative is well led. Children and staff engage in daily exercise. Children are also given the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities as well as competing keenly in a number of competitive sports. The school is very successful with regard to its sporting achievements and can justifiably be proud of these. The childr4en’s journey in these areas is well documented with an exemplary use of photographs. The PE lead ishighly skilledand manages a range of other aspects of school life including ‘Team teach’. He is a trainer in this area and has supported many other schools. ‘Thrive’ is well established in the school for children with SEN and for those who have an unfulfilled need to be valued, involved and appreciated. It has had a positive impact on these children’s well-being. The PE lead is qualified as a leader in this area and has trained staff in the school. All elements of these areas bear the hallmarks of outstanding leadership.”
“The effective use of sports premium funding allows the pupils access to a very wide range of competitive sports and extra-curricular activities. The school has adopted the Move More Initiative with a daily mile goal and many other physical one minute challenges. These all have a strong impact on pupils’ learning and contribute greatly to creating the school’s inclusive and inspiring climate.”
PM City Consultant, Patricia Munt Education Consultant, School Evaluation 8th & 9th February 2017.
“I just want to say thank you so much for the PE met work meeting yesterday. It was a great morning and I think we all benefitted from the meeting. Please thank your children too, they were accredit to you and your staff. You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into PE at the school and it really showed yesterday.” PE Lead Stocksbridge Juniors, 2017
Just to say thanks very much for today. It was inspirational to see how hard you have worked to get the children and staff on board with PE and helping the children to lead a healthy lifestyle. It has helped me to reflect on a couple of things in our school and given me ideas on how we can continue to move forward. Thanks again and well done for having such a positive impact on the lives of the youngsters in your school.” PE Lead @ Locality G School, 2017 / Since becoming PE Coordinator three years ago and embarking on a three year plan which is completed at the end of this school year there will be a review of Educational PE, School Sport, Healthy Schools and Active Schools.
We will embark on another three year plan which will include improved provision across the school.
The school will embark on a small research project.
Increase level of activity through the school day and improve classroom activity.
Increase fitness levels of children through activity.
Become a lead across the city for PE and Active Lifestyles.
Ensure any increase in funding is used and impacts across the school community.
Written and Produced by Steve Green / Date: April 2017