


Welcome to Genetics/Microbiology


Lewis, Ricki. Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications 5th edition. McGraw-Hill 2003. The OnLine textbook is found at http://www.mhhe.com/lewisgenetics8

Talaro, Kathleen Park and Arthur. Foundations in Microbiology. 4th edition. McGraw-Hill. 2002. The OnLine textbook is found at http://aris.mhhe.com


The following materials should be brought to class everyday!

1.  Textbook

2. Biology Notebook. A 3-ring binder for class handouts, class notes, lab data, and

lab reports. Dividers may be used to separate sections. Date all notes and all


3.  Writing equipment: Pencil or Pen.


  1. Grades will be determined from Tests, Quizzes, Lab Reports, Research Papers, Homework, and Projects.
  2. Grading Scale:

A-  92-100% B- 84-91% C- 74-83% D-65-73% F-56-64% FF 0-55%

3.  The Final Grade for the year is an average of the four quarter grades plus

your midterm and final exam grade average.


1.  Organization- Be organized and stay organized.

2.  Preparation

·  Come to class prepared with required materials and your homework.

3.  Participate in Class-

·  Complete all class assignments.

·  Volunteer answers in class.

·  Work cooperatively with other students.

  1. Study-

·  Read assigned text. Review notes every day. By doing this you learn, remember, and know when you are confused and need help.

·  Study for quizzes and tests.

5.  Written assignments-

·  Projects, Research papers, and Lab reports must be printed on a word processor/computer. Illegible work will not be graded.

·  Use correct spelling and grammar. Spell check is a great tool.

·  Daily homework assignments can be done neatly in pencil.

6.  Assignments-

·  It is your responsibility to write down assignments and check my Web Page.

·  Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. Work handed in during class or at the end of class is considered late.

·  Laboratory assignments may consist of lab reports, worksheets, and lab practicals. Sufficient time will be given for completion of lab reports.

·  A late assignment policy is in effect for Lab reports, worksheets, Research Papers, Projects, Online Activities and other long term assignments. This does not apply for homework that is reviewed the next day.

o  One day late- 20 % loss of points.

o  Two days late- 50% loss of points.

o  Three or more days late- no points will be awarded.

·  You are expected to complete daily Homework assignments. Not all Homework will be graded for points. Homework will be randomly checked for points at the teacher’s discretion. It is to your benefit to complete homework as it reinforces concepts and let you know when you need additional help.

7.  Make-up work is your responsibility. Remember to check my Web Page Calendar for assignments.

·  If you are absent on the due date of a known assignment, the assignment will be due the day you return to school. Work assigned during the student’s absence will be due 3 days after returning to school.

·  If you are absent it is your responsibility to get all missed assignments (check Web Page) and handouts. Handouts can be found in folders in the student area. Copy all missed notes from another student. If you have any other questions about missed work ask me at the end of class.

·  You are responsible for scheduling missed tests and quizzes within 5 school days of your return to school. After 5 days you will receive a zero. Students must be excused for makeup work to count. Tests and quizzes will be scheduled at a time that is convenient to both the student and the teacher, including AM testing (6:30-7:17), PM testing (after school), or after school. Students can sign up for late buses on Tuesday and Thursday.

·  It is your responsibility to reschedule a missed laboratory. The laboratory must be made up in a timely fashion within 5 school days of your return. Makeup days will be Tuesday and Thursday immediately after school. Labs not made up will receive a zero.

8.  Follow all school and classroom rules-

9.  Ask for help-

·  Let me know when you don’t understand so I can help you. See me in person or place a note in the IN Assignment bin.

·  I will be available for extra help after school on Wednesday from 2:30-3:15 pm.

·  Please call me at 610-965-1650 or contact me via e-mail at to schedule an appointment or discuss any questions or concerns.

Student Biology Contract

I hope to establish a positive learning environment based on mutual respect that affords all students the opportunity to learn and succeed in my classroom.

Classroom Rules:

1.  Be on time. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

2.  Be prepared with required work and materials.

3.  Listen and follow directions the first time they are given.

4.  Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

5.  Use appropriate classroom behavior and language.

6.  Do not have cell phones, Ipods, or other electronic devices in class.

Additional Laboratory safety rules:

1.  No food or drink in the classroom at any time.

2.  Wear covered shoes (no sandals or flip-flops) during lab activities.

3.  Clean up lab area.

4.  Be respectful of people, lab supplies, and equipment.

5.  Use proper techniques and follow all safety precautions.


Cut and return this portion by Friday, September 11, 2009

This is a contract and I have read and understand the course outline, requirements for success, and student responsibilities. I agree to adhere to the above stated responsibilities and to follow all other written and verbal instructions given in class.


(Your signature) (Date)


(Parent or guardian signature)