Driving on the Right Side of the Road Puppet Scripts / 2012

Let’s Ride: Equipment Check

Let’s Ride: Equipment Check is a puppet show or skit for kids in grades K-3 designed to teach them about required and recommended bicycle safety equipment.


Fast Freddie

Brave Betty

Tough Teddy

Lively Letty

Tiny Tike (tricycle)

Fast Freddie: / Wow! Itsure is a beautiful day for a bicycle ride!
Brave Betty: / You’re right, Freddie! Let’s do an equipmentcheck to make sure we are ready to ride.
Tiny Tike: / Can I go? Please, please, please! Can I?
Tough Teddy: / To ride safely in traffic, you must have the right equipment.
Lively Letty: / Here is our pre-ride check list.
Fast Freddie: / Tiny Tike will you read off the list while we check our equipment?
Tiny Tike: / OK,First on the list is… a tail reflector!Oh no… I don’t have one of those.

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Driving on the Right Side of the Road Puppet Scripts / 2012
Brave Betty: / Oh,oh! My reflector is very dirty and will not work right if a light shines on it.[i] It needs to be cleaned. (Another bike acts like cleaning the reflector) Just like new – reflector ready – check!
Other bikes:
Fast Freddie, Tough Teddy, & Lively Letty / (All bikes show off their reflectors) Check- reflector working and clean.
Tiny Tike: / Next on our equipment check is…a headlight!Uh oh… I don’t have a headlight.
Tough Teddie: / Headlights are required if it is dark.[ii] Today, we will only ride during the daylight.
Other Bikes:
Fast Freddie, Tough Teddy, & Lively Letty / Headlight – check.
Tiny Tike: / Brakes – my brakes work really good. They work so good they can make my wheel skid on the pavement![iii]
Lively Letty: / Oh,oh! My brakeline is not connected. My brake is not working.
Fast Freddie: / I’ll fix it fast. That is why they call me… Fast Freddie! (Freddie quickly moves around Letty making noises as if he is fixing her.)
Lively Letty: / Thanks!That is very nice of you.
All other Bikes:
Fast Freddie, Tough Teddy, & Brave Betty / Brakes – checked and ready to go.
Tiny Tike / Tire pressure – What is tire pressure?
Brave Betty: / Our tires have to have enough air in them to hold us up while we ride. The amount of air in the tire is the tire pressure.
Tiny Tike: / My tires are solid rubber they don’t have any air.
Tough Teddy: / You sure are a tough little tricycle. You are going to grow up to be a big bike someday.
All Bikes:
Lively Letty, Fast Freddie, Tough Teddy, & Brave Betty / Tire pressure is good – check.
Tiny Tike: / The next piece of equipment is a bell – What is a bell for?
Lively Letty: / It’s a warning bell! We use bellsor horns tomake noise so others will know we are near. Cars have hornsand bikes have bells or horns.
Tiny Tike: / Okay, next on the list is a helmet – what is a helmet?
Tough Teddy: / The helmet is for therider. If we have a fall, the helmet protects the rider’shead!
Tiny Tike: / That’s it on the list. I don’t have a rear reflector, air in my tires, a head light, helmet, or a bell. Bummer. Guess I can’t go with you guys!
Fast Freddy: / Sorry Tiny Tike, wait till you are a little older and have all of the right equipment to keep you safe. OK, Bikes, let’s roll.

Activity:Ask students to name their bike and then fill out their own bike check list. Give students The Parts of a Bicycle seek and find.

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[i] A person may not operate a bicycle at nighttime unless the bicycle is equipped with an approved red reflector that is visible in front of motor vehicle headlamps from all distances from 50 to 300 feet to the read of the bicycle or a lamp that emits a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear of the bicycle. Texas Transportation Code §551.104(b).

[ii] A person may not operate a bicycle at nighttime unless the bicycle is equipped with a lamp on the front of the bicycle that emits a light visible from a distance at least 500 feet in front of the bicycle. Texas Transportation Code §551.104(b).

[iii] A person may not operate a bicycle unless the bicycle is equipped with a brake capable of making a braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement. Texas Transportation Code §551.104(a).