Application to Limit the Number of Pupils Enrolled
In a Charter School
Pursuant to NAC 386.353(1)(c)
In general, a charter school, as a public school, must enroll pupils and begin providing instruction to them at the time they seek enrollment. Charter schools, as public schools, in general may not “close” enrollment, and may not defer enrollment or provision of instruction to some future date.
However, NAC 386.353(1)(c) clarifies how a distance education charter school, under certain circumstances, may limit enrollment to “a specified number of pupils.” One of the methods by which a distance educationcharter school may limit enrollment to a specified number of pupils is by obtaining written permission from the Superintendent of Public Instruction (Superintendent). This document is the NAC 386.353(5) “form prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction” that must be submitted to the Superintendent for:
- Written permission to limit the enrollment to “aspecified number of pupils”; or
- A waiver from the requirement to enroll a pupil from the school’s enrollment waiting list.
This application must be submitted to the Superintendent not later than the first day of the school year, and must be resubmitted annually for any school year the school wishes to limit the number of pupils enrolled.
Name of charter school submitting this application:______
Date of application submission:______
Date of Governing Body meeting at which action was taken to identify whether the application is for:
- Permission to limit enrollment to a specified number, and determination of what that number is; or
- A waiver from the requirement to enroll a pupil from the enrollment waiting list.
Meeting date:______
Check one, A or B, below:
- This is an application for written permission from the Superintendent of Public Instruction to limit the enrollment of pupils in the charter school to a specified number of pupils.
That number is ______
- This is an application for a waiver from the Superintendent of Public Instruction from the requirement to enroll a pupil from the school’s enrollment waiting list.
Attach to this application:
Documentation that the charter school has entered into an agreement with a provider of software for a program of education used in the school,
Documentation which demonstrates that the enrollment of additional pupils in the school will be an undue financial burden on the school; if this is a request for a waiver (B, above), the documentation required under this part must clarify that the software provider charges the school whenever a new pupil enrolls regardless whether the overall number of pupils (due to one pupil withdrawing from the school and another from the enrollment waiting list enrolling in the school) remains the same.
Submission of this application to the Superintendent is authorized by the President of the charter
school’s Governing Body (print name):______
Governing Body President’s signature:______
Date of signature:______