Marketing Plan for the Bachelor - MPH
SPHIS will roll out the new Bachelor-MPH program to undergraduate students. This will be done in collaboration with Communication and Marketing[PLW1][MSOffice2][S3].
I. Target audience
-Students with 45 credit hours of undergraduate course work
- Arts and Sciences
- Nursing
- Education
- Social Work[MSOffice4]
II. Goals and Timeline
-Planning: July, August, September
-Implementation: September, October, November
Key Dates
-2010 Summer schedule (ends Aug 9)
-Fall classes begin (August 23)
-Labor Day (Sept 6)
-Fall break (Oct 11 -12[MSOffice7][S8])[PLW9]
-Thanksgiving (Nov 24 – 28)
-Last Day of classes (Dec. 6)
-Exams (Dec 8– 14)
-2011 Spring classes begin (Jan 10)
b) Goals
-Distribute materials and sponsor events to inform students about the Bachelor-MPH[PLW10]
-Establish contact with students in September, October and November, prior to registration for Spring
-Develop materials for connectors (advisors, department chairs, etc)[PLW11][S12]
-Students enroll for the BA-MPH by the Spring of 2011
III. Define call to action for student
-Develop FAQ
- What steps does an interested person need to take?
- How can we make sure they get attention and questions answered?
- Make it easy on the student
-What information will we email students when they express interest?
- About SPHIS
- Define “what is public health”
- Define the job: what do public health workers do?
- How to apply and enroll
IV. Determine Messaging
What are the selling points?
-After just five years of school, graduate with a master’s degree in public health
-Workforce needs in the state and nation
-Opportunity for those interested in a career in healthcare
V. Strategies
- Website
- UofL home page coverage, UofL Today
- One-page document - Easy to read / eye catching
- Direct mail to students (cost)
- Direct email to students (email issues)
- Events w/ presentation for students (cost of food)
- Events w/ academic advisors and other connectors (cost of food)
- Ad in the Louisville Cardinal (see examples of SPHIS ads)
- Others [PLW13](brainstorm with committee[MSOffice14])
VI. Sample Content
Bachelor’s-MPH program approved: Briefly the program involves having undergraduates in the program take our five core courses at the graduate level (?) (15 credit-hours) prior to receiving their bachelor’s degree. They then finish their “first-year MPH courses” (eight credit-hours) in the summer and join the rising second-year MPH students and graduate with MPH degrees a year after getting their bachelor’s degree.
Background: Kentucky is known for its production of thoroughbred race horses, tobacco and bourbon. Not surprisingly, our state is also known for the negative health consequences of our signature industries. These include high morbidity and mortality rates for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, illnesses that can be prevented through public health education and intervention efforts. Like many other states, Kentucky also faces a public health workforce shortage and a lack of formal public health education for many members of the current workforce.
At the University of Louisville (UofL) School of Public Health and Information Sciences (SPHIS), we are working with administrators and professional development trainers at the Kentucky Department for Public Health to address the workforce shortage. Our efforts include partnering with pipeline institutions and existing healthcare facilities to offer experiential training opportunities, furthering broad participation in preparing tomorrow’s public health workforce.
According to the American Public Health Association (APHA), the demand for highly-educated public health professionals has sharply increased in response to the events of September 11, 2001 and other public health emergencies. Vacancy rates are as high as 20 percent in some state public health agencies and turnover rates have reached 14 percent in some parts of the nation.
[PLW1]Do we include any others? Such as A&S advising, Office of UG Affairs (Billingsley), etc.
[MSOffice2]I think the implication is that we and C&M will do the marketing. We will be marketing to those entities you mentioned Pete.
[S3]Resolved PLW
[MSOffice4]I agree with the list as well, and if we have to target our audience for efficiency, these are ones to go with.
[PLW5]How did you/we come up with these? I agree with the list but am wondering about process.
[S6]Resolved PLW
[MSOffice7]But undergrad campus does, and we’d just want to be aware of these dates if/when we are scheduling events.
[S8]Correct. My bad. W
[PLW9]SPHIS doesn’t observe fall break by vote of chairs and deans and AcadAffCmte.
[PLW10]I think we need buy-in well underway before we can start this. Comments?
[PLW11]I should read ahead farther.
[PLW13]Facebook. While I’m not a fan, it does work with this generation.