Teacher: White / Grade & Subject:
4th Writing / Week of:
10/13-10/17 / Unit & Essential Questions:
The Writing Process / Personal Narratives
- What is the purpose of having a blueprint/game plan to follow when writing a text?
- Why is it important to use transitions when you compose a text?
- How does the central idea guide the reader’s understanding of the text?
- Why is it important to revise and edit?
- Why is it important to write developed (starred/webbed) paragraphs in a composition?
- What are some examples of authentic writing in everyday life?
- What are some things from the world around us that can inspire our writing?
- How do innovative introductions affect a composition?
- What are some techniques for writing memorable conclusions?
TEKS/Learning Objectives:
4.22(A) We will learn to spell words with more advanced patterns and rules.
I will spell words containing the oi sound and ou sound on the spelling skills check.
4.15 We will learn to use the elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.
I will revise drafts for coherence, organization, and use of simple and compound sentences.
I will edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
I will develop ideas and organize them into paragraphs.
We will learn the function and how to use academic language when writing compositions.
I will write compound and complex sentences correctly.
4.16 We are learning about primary and secondary settings.
I will use sensory language to describe the setting.
4.21(A) We will learn to use written conventions in our compositions.
I will write legibly by selecting cursive script or manuscript printing. / On-going TEKS/Activities:
MONDAY: Editing/Revising Passage “Biblioburro”
- Teacher models writing strategies as we work through the passage and questions together.
- Critically think and write about your answers in writing journal
Spelling Lesson Unit 9
- Spelling Strategy (oi and ou)
- Spelling Lesson Unit 9 Word Sort (Hands-on and Written)
- Discuss Distractor Factors
- Handwriting Lesson Letters i-e-u-w
Academic Vocabulary of Instruction:
Compound sentences, complex sentences, introduction, conclusion, setting, transition, object placement, adjective, adverb, conjunction, sensory language, word choice, rough draft,
- Compound sentence- Two simple sentences that can be joined using a conjunction and a comma.
- Complex sentence- A sentence that contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
- Introduction-Provides an interesting beginning to a piece of writing.
- Conclusion-Provides a thoughtful end to a piece of writing.
- Setting-When or where something takes place
- Adjective- words that modify or describe nouns and pronouns- tell which one, what kind of, and how many.
- Adverb- Words that modify or describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs- tell how, where, when, and to what extent.
- Conjunction- A word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses.
- Sensory Language- When the author uses details that appeal to the five senses.
- Word Choice- The author’s thoughtful use of precise vocabulary to fully convey meaning to the reader.
- Developed Writing-Each sentence builds off the sentence before it to extend a thought or topic.
- Transitions-Transitional words or phrases that help to sustain a thought or idea throughout the. They link sentences or paragraphs together smoothly so that there are not abrupt breaks between ideas.
- Object Placement- Brings the reader’s attention back to something (person, thought, quote) at the beginning of the story. Involves an emotional tug and causes the reader to reflect.
Supplementary Support:
Peer tutoring
Visuals (Graphic Organizer & Sentence Stems)
Shortened assignments
Small group
Extended time for completing assignments
Language Support:
Peer interaction
Modeling Revising/Editing “The Biblioburro”
Manipulatives (Graphic Organizer & Sentence Stem)
Side by Side Materials (Spelling List)
Grade Level Texts
Grade Level Writing
Champion Support:
Categorize (Spelling Unit 9 Word Sort “Beyond the Headers”)
Object Placement (PN ConcludingTechnique) (TWA white binder(pp.266-270)
Engage / Explore / Explain / Elaborate/Extend / Evaluate/Assess
Essential Question(s) & Hook / Instruction and Mini-Lesson / Guided Practice: / Independent Practice
(I do, we do, you do)
MONDAY / No school—Staff Development / .
TUESDAY / Yarn activity: starred paragraphs
Model: starred paragraph / Model writing strategies: Model/Analyze/Work together “The Biblioburro” as we work through the passage, questions, and answers together. / Students will develop a starred paragraph in their composition journal.
WEDNESDAY / Upgrade Introductions/Conclusions on Blueprint (p.157&208) /
- Complete rough draft on blueprint. Teacher continues to model how to write a personal narrative.
- Revise and Edit Rough Draft on blueprint.Teachermodels how to revise and edit a rough draft.
- Students will complete their own rough draft as teacher models.
- Students will revise and edit their rough draft as teacher models.
- Dictionary
- Thesaurus
- Advanced Writing Folder with examples
- Creative Transitional Devices
- Innovative Introduction Techniques List
- Memorable Endings Techniques List
- Students will write the final draft on the blueprint.
- Students will read/share their personal narrative with the class in an Author’s Spotlight.
FRIDAY / Spelling Unit 9 / Spell Check Unit 8