1. Write a definition of specific range. Your definition should be based on a formula that includes units.

2. Write a definition of specific endurance. Your definition should be based on a formula that includes units.

3. Suppose an airplane is cruising at 400nm/hr and using 4000 #/fuel per hour. What is its specific range?

4. Suppose an airplane can hold for 2 hours on 2250 # of fuel. What is its specific endurance per thousand pounds of fuel?

5. Suppose an airplane has specific range of 0.2 nm per pound of fuel. How far can it fly on 1000 # of fuel?

6. Write a formula that shows the relationship between specific range, TAS, and specific endurance.

7.Suppose an airplane cruising at 400 nm/hr has specific range of 100 NM per 1000 pounds of fuel. What is its specific endurance in hours per 1000 pounds of fuel? What fuel flow will the airplane experience when holding at VBE?

8. Consider a jet airplane’s velocity vs. specific range curve.

a) Write an algebraic expression for the slope of a straight line drawn from the origin tangent to the curve.

b) Explain the significance of the airspeed corresponding to the point where the tangent line intersects the curve.

c) What point on the airplane’s velocity vs. FF curve does the point in part b) above correspond to?

d) Explain the significance of the highest point on the curve.

e) What point on the airplane’s velocity vs. FF curve does the point in part d) above correspond to?

9. Suppose an airplane’s cruise fuel flow is 4000 #/hr at SL. If TSFC at FL400 = 0.8 TSFCSL, what is the airplanes cruise fuel flow at FL400 at the same gross weight?

10. Write four individual equations (two for SR and two for SE) for changes in specific range and specific endurance when weight changes from W1 to W2 and when density altitude (density ratio) changes from 1 to 2 and thrust specific fuel consumption changes from TSFC1 to TSFC2.

11. Write two equations which combine the four equations in 10) above.

12. True/False If weight doubles, SR is halved.

13. True/False If weight doubles, SE is halved.

14. True/False If altitude changes at constant gross weight such that  is halved (e.g. from 1.0 to 0.5), with TSFC unchanged, SR increases by 50%, and the increase is due to the fact that more TAS is generated for the same EAS.

15. True/False If altitude changes at constant gross weight such that  is halved (e.g. from 1.0 to 0.5) with TSFC unchanged, SE does not change.

16. Transport jet at FL 200. SR = 70 nm/1000# fuel at 300,000# gross; SE = 0.25 hr/1000# fuel. Assuming each problem a) – c) is independent of the other two, find:

a) SR and SE at 325,000# gross.

b) SR and SE at FL 350 with TSFC constant..

c) Solve problem b) if TSFCFL350 = (0.90) TSFCFL200.

17. Light jet at FL 350. SR = 200 nm/1000# fuel at 30,000# gross; SE = 0.7 hr/1000# fuel. Assuming each problem a) or b) is independent of the other, find

a) SR and SE at FL250 assuming TSFC does not change.

b) Solve problem a) if TSFCFL350/TSFCFL250 = TSCF1/TSFC2 = 0.94.

18. Explain the meaning of the data enclosed by red squares in the B767 SA cruise tables as depicted in the course lecture notes.

19. What is the optimal cruising altitude for a B767 at 300,000# gross?

21. For a B767 cruising at FL 400 at 250,000 #, what is the cruise EPR setting and what is the total fuel flow?

22. Repeat question 21 for 400,000# and FL 280.

23. True/ False It is inadvisable for a B767 at 360,000# to attempt sustained cruise above FL340.