Milan Township
16444 Cone Rd
Milan, MI. 48160
Board Meeting
June 11, 2015 Minutes Draft
Members present: Supervisor Heath, Clerk Rock, Trustee Mancik & Trustee Dopkowski
Treasurer Early absent
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Public Comment: None
Agenda additions or changes: None
Consent Agenda: Supervisor Heath suggested skipping Consent Agenda and vote on individual reports. Supervisor Heath asked Clerk Rock to remove consent agenda from the agenda in the future.
Minutes: (May 14, 2015)Clerk Rock made a motion to accept. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski
Motion Carried
Disbursements: Clerk Rock read the disbursements. Payroll: $5,845.86
Report on file Bills: $5,409.12
Total: $11,254.98
Trustee Mancik asked where the payment to Steven’s disposal was listed. It wasn’t in last month’s disbursements and not in this months. Clerk Rock said that it was paid after the meeting and she didn’t print out a new dispursment sheet. She will make sure to print out a new sheet in the future and give to board members.
Clerk Rock made a motion to pay bills. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski Motion Carried
Fund Balances:
Treasurer Early absent. No report.
Building Report: Trustee Mancikread the building report. Reporton file
There were no permits issued in the month of May. Dave Friend made worked 5 hours at the hall. No Plumbing, Mechanical, or Electrical inspections. April expenses were $85.00
Trustee Mancik asked if Dave gets paid $15/hr. why was he paid $85.00 It should have been $75.00. Clerk Rock will look into it.
Trustee Dopkowski made amotion to accept. 2nd by Supervisor Heath Motion Carried
Assessors Report: Clerk Rock passed out Karen’s report.
Fieldwork: Scheduled and letters sent to:19991,20011,20020,20103,20139,20140,20335,20800 Hickory Rd.
Other work: Rolled over Assessor database to 2015 to 2016.
Attended class June 2, 2015 at Dundee Township.
Ordered BSA.NET software for Clerk, Treasurer and Assessing. Waiting for appointment for installation.
Looking Ahead: Analyze sales. 2016 Sales study period ends September 30th, 2015.
Prepare L-4029 Tax Rate Request form due by September 30th. No Headlee rollback for 2015.
Visit properties letters were mailed to as well as others (building permits)
Will return to the office on Monday, June 15th, 2015.
Respectfully Submitted, Karen Jo Lieb, Assessor
Supervisor Heath made a motion to approve Assessors report, 2nd by Trustee Mancik Motion Carried
Milan Fire Dept. Report: Supervisor Heath reported that they had a meeting. Because London Twp and Treasurer Early didn’t show up they couldn’t hold meeting. Auditor was there and left his report to look over. They held a special meeting June 10th. Kim (record keeper) is retiring. Formed a committee to seek new record keeper. There was overpayment made to townships. Treasurer Early cannot find where we received a second check from MAFD. They will wait for cancelled checks and get back with the townships. Made a resolution to go to quarterly audit until things are resolved.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept report, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried
Old Buisiness: Resolution and wording of Fire and Road millage approval:
Both millages have expired at the end of 2014. This should have been done last fall but we need to have this ready by July 28th in order to be on the November election.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to approve Road and Fire millage renewal as prepared by our Lawyer, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski.
Roll call vote: All yes, Treasurer Early absent. Motion Carried.
New Buisiness: None
Issues from Board members or Officials:
Trustee Dopkowski: Roads are now chlorided.
Trustee Mancik: What is going on with Sushi property? Barn is close to being torn down.
Supervisor Heath: Readan e-mail that said the trees will be cut down at the cemetary by Friday or Monday. A women wants to open a dog rescue at the old store in Azalia. There has been a white pit bull running loose and killing livestock in the area. Dave Friend has been aware and so is animal control.
Public comment: None
Adjournment: 7:40pm Clerk Rockmade a motion to adjourn. 2nd by Trustee Mancik
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted by: Kevin Heath-Deputy Clerk per/ Margaret Rock-Clerk