Meeting:Annual General Meeting

Date:20 October 2016

Location:Marriott Hotel, Leicester

Present:Fiona Ballantine Dykes (FAB Chair),Christine Assheton (OCN West Midlands), Mark Buckton (Cskills Awards),John Bussey (MPQC), Joanne Butcher (NCTJ), Patrick Craven (City and Guilds), Nick Cutland (ILM), Janet Dawson (NEBOSH), Sarah Edmonds (Active IQ), Paul Eeles (ABC Awards/ASDAN), Terry Fennell (FDQ), Matthew Forster (WSET), David Gittins (Laser Learning Awards), David Grailey (NCFE), Fiona Grant (ABC Awards), Sarah Hardwick (ASDAN), Lyn Jones (NCTJ), Patricia Land (OTHM Qualifications), Rob May (YMCA Awards), Frances McCabe (ISMM), John McNamara (Innovate Awarding Organisation), Julie Mizal (Open Awards), Jenny Patrickson (Active IQ),Lindsay Price (Ascentis),Diane Sammon (Ascentis),Kevin Shakespeare (Institute of Export), Carol Snape (Gateway Qualifications), James Stephenson (CERTA), Vida Stewart (Laser Learning Awards),James Stockdale (CISI), Fiona Summers (YMCA Awards),Debbie Tuckwood (CICM), Lynn Tully (SQA), Paul Turner (CII), Gregory Warman (Vetskill), Mandy Wells (CIBTAC), Linda Wyatt (Aim Awards)

Observer:Stephen Vickers (FAB European Officer), Marianne Phillips (Consultant),

In attendance: Stephen Wright,Ailin O’Cathain, Karen Daws and Jacques Wood (FAB),


  1. Welcome and apologies

The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting.

  1. Minutes of meeting held 22 October 2015and matters arising

The minutes of the last AGM were a true and accurate reflection. The motion to accept the minutes was proposed by Linda Wyatt (Aim Awards) and seconded by Paul Eeles (ABC Awards).

  1. To consider the Directors’ Report on FAB activity 2014-15

Fiona Ballantine Dykes, FAB Chair, presented some headline points for activity inthe 2015-16 strategic and financial year and reported the member position as at end July 2016.

Key points included:

  • A year of change, with the Sainsbury/post 16 skills plan, changes to Apprenticeships, diverging regions and a merging between BIS and DfE.
  • Robert Halfon appointed at Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills in the Department for Education, replacing Nick Boles MP as our key ministerial contact.
  • Membership stands at 139 Members of which 123 are full members and 16 are associate members. Of the full members, 63 are band 1, 24 are band 2, 19are band 3 and 17are band 4. 116 are recognised and7 are unrecognised.

The FAB team are looking at the current structure of the group meetings and they may be run slightly differently going forwards to ensure that there isn’t overlap across the groups and that they cover issues in a timely manner.

The motion to accept the Directors report was received on a show of hands of those present.

  1. To receive the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2015
    The Treasurer, Stephen Vickers, stood down from the Board earlier this year and in the absence of their being a Treasurer, Stephen Wright, FAB’s Chief Executive, provided an overview on FAB’s finances for the year ended 31 July 2016.

•The financial position is healthy and FAB returns to a profit. A profit of just over £12K against a budgeted breakeven.

•We are still dependent on membership fees but income from other areas of activity particularly conference and chargeable events is increasing.

•Membership income increased from £216K to just over £226K.

•Conference surplus increased from £40K to just under £49K.

•Training and chargeable events surplus increased from £23K to £25.5K.

•Staff costs remain the main expense at £225K – required to maintain a team of 4 staff and to deliver member services. This is down slightly on last year during which there was a handover period between chief executives.

•The office move has resulted in a small rent increase from just over £20K to £29K.

•Website fees decreased from £6.2K to less than £1K which was to maintain the website developed in the last financial year.

The Board thanked Kris Todd from NCFE for undertaking the sense check of FAB’s accounts.

The motion to formally accept the financial statement was proposed by Frances McCabe(ISMM) and seconded by Patrick Craven (City and Guilds).

  1. To confirm the election of Chair and Directors

The Chair confirmed that FAB held the poll for elections in advance of the AGMas in previous years. The Electoral Reform Service (ERS) was used again this year to add greater independence to the process. Elections were held for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and four Director vacancies.

Fiona Ballantine Dykes confirmed the election of Paul Eeles as Chair of FAB and Terry Fennell as Vice Chair of FAB.

There were no nominations received for the Treasurer vacancy and the Board will co-opt to fill the position following the AGM.

For the four Director vacancies, in no order, Sarah Edmonds, Rob May, James Stockdale and Vida Stewart received the highest number of votes in the election.

The motion to accept the election of the Chair, Vice Chair and fourDirectors was proposed by Paul Turner (CII) and seconded by Nick Cutland (ILM).

  1. Any other business

There was no other business.

Tags: AGM 2016, minutes.