Daniel Savetilik, Sr. Annual Lay Ministry Award
Introduction: This award was instituted at the ECCAK Annual Meeting in Koyuk, Alaska, Mar. 6, 2003. The intent of this award is to annually recognize local Covenant lay persons who have made significant contribution to ministry in Alaska over many years of faithful service. The award is named after Daniel Savetilik, Sr. a faithful leader and servant for many years in the Shaktoolik Covenant Church.
Award Criteria: Each church/institution can nominate one individual. Nominations should be made in writing and submitted to the ECCAK office by Jan. 15 of each year. Nominations should be a one page narrative description of the contributions of the individual. Emphasis in the narrative should focus on:
- Number of years the individual has served. The idea is to recognize a perons(s) who has a lengthy history of service.
- Local church involvement. How have they faithfully been serving and in what capacity?
- Regional involvement. In what ways has this person influenced and served their region?
Nominations should include first and last name of nominee and first and last name of the person submitting the name with telephone and email. This will help in case there are some questions about the nomination narrative.
Selection Process: Nomination forms will be submitted to the ECCAK General Council once they are received in the ECCAK office. The ECCAK General Council will review the nominations and select one person for the award annually. The person will be presented to the Annual Meeting for recognition and acceptance of the award.
Daniel Savetilik Award
Past Recipients
NameYear ReceivedLocation
Maggie Olson (Golovin)2004Eagle River
Alfred Adams (Koyuk)2005Mountain Village
David Kaganak (Scammon Bay)2006Unalakleet
Irene Kavairlook (Koyuk)2007Fairbanks
Byron Ulak (Scammon Bay)2008Soldotna- ACC
Al & Sharon Finifrock (Soldotna)2009Hooper Bay
Lloyd & Chris Perrigo (Nome)2010Nome
Eula David (Bethel)2011Anchorage
Henry & Hilma Shavings (ANC)2012Unalakleet
Abraham Anasogak2013Mekoryuk
Ralph & Gert Fondell2014Fairbanks
Daniel Savetilik Award Nomination Form:
Today’s date: ______
Name of person to be nominated: ______
Hometown: ______
- Share about the number of years served: ______
- Share about local church involvement:
- Share about regional involvement:
Submitted by: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______