FCS Extension Indicators, Outcomes, and Suggested Programs FY 2012
Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Indicators, Outcomes, and Suggested
Programs FY 2012
Table of Contents
Overview of Indicators FY 20123
Indicator 16
Indicator 27
Indicator 38
Indicator 4 8
Indicator 59
Indicator 6 9
Indicator 711
Indicator 8 12
Indicator 9 13
Indicator 10 14
Indicator 11 15
Indicator 12 16 - 18
Indicator 13 19 - 20
Indicator 1421
Indicator 15 22
Indicator 16 23
Indicator 17 24
Indicator 18 25 - 26
Indicator 19 27 - 30
Indicator 2031
Indicator 2132
Indicator 2233 - 36
Indicator 2336
Indicator 2437
Indicator 2538
Indicator 2639
Indicator 2740 - 41
Indicator 2842 - 44
Pac Codes beginning July 1, 201246
FCS Program Matrix47 - 52
FCS Extension Indicators FY 2012
Note: Order and classification are listed the way CES priority indicators are listed on the current year end report. Indicators in black are current state indicators; blue are new national indicators; and green are new state indicators.
CES Goal 1 - Community and Economic Development
Improve the capacity of communities to identify and address critical issues that impact the lives of their citizens
- Number of people who become involved in the governmental process.
- Number of people who are involved in addressing significant community issues.
- Number of ongoing coalitions with which Extension is involved.
- Number of new coalitions formed as a result of Extension efforts.
- Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skills or aspirations related to economic or enterprise development.
CES Goal 2 – Sustainable Agriculture
Attain sustainability of agricultural and economic development systems that are globally competitive.
- Number of individuals who make a lifestyle change for the purpose of improving water and/or natural resources.
CES Goal 3 - Leadership Development
Foster the development of personal and interpersonal skills, stimulate volunteer leadership, and promote active participation in community problem-solving.
- Number of citizens indicating increased leadership knowledge, skills or confidence through participation in leadership programs.
- Number of adults and youth utilizing improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing community issues and needs.
CES Goal 4 - Nutrition and Health
Encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles through a focus on proper nutrition, disease and injury reduction, and comprehensive health maintenance.
Total number of families/caregivers reached with information on the importance of a physically active lifestyle. Based on the total number of families/caregivers reported above, please answer the following:
- Number of those who reported understanding the benefits of spending time together in physical activity.
- Number of those who reported spending time together in physical activity
- Number of environmental changes implemented to support physical activity guidelines in the county (walking trails opened, bike paths built)
Total number of families/caregivers reached with information on accessing healthy foods. Based on the total number of families/caregivers reached with information on accessing healthy foods, please provide information for the following:
- Number of those who gained knowledge about eating healthy foods
- Number that reported eating more of healthy foods
- Number that reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they produce/preserve.
- Number that reported utilizing delivery systems/access points (farmer’s markets, CSA’s, WIC, Food Pantry) that offer healthy foods
Total number of children and youth reached through programming related to eating healthy foods. Of the total number of children and youth reached, please provide the following:
- Number of those gaining knowledge about eating more healthy foods
- Number of those who reported eating more healthy foods
Total number of individuals reached through programming related to health and safety. Of the total number of individuals reached, please provide the following:
- Number of individuals who experience a change in knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding lifestyle changes (healthy home practices, managing stressors, etc.) that improve personal health.
- Number of individuals who made lifestyle changes (healthy home practices, managing stressors, etc.) that improve personal health.
- Number of individuals who experience a change in knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, or preparation of food (safe preservation techniques, hand washing, following time and temperature guidelines).
- Number of individuals who implement recommended practices for the safe storage, handling, or preparation of food (safe preservation techniques, hand washing, following time and temperature guidelines).
- Number of individuals implementing personal health protection practices appropriate for their life cycle state. (screening, immunizations, well-baby care, preventive health practices, etc.)
CES Goal 5 - Life Skill Development
Stimulate the acquisition of life skills needed by young people and adults in reaching their full potential as both individuals and members of families.
- Number of youth or adults who demonstrate informed and effective decision-making.
- Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skill, or aspirations related to money management.
- Number of people who implement at least one financial management strategy (checking credit report, developing a spending plan, etc.)
- Number of individuals adopting one or more practices to reduce debt or increase savings.
- Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skill, or aspirations related to parenting or personal relationships.
- Number of dependent care providers (adult or child care providers) reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations as a result of programs conducted by Extension.
Indicator: 1. Number of people who become involved in the governmental process.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(I) Local community leaders will apply skills to assess needs, develop programs, and implement solutions for community problems / KEHA County Council/
Activities / 270 / KEHA Program of Work questions;
Observation of KEHA/FCS Council program implementation plans / August - July
(I): Implement one or more practices that will improve disaster preparedness and home safety
(I): Assess the cost savings and/or benefits associated with newly adopted practices related to disaster preparedness and home safety
(I): Demonstrate skills to improve disaster preparedness and home safety
(I): Participate in an activity or event that improves the built or natural environment / KEHA Focus on the Home: Preparedness Lesson / 250 / Pre/post questionnaire / Beginning and end of program
Indicator:2. Number of people who are involved in addressing significant community issues.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(LT): Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.
(LT): Kentucky communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership. / Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program (KELD) Unit 1 / 270 / Observation of leaders who implement projects / July - June
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program (KELD) Unit 2 / 270 / Observation of demonstrated leadership for community project management (committees, councils, etc.) / July -June
Policy changes that address obesity, physical inactivity, and promotion of poor nutrition / 210 / Number of local policy changes as a result of Extension programs / July - June
Policy changes that address hunger and food access issues / 260 / Number of local policy changes as a result of Extension programs / July - June
(LT): Kentucky families are able to care for the physical and mental health and well‐being of each individual over the long term / Communities Support Military Families / 220 / Pre and post survey; Follow-up checklist on actions taken and results / Beginning and end of program
Indicator: 3. Number of ongoing coalitions with which Extension is involved.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(I): Strengthen community coalitions or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity, and chronic disease. / 2nd Sunday / 210 / Online survey; # of physical activity opportunities; # of people in attendance / October: End of event online survey
Diabetes Coalitions / 213 / # of diabetes coalitions; # people in attendance / July - June
Early Childhood Councils / 220 / # of Early Childhood Councils, # of people in attendance / July - June
Indicator: 4. Number of new coalitions formed as a result of Extension efforts
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(I): Strengthen community coalitions or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity, and chronic disease. / New coalitions developed / 210
270 / # of new coalitions formed; # people in attendance / July - June
Indicator:5. Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skills or aspirations related to economic or enterprise development.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(ST): Increase knowledge and understanding of
healthy eating, food safety and food resource
management / Home-based Micro-processing Training / 263 / End of program test / July - June
(ST): Change knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes to improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices. / Basic Life Skills
Real Skills for Everyday Life series / 240 / ProgramEvaluation instrument, Parts 1 & 2 / End of each session
Indicator:6. Number of individuals who make a lifestyle change for the purpose of improving water and/or natural resources.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(ST)Implement one or more practices that will improve going green, energy conservation, solid waste management, water conservation, home safety and/or built environment.
(ST) Demonstrate skills to improve going green, energy conservation, solid waste management, water conservation, home safety and/or built environment. / Going Green: Living an Environmentally Responsible Life Program / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Residential Rain Gardens Program / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Healthy Homes Program / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Indicator: 6. (Continued)Number of individuals who make a lifestyle change for the purpose of improving water and/or natural resources.
Outcomes / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
40 Gallon Challenge – Water Conservation Program / 250 / # of individuals pledged online at 40 Gallon Challenge website; # of gallons of water saved – online at 40 Gallon Challenge website / Beginning and end of program
Household Waste Management Lesson / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Managing Your Septic System Program / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Energy Use in the Home Lesson Plans / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Energy-wise Lighting Products and Practices / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Saving Energy and Money: Making the Most of Your Home and Landscape / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Saving Water Saves Money: Tips for Conserving Water at Home and in the Landscape / 250 / Pre/Post survey / Beginning and end of program
Indicator: 7. Number of citizens indicating increased leadership knowledge, skills or confidence through participation in leadership programs.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(ST): Kentuckians increase their knowledge and skills in personal leadership.
(ST): KEHA and FCS Advisory Council members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership. / Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program (KELD) Unit 1 / 270 / Lesson evaluation tools;
Number of people who completed specific lesson activities / Beginning and end of program; During lesson
Master Clothing Volunteer / 270 / Comments from MCV participants and observation of leadership skills in use / July - June
Champion Food Volunteer / 216 / Comments from CFV participants and observation of leadership skills in use / July - June
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program (KELD) Unit 2 / 270 / Lesson Evaluation tools / Beginning and end of Program
KEHA County Council/
Activities / 270 / Observation of members / July - June
Indicator: 8. Number of adults and youth utilizing improved skills in communication, problem solving or group process in addressing community issues and needs.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(I): Kentuckians will practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools, and community outreach.
(I): Volunteer leaders will use improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs. / Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program (KELD) Unit 1 / 270 / Participant observation of program planning exercises; Involvement in community development committees/ strategic planning;
KEHA Program of Work Questionnaire / During lesson/
July- June
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program (KELD) Unit 2 / 270 / Participant observation of KEHA county action plan development;
SWOT exercises;Strategic planning;
Member recruitment activities;
KEHA Program of Work Questionnaire / During lesson;
July- June
KEHA County Council/
Activities / 270 / KEHA Program of Work Questionnaire ;
Development of organizational resources, programs, etc. / July- June
(I): Practice skills to strengthen and
sustain relationships
(I): Accessed community agencies
when needed
(I): Engaged in community outreach
Activities / Communities Support Military Families / 220 / Pre and post survey; Follow-up checklist on actions taken and results / Beginning and end of program
Indicator: 9. Of the total number of families/caregivers reached with information on the importance of a physically active lifestyle the number of families /caregivers reached that reported understanding the benefits of spending time together in physical activity.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(ST): Change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regardinghealthy lifestyle choices and practice and promotion of daily physical activity / Families on the Move / 210 / Online log with demographic data collection / Beginning and end of program
Get Moving Kentucky / 210 / Pre/post survey / July-June
2nd Sunday / 210 / Online survey; # of physical activity opportunities; # of people in attendance / October: End of event online survey
Early Care and Education Child Care Training by certified agents / 220 / Training resources and
assessments provided by Kentucky Training Into Practice Project (TIPP) and adapted Extension evaluation tools / July-June
Body Works / 210 / Questionnaire on healthy eating habits; Pre and post evaluation exercises / Beginning and end of program
Indicator: 10. Of the total number of families/caregivers reached with information on the importance of a physically active lifestyle the number of families/caregivers reached that reported spending time in physical activity.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(I): Practice of physical activity in families and communities and decreased time spent on sedentary behaviors
(LT): Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily
(I)Practice of physical activity in families and communities and decreased time spent on sedentary behaviors
(I)Changes related to obesity, physical activity, and healthy eating.
(LT) Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily / Families on the Move / 210 / Online log with demographic data collection / Beginning and end of program
Get Moving Kentucky / 210 / Pre/post survey / July-June
2nd Sunday / 210 / Online survey; # of physical activity opportunities; # of people in attendance / October: End of event online survey
Body Works / 210 / Questionnaire on healthy eating habits; Pre and post evaluation exercises / Beginning and end of program
Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes / 213 / Featured Program Questions / Beginning and end of program
Indicator: 11. Number of environmental changes implemented to support physical activity guidelines in the county.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(LT): Decrease physical Inactivity
(LT): Improve healthy homes and communities
(LT): Improve quality of life for KY families
(LT): Become a state leader in aging education / Stand Up to Falling / 231 / Featured program questions / July-June
(LT): Improve the built and natural environment to increase active healthy lifestyles / 2nd Sunday / 210 / Online survey; # of physical activity opportunities; # of people in attendance / October: End of event online survey
Indicator: 12. Of the total number of families/caregivers reached with information on accessing healthy foodsthe number of families/caregivers reached that gained knowledge about eating more healthy foods.
(ST) Short-term/KOSA
(I)Intermediate/Behavior/ Practice
(LT) Long-term/SEEC / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
ST): New mothers and those who support them increase knowledge about the health and economic benefits of breastfeeding. / March of Dimes Pregnancy Toolkit / 260 / Program Evaluation Questionnaire / July-June
UK CES NEP maternal nutrition information / 260
262 / NEERS (NEP) Reports / Quarterly
USDA or KDPH materials / 260
262 / Program Evaluation Questionnaire / July-June
Early Care and Education Child Care Training by certified agents / 220 / Training resources and
assessments provided by Kentucky Training Into Practice Project (TIPP) and adapted Extension evaluation tools / July-June
(ST): Learn to grow, prepare and preserve food
(ST): Learn to incorporate unfamiliar foods or foods not currently eaten into a healthy diet
(ST): Kentuckians increase knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, food safety, and food resource management. / Small Steps to Health and Wealth / 241 / Small Steps to Health and Wealth Online Challenge Database; lesson evaluation questionnaire / July-June; Beginning and end of program
Demonstration gardens, including container gardens; Gardening programs / 260
262 / Gardening and Food Preservation Survey
gardensurvey.pdf / April - October
Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes / 213 / Featured Program Questions / Beginning and end of program
Indicator: 12. (Continued) Of the total number of families/caregivers reached with information on accessing healthy foods thenumber of families/caregivers reached that gained knowledge about eating more healthy foods.
Outcomes / Program / PAC Code / Method / Timeline
(ST) Change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding healthy lifestyle choices, adult weight management, practice and promotion of daily physical activity or reduction of chronic disease / Food Preservation Programs / 260